HPS Academy Support Team Minutes

Tuesday, April 1, 2016

4:00 p.m.

Jefferson High School, NIU Lab

I.  Welcome and Call to Order – 4:01pm

II.  Welcome to new members and/or guests –

A.  Kelly Johnson, YWCA

III.  Approval of or Adjustments to Agenda – none

IV.  Teacher Reports & Requests (outcome: requests met or referred to CCRC)

A.  Student Success Story

a.  Senior, D in first semester English, fell in love with novel The Kite Runner. Led class discussions, ended with a B in the class and is on track to graduate.

b.  Band student. Was given a solo in the all-city concert. She struggled in practice, but she persevered and did it perfectly for the concert.

c.  Student in ILC to catch up on credits. Wanted to get back to classes at JHS. Came back at the semester and is on-track to graduate

d.  Basketball player not doing well in class, conference was attended by by mom, coach, teacher. Realizing he had support and is doing much better.

B.  Video Production Projects:

a.  Strong Neighborhood Series – Two interviews done at JHS’s in-house studio (Bob Campbell, Zion Development and a Midtown resident) Students wrote the script, and have been learning how to provide for a client (United Way). Coming next, interviews with Katie’s Cup and going to do some filming in Midtown.

b.  RAMP Good, Better, Best interview series of video for clients. Will be used in national curriculum.

C.  Junior Mock Interviews (can do either interview for program assistant at Rockford Park District or college interview) Sign up with Judy

D.  Freshman Mock Interviews (sandwich artist at Subway) Sign up with Judy

E.  Vote for JHS fitness trail – Ford Community Challenge Grant. Currently in the top 10 in USA. $5,000-$10,000 grant. Students had to present the proposal to AST, Principal Rundall, facilities staff, and Dr. Jarret. Dr. Jarret commented that “This was exactly what he hoped would come out of the academies program.”

F.  “Adulting” Skills for seniors. Weekly sessions on digital identity, long-term planning, professional career attainment, etc.

V.  Follow-Up on Previous Items / Action Items

A.  Meeting frequency and time – Do we want to end the school year with teacher common planning time? Group consensus is to end school year with a regular AST meeting on May 3, 4pm.

B.  Career Fair Planning (career, skills)

a.  Students made phone calls to professionals. Haven’t been getting call-backs. Feedback from professionals was students needed coaching on making phone calls. No time to re-call, so Deb will follow up.

b.  Professionals should be prepared to represent their career, what their average day is like, what does your career look like in Rockford, salary education required, etc.

C.  NSOPs 6 & 8 (as JHS HPS Academy)

a.  Need academy involvement from parents and students – how can we attract parents and students?

b.  Voted that educators do get to participate in AST voting

c.  Anything missing from B, C, D?

d.  To recruit more community members – Hannah suggested talking to Ignite Young Professionals group

D.  Academy Report: Mrs. Schott - none

VII. Adjournment – 5:10pm

Next Meeting

May 3, 4pm, library – AST Meeting