How to prepare results from limesurvey for use withGalileo
- Download your results from limesurvey.
The username username and psswd are posted on ublearns.
- Choose your group’s survey from the dropdown menu labeled “Surveys:”
-near the top at right
- Choose the icon in the second row that looks like paper with a magnifying glass
-if you’re are not sure which this is use the mouse to hover over them slowly and wait until a
popup says “browse responses for this survey”
- Choose the brown canister with the solid blue arrow on the screen that appears.
- On the following screen change “Question codes” to “full headings”; you may also need to change the FORMAT to “CSV File (All charsets)”
-the default is excel at the moment but we are changing that...might not be changed yet though...
- Click the “export data” button and then click “OK” on the window that will popup.
-your file should now have downloaded to wherever your files normally download
B. Resave your result file (downloaded above) in galileo data format
- file and dragcsv2gal folder out of the .zip file
-although not generally the case, dragging works better than actually extracting for
this as extracting creates an additional folder level. Both ways will work though.
2. Put the .csv file you wish to convert to galileo format into thecsv2gal.exe folder.
3. Click on
4. A black box will appear and you will be asked some questions (see appendix A)
-after the last question the box will disappear...but your new output file will be created : )
* Note: responses using decimals will crash the program. If the program crashes unexpectedly, check your datafile for decimals and then replace with whole number
Appendix A:
question 1: where is your data?
Enter the name of your csv file; it’s ok to rename file you downloaded from limesurvey so the filename is shorter (rename actual file, not in this question).
question 2: where do you want the converted data to be saved?
Enter the full path of an output file. This file will be your data document for the galileo programs so you should not use more than 8 letters in the name prior to .txt (you’ll need to type the .txt [or .dat if you prefer] file extension as part of the filename)
question 3: How many concepts do you have?
Count your labels (concepts) in the study.lbl file or in your survey (if you haven’t created a label file yet)
question 4: Do you have any demographic questions?
Yes or No are the choices
question 5: How many demographic questions do you have?
Count how many columns in your .csv file are demographic question answers
note: some types of questions in limesurvey will use multiple columns to record answers to a single question.
question 6: Is the first line the labels for the columns?
Yes (unless you have changed something)
question 7: Which column is the starting column of pair-comparisons?
Often column 4 (open and count columns in .csv file if necessary)