HSPA Language Arts Tutorial Cluster 2: Writing to Persuade

Students will be given 60 minutes to complete the Writing to Persuade section of the HSPA.

Persuasive prompts present controversies arising in either interpersonal, school/community, or societal contexts.

Interpersonal controversies arise when two or more individuals disagree about choices/decisions, behaviors, or ideas.

School/community controversies arise when two or more groups of people disagree about rules, behaviors, procedures, conditions (e.g. litter), or ideas.

Societal controversies arise when people disagree about laws, trends, conditions, or ideas.

Persuasive prompts ask students to respond, offering their opinion(s) in a persuasive letter or essay format. The audience for the letters and essays may be an individual -- friend, relative, neighbor, teacher, principal, or representative of an organization-- or members of an identified organization, such as the student council, PTA, etc.

In the writing samples, students will need to:

  • respond clearly and appropriately to a given prompt.
  • select a focus and appropriate details to support it.
  • organize the response to include an introduction, appropriate transitions, and a conclusion.
  • use elaboration to engage the audience.
  • use varied sentence structure and word choice.
  • use conventions of print and literary forms.
  • use language appropriate to the audience.

Persuasive text will contain the following elements:

  • topics that are age- and grade-level appropriate
  • a clear focus
  • elaboration using facts and opinions
  • persuasive techniques, including but not limited to, propaganda, connotative and figurative language, and rhetorical devices
  • a range of vocabulary for which adequate context is provided

Student responses will be scored using the New Jersey Registered Holistic Scoring Rubric.

HSPA Language Arts Tutorial Cluster 2: Writing to Persuade

Sample Persuasive Writing Prompt A


The New Jersey School Board Association is concerned about the growing amount of new information in all disciplines especially in the area of the sciences and world affairs. They have made a proposal to increase the length of the school year to twelve months in order to increase time for learning. This proposal has become a controversial issue among students, teachers, and parents in your community. Your student council has decided to ask for student input in the form of a letter to the school board. You decide to write a letter expressing your position on this issue.


Write a letter to the president of the school board stating your position on year-long school which will increase classroom time for learning. Support your position with reasons, examples, and/or other evidence. Convince your readers to take your position seriously.

Write 2-3 sentences explaining what the prompt is asking of you.
Use the space below to pre-write for the essay:
HSPA Language Arts Tutorial Cluster 2: Writing to Persuade

Sample Persuasive Writing Prompt B


Recent news reports have called attention to school violence. Your high school is concerned about potential situations that could arise. They are considering purchasing hidden cameras, metal detectors and other security devices. The money for these purchases will come from the students' activities budget, which could have an effect on upcoming social events. Many parents, students and teachers are questioning the proposal. In an attempt to hear the voices of as many students as possible, your principal suggested that concerned students write him a letter expressing their opinions about this situation. You decide to write a letter.


Write a letter to the principal either supporting or opposing the proposal to purchase security equipment using funds from the student activities account. Support your position with reasons, examples, facts, and/or other evidence. Convince your readers to take your position seriously.

Write 2-3 sentences explaining what the prompt is asking of you.
Use the space below to pre-write for the essay:
HSPA Language Arts Tutorial Cluster 2: Writing to Persuade

Sample Persuasive Writing Prompt C


A frequently debated issue is whether or not violence in the media including video games, movies, songs, etc. has negative effects on young adults. Some people believe that there is a need for censorship and the elimination of many products while others believe it is unnecessary to ban potentially violent media and media products. Your school newspaper decided to devote an upcoming issue to this controversial topic.

You decide to write a letter to the editor of your school newspaper expressing your views about the effects of violence in the media.


Write a letter to the editor of your school newspaper with supporting or opposing whether violence in the media has negative effects on young adults. Support your position with reasons, examples, facts, and/or other evidence. Convince your readers to take your position seriously.

Write 2-3 sentences explaining what the prompt is asking of you.
Use the space below to pre-write for the essay:
HSPA Language Arts Tutorial Cluster 2: Expository Writing

Sample Expository Writing Prompt A


Many times in life, we experience or suffer a conflict between what we “ought to do” and what we “want to do.” Choose a time when life presented this dilemma using an example from literature, history, science, film, or your own personal experience.


Write an essay describing the two conflicting choices and explaining the consequences of the decision made.