Using_CuteFTP_to_Upload_Files.doc Page 1 of 11

How to upload photos and files
for the web site

You must make sure that:

1) The camera used in the store is set to name the photos properly.

2) All photos are kept in the correct place on the computer.

I. Correctly naming files to be used online

Just about anything goes when naming files that are only going to be stored on a regular computer. However, not all web servers accept all file naming conventions.

For the web, you must remember to NEVER name files the following way:

  • Spaces (examples: foto 0001.jpg / cigars and shirts.jpg / Cigar Club Agreement.doc)
  • Symbols (examples: Joe&Mary.jpg / Maria’s dog.jpg) / art©Ed.jpg / / shirt(XL).jpg)
  • Punctuation (examples: Anna.Joe.cigars.jpg / Richard, Charlie and Mike.jpg / Happy!.jpg)

The following are examples of how files to be used online must be named in order to be accepted by any web server:






You may only use an underscore ( _ ) or a dash ( - ) to “separate” words.
There must never be more than one period ( . ) in a file name.

When you use FTP to upload files to the Don Collins site, any file not named correctly will be rejected by the server and you will receive an error message in the Queue pane. This is not something that can be bypassed or overwritten; this is how the Yahoo web servers are set.

II. Setting up one local folder for images

Open My Documents and look for the My Pictures folder.

In My Pictures, create a new folder named: DonCollinsCigars (no spaces)

In the DonCollinsCigars folder, create the following 3 sub-folders:




If customers email photos to you, always save the attached images in the EmailedPhotos folder and upload them to the corresponding folder on the Yahoo server. Same goes for any product pictures you need to send me; put them in the ProductPhotos folder to upload to the folder with the same name on the server.

In InStorePhotos, create a folder for each month. The photos needed now are for September, October and November 2009. Again, do not use spaces.

September2009 (only photos taken in September belong in here)

October2009 (only photos taken in October belong in here)

November2009 (only photos taken in November belong in here)

There should never be any August pictures in the September folder, never any Sept. pictures in the October folder, no November pix in the December folder, etc.

** On the first day of every month, someone in the store should be creating a new folder for the previous month so that the files can be downloaded from the camera and uploaded via CuteFTP.
For example, on the first day you are open in January, someone should go to the InStorePhotos folder, and make a new sub-folder named December2009. In the December2009 folder is where you will then download only the pictures from the camera that were taken during the month of December into that folder. Once all of the December photos have been downloaded into that December2009 folder, you can upload them using FTP.

On February 1st, someone should go to the InStorePhotos folder, and make a new sub-folder named January2010. In the January2010 folder is where you will then download only the pictures from the camera that were taken during the month of January into that folder. Once all of the January photos have been downloaded into the January2010 folder, you can upload them using FTP.

~ And so on throughout the year (you can set a recurring reminder in Outlook’s Calendar so that at 8am on the first day of every month, a reminder will pop up and notify you that this task must be done.)

III. Setting up GlobalSCAPE’s CuteFTP program

Click on the Start button in the desktop’s Taskbar to find CuteFTP 8 Professional

or, if it was installed correctly, you may see it in the Quick Launch section of the task bar and can click that:

If the Quick Launch toolbar is not enabled, just right-click on the Taskbar, choose Toolbars, then Quick Launch (if ‘Lock the Taskbar’ is not checked when you right-click the Taskbar, you can resize and position each toolbar by dragging the dotted lines that appear [seen below to the right of the Start button]).

Once CuteFTP is open, you should see:

“DCC Office” should already be a choice on the left under General FTP Sites > Anonymous FTP Sites > Predefined Sites.

* If for some reason you do not see the Site Manager, or hit the Exit button instead of the Connect button, just click on the Site Manager icon in the toolbar at the top (looks like an open book).

Click once on “DCC Office” on the left to see the first tab, General:

Make sure that the fields are filled in as seen above. I will give the password over the phone. If “DCC Office” is missing for some reason, use the New button to create a New FTP Site (making sure all fields in all 4 tabs [General, Type, Actions, Options] match what is seen in the screen caps of the 4 tabs posted in this document).

The other three tabs are:

** For the first field, Remote folder, make sure it is exactly as above: /dccigars93/OfficeUploads/

For the 2nd field, Local Folder, hit the little yellow folder icon, and open: My Documents, then open My Pictures, then click once on the DonCollinsCigars folder we created above. It should fill in the field with:

C:\Documents and Settings\theAccountNameThatIsLoggedintoyourComputer\My Documents\My Pictures\DonCollinsCigars

Any time you are ready to ftp the files, click once on DCC Office, then hit the Connect button.

If you hit Exit by mistake, just open the Site Manager again it from the toolbar at the top of the window:

Sometimes when initially trying to connect, you may get a connection error that looks like this:

Hit the close button, and look at the toolbar along the top.

Hold your mouse over the 4th item, the blue Connect icon

Hit that once and you should connect.

The right pane will become populated with folders I have created for you on our Yahoo server:

Your Local files display in the left pane, and the Yahoo web server on the right.

The top pane is your Log, the bottom is the Queue pane. If the Queue pane is not visible, in the top Menu bar, click on View, then on Show Panes (make sure all 3 choices are checked).

As with many other programs that use panes to divide content areas, you can size them by clicking once on the double lines and dragging them into position.

Also in View, if you see Switch to Classic Interface, click on that (if you see the word Pro instead of Classic, just leave it alone; it is correct).

IV. Uploading files to the Server, and making sure all files transferred properly

For example: to upload the September 2009 photos, double-click on the InStorePhotos folder in both panes to see:

Double-click on the September2009 folder in the left pane to open it (it should have the Sept. photos from the camera in it), and sort the pane on the right by clicking on the Modified [date] column header (so that the most recent folders are at the top).

Double-click the September2009 folder in the right pane (it will be empty).

In the Menu bar at the top, click Edit, then Select All. Each image on the left will be selected and highlighted.

** In this example, I am using old photo files on my machine so the date stamp in the Modified column for all files is 11/5/07.

However, when you go to do this on the computer there in the office, every single file MUST have a date stamp of a day sometime within September to match the September2009 folder name. Nothing else from other months should be in there; same goes for other months & folders (only photos with a date stamp of a day in October should be in the October2009 folder… and so on).

In the toolbar at the top, you will see a green circle with an up arrow; this is the Upload icon.

Click it once, and the transfer of all selected files will begin.

You will see activity in both the Log and Queue panes):

When done, all successfully uploaded items in the Queue pane will have: a green check mark next to the file name, a Progress indicator of 100%, and each Status will say ‘Finished’:

If any files are not named properly (like it has a space in the filename), or files fail to upload (you have a power failure or your ISP goes down), you will see 3 Errors in the Queue Pane:

  1. The standard Windows ‘warning’ icon (a yellow triangle with a black exclamation point inside of it) next to the file name (instead of the green check)
  2. Progress will be less than 100%
  3. Status will say: Error

* Always check the entire Queue pane when the upload is finished to make sure all files transferred properly.

V. Notifying Webmaster, Toni Bonitto Burwell

When done uploading and making sure all files have uploaded, send an email to Toni using: to say:

The photos for the month of ______have been uploaded to the ______folder; please add to the monthly photo galleries for the Don Collins web site.

* If you have also uploaded any pictures that customers have emailed to Don Collins into the EmailedPhotos folder, be sure to mention that as well.
When you save the attached image file(s) from the customer’s email message, make sure that there are no spaces, etc. in the filename(s), or you will not be able to upload them to the server. If you forget to do this, you can always right-click on the file and choose Rename to edit it.

Created by: Toni N. Bonitto Burwell on 5/28/2019