Aurora High School
Miss Pavicic, Room 110
Welcome to Human Anatomy and Physiology! This is a college preparatory course designed for students interested in pursuing a career in a science-related area, health profession, or who simply have an interest in anatomy and physiology. The focus of this course will be applying previously learned concepts of Biology to the structure and function of the various organ systems, along with their interrelationship and homeostatic abilities in the human body. Prerequisites for this course include college preparatory Biology in addition to college preparatory Chemistry, which may be taken concurrently. Below is an outline of the various units, course topics, and corresponding textbook chapters.
Unit #1An Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology – Chapter 1
Unit #2 Cells and Tissues - Chapter 3 and 4
Unit # 3 The Integumentary System- Chapter 5
Unit #4 The Skeletal System- Chapter 6
Unit #5 Joints- Chapter 6
Unit #6 The Muscular System- Chapter 7
Unit #7 The Nervous System- Chapter 8
Unit #8 The Endocrine System- Chapter 10
Unit #9 The Cardiovascular System: Blood- Chapter 11
Unit #10 The Cardiovascular System: The Heart- Chapter 11
Unit #11 The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Circulation- Chapter 11
Unit #12 The Lymphatic System and Immunity- Chapter 14
Unit #13 The Respiratory System- Chapter 15
Unit #14 Introduction to Digestion – Chapter 2
Unit #15 The Digestive System- Chapter 16
Unit #16 Metabolism and Energetics- Chapter 17
Unit #17 Cell Membrane and Transport- Chapter 3
Unit #18 The Urinary System- Chapter 18
Unit #19 The Reproductive System- Chapter 19
Unit #20 Development- Chapter 20
- Be respectful to your fellow classmates, teacher, and yourself at all times.
- Be in your seat and prepared for class to begin before the bell rings.
- Bring your textbook, binder, and writing utensils to class EVERY DAY. These three items are a MUST.
- Be an active participant in class, and ALWAYS raise your hand when asking questions or responding.
- Use appropriate classroom language. Profanity and improper language will not be tolerated.
- Lab rules and procedures must be followed and will be strictly enforced. Be prepared to perform cat dissections and to view graphic human body images.
- Absolutely no cell phones are permitted. Procedure as listed in the student handbook will be enforced upon their presence.
- Using the restroom, going to the office, visiting a counselor, etc. should only be done if urgent. Unless requested by an administrator, teacher, or counselor, you must use a homework pass upon leaving the classroom. Once all homework passes have been used, you will be required to meet me after school or in the morning for 15 minutes if you have left the classroom during class.
- All rules as stated in the student handbook will be enforced.
- Have a positive attitude!
65% Summative Assessments
15% Formative Assessments
10% Laboratory work
10% Classwork and Homework
**There will be no extra credit opportunities available
The district grading scale will be used. (No class curve)
A 100-89.5B 89.4-79.5C 79.4-69.5D 69.4-59.5F 59.4-0
Late work due to an excused absence will be accepted without penalty if it is turned in on the day you return to school.You will receive twoHomework Passes per quarter. You may use these passes to turn in late work without a penalty. All other late work will be a zero.This will be strictly enforced. Passes can also be used for using the restroom, going to the office, visiting a counselor, etc. Once all homework passes have been used, you will be required to meet me after school or in the morning for 15 minutes if you have left the classroom during class.
To ensure success in Human Anatomy and Physiology, it is essential that you attend class on a regular basis. If you are absent, you are responsible for making up all work/assignments missed.
Using the restroom, going to the office, visiting a counselor, etc. should only be done if urgent. Not being in class for the entire 50 minute period will disrupt your ability to be successful, and may be disruptive to your classmates. See Classroom Expectations for more details.
I LOVE helping my students! I am very flexible and available on most days. Please contact me verbally or via email if you would like to meet with me so we can arrange a time. Frequent formative assessments will given throughout each unit to help you identify what you know and still need to review. Please use these assessments as a guide to seek me for help when necessary!
Cheating will be detrimental to your success in Human Anatomy and Physiology and will not be tolerated. The following acts of cheating will result in disciplinary actions as outlined in the student handbook:
- Passing calculators during a test, quiz, or other assessment.
- Copying someone else’s test, quiz, homework, assignment, or report.
- Allowing someone to copy from your test, quiz, homework, assignment, or report.
- Looking at notes during a test, quiz, or other assessment.
- Sharing questions from a test with students who have yet to take the test.
- Listing someone else’s data without giving credit, or worse, making up data to fit the expected answer. It is acceptable to present your own data, to state the reasons that you feel the results should be disregarded, and then to present another student’s data (making sure the source is acknowledged).
- Using opinions, facts, ideas, charts, data and direct quotes from research papers, newspapers, magazines, textbooks, websites, or another person without citing the source.
Unit Summative Examsare given once per unit and will reflect the standards of theAurora High School Human Anatomy and Physiology Curriculum Standards. They will be detailed and comprehensive, including multiple-choice, labeling of human body diagrams, and essay questions.
Frequent formative assessments will be given to allow for proper intervention to help ensure your success on the Unit Summative Exams. There will be no retakes.(Refer to EXTRA HELP above)
Laboratory workwill be directly aligned with the topics discussed in class. Be prepared to perform cat dissections and to view graphic human body images.
Homework will be given almost every day. Please review my Late Workpolicy.
The Human Anatomy and Physiology course provides an in-depth curriculum that will enable you to learn more about yourself and others. Whether you are interested in a science-related field, health profession, or simply have an interest in anatomy and physiology, this course is guaranteed to be a rewarding learning experience. I am very excited to experience this journey with you, and am looking forward to an excellent school year!
Please sign below after you have read and agree to what has been stated above, in addition to the Aurora High School Science Safety Contract:
Student ______
Parent email______
Parent phone number______
*guidelines are subject to change at anytime as set by Miss Pavicic.