Revised 7/26/2016
HR715_PS: 9/12 Faculty Details for EXC
HR715 combines 4 HR reports into one form for 9/12 faculty. Since it is a multi-part PS “Print Screen” report it is meant only to be viewed or directly printed from the screen. It is not meant to be exported to Excel. HR715 includes the following information:
oSalary rates since 7/1/2006
oAdmin Stipend recurring payments for the time period requested
oOther relevant payments (one-time and recurring) for time period requested plus grant funding
oCost Distribution for the time period requested. This is IT00027 for the individual position but it’ll report IT0008 funding if there is no IT00027 Cost Distribution during a time slice (since funding defaults to IT0008 when a time slice has no record).
Report Usage
HR715 provides data to help complete Intersession Extra Compensation reports for 9/12 faculty EXC payments. This is a summary of the important data that is needed to complete and EXC request.
Default Variables Entry Screen Exclusions
Employees who are withdrawn are initially filtered out of this report on the Variables Entry screen. Remove the “0” from Employee Status to include Withdrawn employees in a report.
Retirees ARE NOT Withdrawn; they are Inactive and have been initially filtered out of this report on the Variables Entry screen.
Query all PRNRs for an employee to make sure the report includes all extra payments during the time period requested.
Normally it is appropriate to query 7/1/xxxx to 6/30/xxxx for the current school year.
Go To Functions Available (from the right click menu)
HR715 Relationship to Other Reports
HR160, HR705 and HR710 reflect some of the information that is being reported by HR715.
HR715 Relationship to R/3
Since BW data is as of the previous day's business, this report will not include any activity that has posted today in R/3.
Additional Information:
N1 – Spouse/Dependent is a group of spouses and dependents of deceased retirees that were converted from HRMS in order to manage their benefits
N3 – Special is a group of employees who are not paid by UC. Normally they are Visiting Faculty who are paid by another institution and not UC.
N4 – Corporate is a group of contractors and employees of the College of Medicine’s Private Practices who need access to UC Flex plus the Clinical Instructors at University Hospital
O1 – Out of Area is a group of Post Docs who work outside the local area
a is a group of Post Docs who work outside the local area