Huffman Raiders

Parents on Patrol!


Huffman Middle School

517 Huffman Road

Birmingham, AL 35215


Greeting Parents and Guardians,

Huffman Middle School is implementing a Parents on Patrol Program as part of our school safety plan. We believe parents partnering with the school equals success for students! Parental involvement is a vital component in maintaining a positive school culture. With parents patrolling our building, we have extra sets of eyes to help ensure students receive the maximum benefit of their education by being in the classroom or authorized designated areas at all times. We believe parents will help minimize occurrences and maximize a positive school experience for all students at Huffman Middle School.

Please read the following information and return your volunteer form to your child’s homeroom teacher or the main office by Monday, August 10, 2015.

Thanks in advance,

School Improvement Committee

Huffman Middle School


Huffman Middle School

Parents on Patrol Program


We hope the following information will help you understand the Parents on Patrol Program and our decision to implement it at Huffman Middle School. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Willis, Assistant Principal and School Safety Coordinator at 231-5386.

We have made a commitment to see this program flourish with full parent participation so that our school community has a visible presence in helping keep our children safe.

  1. What are my responsibilities while I am on patrol?

Your main responsibility is to be a visible presence, on at an established location in the building, not only for your children but for all children in the school school. Your presence is a deterrent to a potential situation that may be lurking for meandering children. You are keeping a watchful eye for any potential concerns that may warrant authoritative action or a call to 911. The mechanics of the patrol are simple: you are expected to sign in ten minutes before you begin your patrol, wear your P.O.P. shirt, pick up the patrol map and schedule, and sign out when your patrol time is finished. You will not have a walkie – talkie, so your cell phone is a critical component to getting help quickly (If needed.)

  1. How will I know when it is my turn to patrol?

Please be aware that your child will receive the parent patrol calendar one month in advance. You may also find a copy of the parent patrol calendar on the school website.

  1. What are the times I am required to patrol?

The daily time to patrol 7:15 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. We are asking parents to sign up to patrol for at least one hour (ex: 1-2p.m.). You may volunteer for as many days as you are available!

  1. What if I have more than one child at Huffman Middle School?

No matter the number of children you have enrolled at Huffman Middle School, you will only be assigned to patrol one grade level each year.

  1. Are my children allow to come with me while I am on patrol?

When you are patrolling, your children must be in their designated classroom. They should not miss any instruction or leave an authorized area to stand on patrol with you.

  1. Do I need to report on duty if it is raining?

Yes, you will be expected to patrol. However, depending on the weather, Mr. Willis will advise you on the designated ending time.

  1. What if I can’t patrol on my designated day?

It is the designated parent’s responsibility to contact another parent on any grade level to arrange for coverage for that assigned day. You may use the Community Telephone Directory. If you cannot get your post covered, please call the main office to advise.

  1. Can I sign up anytime during the school year?

Yes, you can sign up any time during the school year. If your availability changes please fill out a new form so we can properly schedule your patrol.

We thank you in advance for your continued support for this and all the programs that help define the mission of Huffman Middle School and its commitment to its students.

Huffman Middle School


Parents on Patrol Program

Volunteer Sheet

Parent’s Name ______Date ______

Child’s Name ______Grade ______


Contact Numbers:

Home ______Cell ______Work ______

Volunteer Availability: Please (x) any times and days you are able to volunteer.

Monday ___Tuesday ____ Wednesday ____ Thursday _____Friday ______

7:15 – 8:15 ______11:15 – 12:15 _____

8:15 – 9:15 ______12:15 – 1:15 _____

9:15 – 10:15 _____ 1:15 – 2:15 _____

10:15 – 11:15 ____ 2:15 – 3:15 _____