Human Anatomy (Diaz- VMHS)
Review Questions –use any source available including book and internet.

1. Name the three major classes of muscle tissue.
2. What is the name for the plasma membrane of skeletal muscle?
3. What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum?
4. What is responsible for the striations in skeletal and cardiac muscle?
6. Name the four special characteristics of muscle tissue.
7. Name the 3 connective tissue wrappings around skeletal muscle.
8. What is an aponeurosis?
10. What is a sarcomere?
11. Draw a sarcomere and label the I band, A band, Z line, M line, H zone. Which bands and zones shorten with contraction and which ones do not?
12. Name the two main myofilaments in muscle. Which is thick and which is thin? Which is more numerous?
13. What are the roles of tropomyosin and troponin in the sliding filament theory? Name the subunits of troponin.
14. What is the name of the primary elastic filament in skeletal muscle?
15. Define the following: t-tubule, Neurotransmitters, sarcoplasmic reticulum,.
16. Write the steps involved in cross bridge cycling.
17. What is rigor mortis? What is the cause?
18. List the steps involved in skeletal muscle contraction from the motor end plate to movement at the cross bridge.
19. How does curare cause death?
20. What is the refractory period when addressing muscle contraction? How can muscle contraction be so smooth despite a refractory period?
21. What is responsible for ending the acetylcholine signal?
22. What is excitation-contraction coupling?
24. Define motor unit.
25. Name one key factor contributing to muscle fatigue during prolonged tetanus.
26. How do we recruit more muscle fibers within a whole muscle? What is the size principle?
27. Define concentric, eccentric and isometric muscle contractions.
28. Name the three metabolic systems used to provide ATP for muscle contraction.
29. How might creatine phosphate supplementation increase work capacity of skeletal muscle?
30. All of the non-contractile structures of muscle are collectively called
33. What is atrophy?
34. What is peristalsis?
35. If each smooth muscle cell does not have its own neuronal connection, how is it stimulated?
37. What is hyperplasia? To what degree might it occur in skeletal muscle as compared to smooth muscle?
38. Define the following clinical terms: hernia, spasm, cramp.
40. Which muscle, when paralyzed, disables a person from reaching their arm above their head?
41. Which muscle is necessary for forcefully opening the lid of a jar or turning a doorknob?