Hiring procedure for Deer Valley Online Learning Program Addenda Positions
The following procedures need to be followed for DV Online hiring. This included employees that were employed in a position last year and will retain their position for the following school year.
Preliminary Steps to have in place before hiring can begin:
1.Determine number of positions as identified in the staffing sheets/budget for the upcoming school year, if applicable.
Hiring Procedures for Current DV Online addenda
In-House Hiring Procedures:This is for qualified current Temporary DV Online employees holding the addenda position with no break in service. This position is not new or vacant.
●If an in-house employee remains in the position from the previous year, a “Personnel Action Request” (PAR) in the WinOcular system is sent to HR, marked “Additional Position/Other” for the person who is continuing in the position with no break in service.
●Once all documents have been submitted and processed by HR, an email notification of hire has been sent to the Manager of Instructional Technology, the employee should be given the addendum form to sign.
●The completed addendum form should be sent to the Payroll Department.
Hiring Procedures for in-district employees or outside candidates: This is for a certified person applying for a vacant/open DV Online position.Post for district employees and outside applicants at the same time:
●“Initiate a Recruitment Request” in the WinOcular system to send the job posting to HR.
○Note: Once the job has been posted, you will see an area in the WinOcular Work Queue that indicates “Recommend for Hire” for this position.
●Interested applicants will express interest to the DV Online department to be interviewed for the position.(Note: All applicants from outside the District must have completed a District employment application before they can be interviewed.)
●Interviews occur when more than one applicant is interested in the vacant position.
●Select a district employee to recommend:
a)If a Deer Valley employee from a campus is selected, it is strongly suggested that a reference check to the administrator where the candidate is coming from be conducted, or from a current supervisor.
b)In the WinOcular Work Queue, the “Recommend an Applicant” form must be completed with all required information. If the candidate selected is a District Employee, mark “Additional Position/Other”.
c)A copy of the interview questions must be kept at the department location. They do not need to be sent to HR.
●Select an outside candidate to recommend:
d)The appropriate references must be completed according to the District’s Hiring Guidelines (3 are required).You need references from the current employer and the two most recent employers, OR if the applicant has worked for the same employer for the last 5 years, two references from that employer. (Check the WinOcular Applicant Query to see which references have already been returned). A reference must be from someone who supervised the applicant.
e)In the WinOcular Work Queue, the “Recommend an Applicant” form must be completed with all the required information. If the candidate is from outside the district, mark “New Hire”.
f)In the WinOcular Work Queue, the “Interview Summary Form” must be completed showing all people who were interviewed for the position.The department must notify all applicants as to whether or not they will be recommended for this position.
g)A copy of the interview questions must be kept at the district location; they do not need to be sent to HR.
●The Human Resource Specialist for your department will contact the recommended applicant to offer employment, and to complete paperwork for hire.
●HR will send an e-mail confirmation to the Hiring Manager when the hiring process has been completed.
●The new employee should be given the addendum form to sign by the department.
●The completed Addendum form should be sent to the Payroll Department.
- If a teacher leaves DVUSD or is hired outside of DVUSD, the postion will be posted in-house annually (Posted each Spring with a Summer start). If it is not feasible to hire a qualified in-district (hard to fill) then the posting will open up to the outside.
Version / Effective Date / Revision Date / Revision / Policy Owner Title and Functional Group / Next Review Date1.0 / Prior to 2011
2.0 / Prior to 2011 / 4/7/2017 / New SOP Template, updatedinformation from HR / DV Online / 8/1/2017
3.0 / 9/14/2017 / Last bullet, out of district teachers / DV Online
2/14/2017 / Page 1 of 2