Who Robbed Your Power?

Let’s get down tothe crux of the matter.Today, the majority of the population is going through some kind of crisis, be it their physical or emotional health. In the last 20 to 30 years, we’ve seen a generally healthy and prosperous population deteriorate at an alarming rate. Is anyone paying attention? For example:

The rate of obesity in this country is out of control.

Diabetes is up 2000% or more.

Cardiovascular disease, including cholesterol imbalances and heart attacks, has increased dramatically.

One in 10 people are on some form of anxiety or antidepressant medication.

The incidence of medicated children due to hyperactivity or ADD is alarming.

Arthritis is rampant.

Allergic reactions are commonplace.

Gastritis and colitis are a global problem.

Cancer incidence is 1 in 10 or higher.

Designer diseases, which were non-existent before, such as Lupus and FIbromyalgia are diagnosed daily.

Sleeplessness, fatigue and a myriad of other ailments are now part of normality.

So, what is the solution? Go to the doctor? Take another pill that might temporarily alleviate the symptom and hope it doesn’t cause 10 more just as or more annoying? Or maybe we can have surgery to remove some part of our body we need?

Have we learned yet? Many of us have been down this frustrating road until finally we start taking charge or our own wellbeing and try to find solutions outside of the common, established path, so we may return eventually to our normal state of feeling good. You don’t need a college degree to realize that in order to eliminate an ailment, the quickest and most efficient common sense way is to find and eliminate the cause. Truth of the matter is, the only one who can cure us of anything is this marvelous body………… the only one who is capable of healing and repair. No doctor, healer or witch doctor can heal us of anything………..But, if we eliminated the cause…..magic begins to happen.

What if there was a way to learn, in approximately 20 hours of instruction, an easy, effective and highly accurate way to determine the exact cause of unbalance or dis-ease? What if there were simple solutions to reverse years of physical problems and a very simple and highly effective method of eliminating emotional stagnation? Would this be useful to you, your loved ones and your friends?

Well your search has reached its destination! Coming up in the Riverside area, the first training of:

Examining & Eliminating the Cause

E2C is a technique that uses muscle testing to find and correct causes of imbalances in the autonomic nervous system, the physical body’s organs and metabolic systems, the energetic body’s chakras & meridians, the emotional body’s belief system and the spiritual body’s ancestral system.

All disease is caused by lack of balance or homeostasis. Treating symptoms is as useless as killing the rats without getting rid of the garbage that attracts them. By using a simple and structured method of testing designated points, we can discover the root cause of imbalances and through their elimination, allow the person to reengineer itself to vibrant health and wellbeing.

The training will be given on in 2full days, Saturday and Sunday, giving you all the tools to provide you and your family and friends with:

The condition of their central nervous system – Any blockages here and it is impossible to obtain and lasting true healing. Eliminate these causes and gone are the sleepless nights, constant tiredness, digestive problems and inability to handle stress.

Deficiencies in organs, glands and systems – Simple steps to restore healthy flow and completely reverse long standing problems.

Identification of food intolerances – That are turning mealtimes into an immune reaction instead of a health and restoration function.

Why there has been gaining weight for years – And simple changes they can make to return to their ideal weight without hunger or strenuous exercise.

Unhealthy beliefs that are keeping them stuck – Creating a poor self-image, self-induced stress and defeatist attitude and have them eliminated in one session.

Any imbalances in the energy meridians – Which ones are reflecting back in on the physical side causing pain, inflammation and incapacity. How to correct these imbalances and recommend easy, practical methods to maintain healthy flow.

Many other causes of imbalance which are keeping them limited instead of thriving.

Basic Training

Basic training will cover the following topics:

  1. Principles of Muscle Testing: Why we use muscle testing, how and why it works, pitfalls and secrets to being effective, examples and practice.
  2. Basic Nutritional Concepts and Physiology: Autonomic Nervous System;why we are all so sick and the original human nutritional design; digestive system operation and sugar metabolism; magnesium, not calcium the key to bone and metabolic health; the endocrine system symphony; the forgotten adrenal glands as key to hormonal health; food intolerances and their effects.
  3. Nutritional Kinesiology: How to test and correct nutritional deficiencies, examples and practice.
  4. The Mind-Body Connection….. The Emotional Cause of Illness: Emotional toxins and their implication; how our biggest limitations were formed before the age of 10 and never get consciously corrected; metaphysical discovery andtheemotional causes of illness; releasing unproductive beliefs and emotional blockages.
  5. Emotional Kinesiology: How to test and correct emotional imbalances, examples and practice.
  6. Putting it all Together: How to conduct a full treatment session; when enough is enough; follow-up and further treatment; ethics and basic guidelines for staying out of trouble with the medical profession, etc……
  7. Practice sessions, questions and answers and wrap-up.

Basic Training Cost: $395, a $100 discount is allowed for advanced reservation.

Dates and Location: TBA………E-mail Bob Worthington at for further details………….

Instructor:Bob Worthington, Naturopath, CNC

Bob completed the requirements leading to a Naturopathic Doctorate degree from Clayton College of Natural Health, Certification as a Natural Health Professional from CHNP, a 2 year intensive Etheric Healing certification from the Corona Institute of Etheric Healing, Certification as a Nutrition Counselor from AANC, Training in Reconnective Healing and The Reconnection under Dr. Eric Pearl, Certification in Reflexology, and many week long and weekend courses on various other healing modalities, including:

Quantum Touch Healing – Riverside, CA

EMF Balancing Technique Phases I-VIII – Mexico City, Mexico

Raw Food Preparation, Newport Beach, CA

Mineral Transporters – El Paso, TX

SCENAR Applications – Dallas, TX and Los Angeles, CA

Spiritual Response Therapy - Mexico City, Mexico

Emotional Freedom Technique – Los Angeles, CA

Quantum Energetics – Budapest, Hungary

Emotional Complex Clearing – Riverside, CA

Theta Healing - Mexico City, Mexico

Resonant Field Imaging – Riverside, CA

Matrix Energetics I-III, Los Angeles, CA

Applications with Mineral Transporters – El Paso, TX

Testing for Immunity and Female Hormones – San Diego, CA

Advanced Practical Nutrition – Los Angeles, CA

Huna - Mexico City, Mexico

Applications in Phytotherapy – Los Angeles, CA

Practical Shamanism – Riverside, CA

Nutritional Response Testing – Los Angeles, CA

Meta-Medicine – Riverside, CA

Energy Medicine – Energy Tracker and Radiant Circuits – Mexico City, Mexico