By Jenna Excell,

© Copyright J C Excell, 2012. You are welcome to use any SewHappyGeek tutorial for personal use. You are even welcome to make a couple to sell, but you are not given permission to use my pictures or my words without giving me credit and linking back to the original. You are NEVER allowed to copy an entire tutorial or post.
Sometimes my pictures have my family in them and they are never intended for public use. Also, I work very hard to provide free tutorials for my lovely readers, and anyone copying or selling my tutorials is guilty of copyright infringement.

For this block you will need 4 families of fabric. The graphic above shows grey, red, aqua and white. I’ve left blanks below so you can fill in your own colours. You can either use 4 fabrics, or you can use more than one print for each family, so the number of squares listed is the TOTAL you will need for that portion of the block. For example, my inner diamond and outer diamond fabrics consist of 3 different fabrics, so I cut 2 squares of each fabric (total=6). You can do whatever you want, use as many different fabrics as you want, but you need at least 4 and you need them to contrast when placed next to each other.I’ve left blanks so you can write in the colours/colour family you’re using.

CENTRE COLOUR______: 2 squares 4” x 4”

INNER DIAMOND COLOUR______: 6 squares 4” x 4”

OUTER DIAMOND COLOUR______: 6 squares 4” x 4”

OUTER ACCENTS COLOUR______: 2 squares 4” x 4”

You’ll be making a total of 16 HSTs (Half Square Triangles). If necessary, refer to the HST handout to refresh your memory of how to make HSTS ( In essence, you’ll draw a diagonal line on the back of the squares, then draw lines ¼” on either side of the centre diagonal line. Sew down those ¼” markings, cutting the centre diagonal line to reveal 2 HSTs. REMEMBER TO TRIM TO EXACTLY 3.5” X 3.5” SO YOUR POINTS MATCH UP PERFECTLY!!!

But you’ll need to match them up to the right colours. Here’s how:

Both (2) CENTRE COLOUR______get matched with 2 of the INNER DIAMOND COLOUR______.

The other 4 INNER DIAMOND COLOUR______get matched with 4 of the OUTER DIAMOND COLOUR______.

The last 2 OUTER DIAMOND COLOUR______get matched with the 2 OUTER ACCENTS COLOUR______.

That’s it.

Once you have your 16 HSTS, press the seams open or to the side (your choice – I use a small stitch length and press open), then trim them to EXACTLY 3.5” square making sure you use the diagonal line on your ruler to match up to the diagonal on the HST.

Then you just need to arrange them in place:

And sew them into groups of 4:

Next, form the 2 halves of the block:

And sew those 2 halves together:

Yay! You’re done!