HOYF Game Field Rules

1.  All spectators (parents, siblings, guests, etc.) must stay off the game field and behind the ropes (community field) or fences (stadium field) before the game, during halftime and timeouts, and after the game. They also must stay outside of the area behind the end zones during the game.

a.  Only coaches listed on the FCYFL roster can be on the team sideline (Note: FCYFL recently put out a declaration that team managers, statisticians, and water boys/girls are no longer allowed on the sideline)

b.  Photographers/video tapers must remain outside the rope/fence and cannot be behind the end zone or goal posts during the game

c.  Spectators may not play on the game field during the pre-game warm-up period, half-time, or time-outs

d.  Post-game team meetings need to be done off the game field so the next game can begin on time

2.  Spectators and chain/box gang participants may not coach from the sidelines, talk to game officials, or make audible comments or protesting gestures about a game official’s call or lack of a call

a.  Coaching your child from the sidelines confuses them because they do not know whether to follow the instructions of the coach or family member

b.  Coaching the coaches during a game is disrespectful of the unpaid time and effort they have put into preparing the plays and players; if you feel you must offer advice, then do so after practices in a private meeting with the head coach – better yet, volunteer yourself to be a coach next year!

c.  Game officials decide what is an unacceptable comment or gesture – do not cause your team get a penalty because of your uncontrolled actions!

3.  Do not walk/stand/sit between the cheerleaders and the audience when they are performing cheers – show them the same respect as you do the football players

a.  Walk behind the cheerleaders or audience

b.  Wait until the cheerleaders take a break in their performance

4.  No offensive language, derogatory comments, or aggressive behavior towards our team’s or the opposing team’s coaches, players, or spectators and definitely not towards the game officials!

5.  No pets, smoking, drugs, or alcohol on school grounds or parking lots

6.  The HOYF Field Supervisor and FCYFL Game Officials have the authority to eject any coach, player, or spectator from the game field area for violating the rules listed above. If the offending person does not leave the field when asked, the HOYF Field Supervisor and FCYFL Game Officials have the authority to stop the game and declare the offending person’s team as forfeiting the game.

7.  Pick up all trash from the team sidelines and spectator area before leaving the game site

8.  Park in designated parking spots only – your car can be towed if parked illegally or blocking in another car