
How to Write the 50-Word Story

You will be writing another short story. Here are the only rules:

1.)Your story must be exactly 50 words.

2.)You must NOT use the following words: and, but, or, so.

3.)You must not use the same word twice. (there, their, they’re) (too, to, two)

4.)Your story must incorporate the use of sense impression (feelings, genre) and location (1 example each).

5.)You must challenge yourself to use interesting diction (word choice) and carefully select each word.

(0) / Below Expectations
(5) / Meets Expectations
(7) / Exceeds Expectations
Content / Assignment does not address the requirements indicated in the instructions. Most parts of the assignment are addressed minimally or not at all. The student did not create a story using the 5 parameters. / Assignment does not fully address the requirements indicated in the instructions. Some parts of the assignment are addressed minimally or not at all. The student did not create a story using almost all of the 5 parameters and the story did not make sense at times. / Assignment meets all requirements indicated in the instructions. Each part of the assignment is addressed. The student did create a story using all 5 parameters and the story was understandable and fluid. / Assignment exceeds all requirements indicated in the instructions. Each part of the assignment is addressed thoroughly. The student did create a story using all 5 parameters and the story was extremely well written, clear, and fluid.
Creativity / Assignment was not completed. There was little effort put into the assignment and did not explore the theme of the story. The student did not take a risk with their story and was unsuccessful with achieving their final goal. Student did not challenge themselves by using interesting and diverse diction. / Assignment fit the requirements. The assignment demonstrates a story that was not completely thought out and is disjointed with the theme. The student did not take a risk with their story and had some success with achieving their final goal. Student did not challenge themselves by using interesting and diverse diction. / Assignment was original and fit the requirements. The assignment demonstrates a well thought out story and is executed well. The project explored the theme of the story. The student took a risk with their word choice and had some success with achieving their final goal. Student did challenge themselves by using interesting and diverse diction.
/ Assignment was unique and imaginative. The project demonstrates excellence and finesse in design and execution. The project explored the theme of the story in meaningful and distinctive way. The student took a risk with their word choice and was successful in achieving their final goal. Student did challenge themselves by using interesting and diverse diction.
Format and Style / Writing is unclear and disorganized. Errors in sentence structure are frequent and many words are used inappropriately or awkwardly. Errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation detract from meaning. The did not follow the 50 word format. / Writing is disorganized and some words are used inappropriately. The range of descriptive words is limited, but spelling and grammar errors do not detract from meaning. The did not follow the 50 word format. / Writing is mostly clear and well-organized. There is some variety in sentence length and structure. Word choice is generally good, and there are minor errors in spelling and grammar. The did follow the 50 word format / Writing is clear and well-organized. There is variety in sentence length and structure. Word choice is exceptional and there are almost no errors in spelling and grammar. The did follow the 50 word format

We will brainstorm techniques in class. (ctrl+f)