Howland Activities Department

2017 – 2018Activity Participation Fee Program

The Board of Education and the Administration recognize the educational value of participation in activities beyond the classroom. The BOE has instituted athletic and extracurricular participation fees as part of our attempt to continue to maintain the quality and variety of programs we offer. The purpose of this fee is to offset the expenses the BOE incurs while providing comprehensive athletic programs and extracurricularactivities. Please read the following carefully. Any questions should be directed to the Activities Office at 330-856-8234.

General Guidelines

  1. All families with middle or high school students participating in athletic or certain activities will pay a

participation fee.

2.7th - 8th grade students - $75/student (unlimited sports)

9th – 12th grade students - $100/studentper sport season.A maximum of $200/student per school year.

9th – 12th grade students – Marching Band $80, Speech & Debate $40.

$400/family maximum

3.Payment due date:Fall Sports – 9/30/17Winter Sports – 11/30/17Spring Sports – 3/31/18

Activities: Band – 9/30/17 Speech & Debate – 11/30/17

*Please do not send payments in or attempt to pay online until September 5, 2017 for any Fall activity*

4.Families on our free and/or reduced lunch program will be responsible for 50% of their sport/activity fees.

5.Full payment and a completed Participation Fee Program agreement form(below) must be paid online through

Pay for It( or sent to and received by the ActivitiesOffice at Howland High School prior to the

designated deadline date for each sport/activity.

6.Refunds will be given for the following reasons only:

a.A full refund will be given if the activityis cancelled due to insufficient number of participants.

b.A full refund will be given to any student who does not make a team after tryouts.

c.A partial refund may be given to a student who becomes ill/injured and cannot complete the season.

If granted, these refunds shall be pro-rated.

Parents requesting a refund for any above reason must do so in writing to the Activities Department (please include medical verification of injury or illness from a doctor if applicable).

7.Payment of the Participation Fee ProgramDOES NOT imply any privileges beyond team or activitymembership.Playing time and participation is earned, not guaranteed. Playing time or participation is at the sole discretion of the coach or advisor.

8. Since extracurriculars are a privilege not a right, any outstanding fees or dues (including past school years), may result in removal from extracurricular activities as determined by administration. Families needing to set up payment plans should contact building administration or the Activities Office.

(detach here)


2017– 2018

Please complete this form (one per family) and pay online at or return with full payment in a sealed envelope to: Howland High School, Attn: Activities Office, 200 Shaffer Dr NE, Warren OH 44484

Student’s Name (please print) / Grade / Sport/Activity / Student’s Name (please print) / Grade / Sport/Activity
1. / 3.
2. / 4.

Sports:T – Tennis, FB – Football, G – Golf, CC – Cross Country, VB – Volleyball, FCH – Fall Cheerleading, SOC – Soccer,

WCH – Winter Cheerleading, BK – Basketball, WR – Wrestling, BOW – Bowling, TR – Track, BB – Baseball, SB – Softball

SW – Swim, MB – Marching Band, SD – Speech & Debate

AddressZip CodePhone

I have read and understand the guidelines as set forth by the Board of Education regarding the ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION FEE PROGRAM for students in the Howland Local School District. I agree to abide by these guidelines in order for my student to participate in the activity indicated above. Attached to this form is a check or money order (no cash please) made payable to Howland Local School District for the amount specified.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______Date ______

Parent/Guardian’s Name (please print) ______