Hull Collaborative Academy Trust

Anlaby Road, Kingston upon Hull, HU4 6DT (SatNav HU4 6DJ)

Telephone: (01482) 351150

Headteacher: Katie Beal BEd (Hons)


Website: www.eastfieldprimaryschool.co.uk

Twitter: @EastfieldPS

9th January 2017

Dear Parents

We would just like to take this opportunity to say a huge welcome to the Spring term. We hope that your child will continue to find the work we shall be covering even more stimulating and exciting!

Our Topic this term is “Would you rather be an Invader or a Settler?” The children will be learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. The Internet and local Libraries are full of information about our topic and we actively encourage you to share your child’s interest in their work. We will also be learning about Sound and Electricity in Science, writing stories, poems, non-chronological reports and explanations in English and continuing to develop our Maths by using and applying our skills in Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. It is now a national expectation that children know their times tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.

Throughout 2017, we will also be participating in a range of activities linked to the City of Culture. The theme for this term is ‘Made in Hull.’ With links to our topic, we will be researching the Hull boat trade and comparing modern boats with those used by the Vikings. As part of this research, we will be taking a trip to Hull Marina and be completing the Hull Fish Trail.

Your child will continue to be given English, Spelling and Maths homework on a Friday. All children will be expected to complete and return this on time and keep their work well presented. We are sure that you will want to support us in ensuring that it is completed and returned by the date specified each week, as homework plays an integral and important part of the curriculum. Failure to return or complete it has a huge impact on continuity and progress for the whole group/class. We would also like to ask you to continue to support your child by reading regularly with them at home at least four times a week. It is important to ask the children questions about the passage they have read to check that they understand the meaning of the book. Can we also ask that you continue to initial the ‘home reading diary’ each time your child has read. Please ensure your child brings their reading book and record to school EVERYDAY!

Your child will also continue to learn to play either the violin or the cello through the ‘Wider Opportunities’ music programme. These are whole class music lessons run by musical experts from the Hull Music Hub. These lessons allow the children to learn to play the Violin and the Cello every Wednesday for one hour.

The children will have 1 indoor PE lesson and 1 outdoor PE lesson each week. The correct indoor PE kit consists of black shorts, plain white t-shirt and sandshoes. Your child will be able to wear a tracksuit and trainers during outdoor lessons. Please ensure your child does not wear earrings on PE days unless they can remove them themselves or cover them with tape. Children who forget their PE kit will be given lost property so they can still participate. PE is a key part of the curriculum. Our timetabled PE days are:

4LD - Monday and Wednesday

4JH - Wednesday and Thursday

4HM - Tuesday and Friday

PLEASE NOTE the PE days are subject to change. Thank you for your co-operation.

As part of the new “house point” reward system, Children will be rewarded “house points” in their classroom for various things including good behaviour, kindness and politeness, being restorative and using general positive behaviour around school. In addition these will be awarded for good work and attitude, reading at home, wearing PE kit and returning homework on time. We hope that this encourages the children to strive for higher goals and targets, as well as promoting the value of working as a team.

Your continued support in the education of your child is both valued and much appreciated. If you have any questions or wish to have a quick chat about any aspect of Year 4 please see your child’s teacher to arrange a mutually convenient time. We are always happy to help.

Kind Regards,
Mrs Hussey, Mrs Dunlin and Miss Martin.

Hull Collaborative Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number 08542806), whose registered office is at C/O Eastfield Primary School, Anlaby Road, Hull, HU4 6DT.