Hull Wyke Round Table
Minutes of 43rd AGM
7th April 2009
Ian Grantham
None. Gerard Toplass and Paul Weeks did not attend. Gerard was at a football match and, in the words of Dominic, Paul was topping up his tan on holiday.
Loyal Toast:
Richard Storey
Minutes of Last Meeting:
Read by David Hextall
Reports from Officers
Chairman – Richard Storey
Richard said that he had enjoyed his year and reflected on when he had spat his dummy out a few months previously by saying that he was going to resign. He thought that the year had gone well as attendances were up. We have not had the same arguments over finances. Most are now on direct debits. 2 new members, Dominic and Paul, had reservations at first but these see to have been overcome. The fundraising events all went well and, whilst the Bonfire was down because of the weather, it has still been a success.
After some heckling, Richard was asked to say something funny. He then started to go around the table thanking everyone but soon got bored as passed over to Ian.
Vice Chairman – Ian Grantham
Ian said that he thought that he should set out his vision. It was then pointed out that this was perhaps a bit premature as he hadn’t been elected as Chairman yet! He then talked about the forthcoming twinning with San Marino.
Secretary – David Hextall
We started the year with 23 members (if you include Phil Kirkham, who took an honorarium at the start of the year) plus the president. Ian Altass has retired and Phil Kirkham has been kicked out. Garry Hart has joined. This leaves the membership at 22 plus the president.
Malcolm Daddy was the president up until the end of July 2008 when Neil Booker took over the role.
The attendance figures were read out. Top were Chris Booker, Neil Fraser, Ian Grantham and Richard Storey, who each attended 24 out 26 meeting - being 92%. Bottom were Anthony Clappison and Andy Dearman with 10 out of 26, being 38%, closely followed by Jeremy Stead, Alex Taylor and Paul Weeks, who were all below 60%.
The meeting then degenerated into a discussion about the 60% rule and membership numbers with Ian Altass, in particular, offering words of wisdom.
Treasurer – Mike Holgate
Not present
Publicity / Webmaster – Jon Royle
The highest number of hits was on 28th October 2008, when the website got 5,067 hits. The second highest was 2,324 to see Richard Storey in his ‘mankini’ with his spuds hanging out.
International – Alex Taylor
Alex said that about 5 years ago he went to San Marino and had a fantastic time. Last year he had suggested a trip to the ‘beer-fest’ in Germany but there were not enough takers because of the San Marino trip that had already been arranged. He said that he though that people should no longer regard San Marino as an international trip; it should be regarded as something separate and extra. He said that he did not think that it was in the spirit of Table to visit the same place every year and would be proposing a trip to the Bull Run in Italy. Details would be circulating very soon.
Community Service – Paul Burman
Paul thanked everyone for their support and reported that, despite the bad weather, the bonfire had broken even.
Sales – Ian Altass
Ian said that for the second year running he had had a fantastic year in sales (!). He said that he had sold 4 badges at the 1st meeting after the last AGM and had given 90% of the sale stock to San Marino as it was worthless. There was £30 cash in the sales box, which was in his kitchen.
Sports – Jeremy Stead
Jeremy said that he had tried to organise events but no events had taken place as he had not received any support. Ian Altass then showed us his tattoo, which many thought looked like a cheeseburger.
Area – Jamie Austin
Jamie reported that has had also done f-all and had left area to itself.
Entertainments – Gerard Toplass
Gerard was not present. Richard Storey said that the Chairman’s Party, Dinner Dance, Summer Ball and Charter Night had all gone well.
Speaker Finder – Neil Fraser
Election of Officers
The following were elected:
ChairmanIan Grantham
Vice-ChairmanJohn Royle. Anthony Clappison also stood for this post. A secret ballot was conducted with 16 people voting. The result was 9 each!! Anthony then withdrew.
SecretaryDavid Hextall
TreasurerNeil Frazer
Webmaster & PublicityGarry Hart
InternationalAlex Taylor
CSJamie Austin
SalesJeremy Stead
SportsMike Holgate
AreaMike Sanderson
EntertainmentIan Altass. Gerard Toplass has also put himself forward but Ian was elected on a show of hands.
Speaker FinderPaul Weeks
Presentation of Jewels and Tankards
The Tabler of the Year trophy was presented to Chris Booker.
Ian Altass was presented with a tankards and a long membership medal, having joined table in 1991 and retired at the pre-AGM meeting.
Any other business:
John Royle started a discussion about the capitation proposal from National, being to increase it to £95. It was agreed that we could not set our own capitation until we know what is resolved at National level.
The next meeting will be at home at Lazaats in 2 weeks.
Master at Arms:
Mike Sanderson
Toast to RTBI:
11.55 pm
Minutes taken by:
David Hextall (Secretary)