How to play a NT-contract (5)

Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for xx1943 starting at: Tue Dec 05 07:53:26 2006

kino (Lobby): hi Al

hope: !H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)

->kino: hi Ann

->hope: hi Nada

->SillyBily: hi Billy

SillyBily: hi :))

mausie: hellOo Al :)) !H

->mausie: !H

xx1943: we start in 5 minutes brb need a coffee

hope: mausie and I would like to play

->hope: you are the first pair

Miksa->Kibitzers: hello, good morning etc... :)

xx1943: first pair to play Noi - Nada

kino: hi all

xx1943: good morning Mihailo

mausie->Kibitzers: hellOo all :)))

Miksa: fine, we can chat to the table :). I am sorry I am late, was not sleeping well (dreaming of setting opp's 3NT)

kino: lol

Miksa: :) and failed, of course :)

kino: we say chasing rainbows

Miksa: ha, good, will remember that

mausie->Kibitzers: singing=== I'mmmmmm always chasing rainbows...seeing clouds drifting bye === lol

mcpomlady: hallo ellen

xx1943: here we go

xx1943: #1

bilmanager (Lobby): => Club: !H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H!H

Good morning everybody.

xx1943 (al) just opened a teaching table in the BIL.

"How to play a NT-contract"

He prepared 8 nice hands for you to play.


xx1943: hope you kids focused on declarer and na't see all the hands

aiyer: can i join pl.

->aiyer: after 2 hands

aiyer: ty

ellen22: guten Morgen!

xx1943: hi Renate

hope: I do not see righ play for this hand at all sorry

xx1943: nada please let me play

xx1943: the hand

xx1943: I prefer to lead small from KJ10xx

xx1943: 2S+2h+1d+2c=7

xx1943: you need 2 more tricks

xx1943: look at all these nice !C intermediates

xx1943: if WEST takes his Q and most people would, Ibet, you have 4 !C tricks

hope: and how do you get to dummy??

xx1943: now no trick is won, but you have an second entry to table

xx1943: and so on you got your additional tricks from !Ds

xx1943: difficult hand

xx1943: Nada pls take your seat

bwd1: please claim Al

bwd1: ty :)

xx1943: you'll find the movie later this day at my site


xx1943->Kibitzers: mausie is overbidding, what Nada is underbidding

moonlitnit: very well said !

hope: glMausie

KamalK (Lobby): hi Al

xx1943: Nada you should X 1!S

mausie: ty p

bwd1: take A?

hope: x is 4!H and something more:)

->bwd1: sure

gerd123: A!s in 1st trick

xx1943: I know from pds signal (low) he has 3

->gerd123: yep

xx1943: how to reach these lovely !Hs????????????????????????????????????

xx1943: mistake in trick #1

gerd123: A!s in 1st trick

xx1943: DONT be the "frugal housewife"

xx1943: bravo

xx1943: first establish !Hs

xx1943: then use your just created entry

xx1943: despearte try hoping pd has !CA

xx1943: desperate

mcpomlady: what if they don t take !sK ?

mcpomlady: ah ok

xx1943: same procedure

aiyer: what if u duck the 2nd !H

aiyer: what if u duck the 2nd !H

mausie->Club: lol..i was trying for 1 more trick

xx1943: if I hold up 2. heart mausie continues the suit

mausie: thx Al

xx1943: someone to play North now?

aiyer: she has doubleton

gerd123: hi all

->aiyer: she plays from table, establishes and has the !S entry

xx1943: 17 HCP ????????????

xx1943: 2!D shows 12-14 HCP

xx1943: bid a brave 3NT

xx1943: 3!D is conservative and ok

aiyer: she has only 1entry. how will she go back pl.

xx1943: 3Nt shows a long minor

->aiyer: she need only 1 entry, if !Hs are established

gerd123: gl p

xx1943: Lavintahl for !Hs

xx1943: !C8 is for !HK signal

ruby46: whai is Lavintahl?

cardpotato->Club: need 2 please

aiyer: sorry i dont understand. on a !S lead she plays 2!H and enter hand in !S and plays the 3rd !H to the A AND HOW WILL SHE GO TO THE HAND to play the !H pl.

xx1943: can someone look up the link for Lavinthal discard with BridgeGuys pls?

->aiyer: I#ll explain later

aiyer: ok ty

aiyer: i got it now ty


xx1943: ty Mihailo

xx1943: -3

Miksa: yw

ruby46: THX


xx1943: the contract was gambled, but after the lead you had a chance, if you assumed West has !SQ and EAST !DK

xx1943: not a good contract, but I won many of such things

gerd123: K!s on A!s in 1st?

xx1943: it is the first trick, which is decisive once more

->gerd123: yep

xx1943: nope

gerd123: they are too weak players for this kind of thinking Al

->lwhite2: please let me in

lwhite2: ok how?

->lwhite2: free your seat for the moment pls

SillyBily: K goes on Ace

xx1943: the only hope

Miksa: great, I haven't seen this

lwhite2->Club: ok

xx1943->Club: sry I crashed the table

talla888 (Lobby): TY - was great to watch great player ...

xx1943: #4 is coming

->talla888: wc

lwhite2: great to let the king fall on the ace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

xx1943->Kibitzers: Cappaletti 2!H is a possibility, but I'M lacking the intermediates in !C

xx1943: 2NT is 8-9 HCP

xx1943: just bid 3NT

hope->Club: AL y coming back

->isabable: hi Kerri ty for your christmas card

isabable: hi al

xx1943: good not to hold up,you are afraid of a !S switch

xx1943: clap clap clap

bwd1: bravo

gerd123: thx

xx1943: but If West had Q singleton you were down

Miksa: Tomek did it excellent, again :)

gerd123: yes

bethmarea->Club: 1 needed @cardpotato

xx1943: the safety play here is 1) the K and 2) small against Jx that caters for all 4/1 situations

xx1943: ok wd Tomek #5

xx1943: South please let another player in

->lwhite2: pls free your seat

gerd123: gl p

xx1943: first trick again

xx1943: You know for sure West has )x in !Hs

xx1943: 9x

xx1943: LOL

xx1943: now East is the dangerous opponent with all his !hs

xx1943: correct finessed against East

xx1943: but alas !Cs are 4/1

xx1943: you are 1 trick short

ellen22: hmm

xx1943: how can you manage to guard agaisnt Qxxx with EAST? and finesse twice?

ellen22: as I know the lady in !C is on east, I find myself hopeless

hope: have two entries

xx1943: is rite, take the Q

xx1943: !Cs are high

xx1943: nope !S3 is high you performed a simple squeeze against WEST

xx1943: count count count lol

ellen22: !!!!

xx1943: nice isn't it?

lwhite2: wow

ellen22: good feeling lol

bwd1: Thank you v much Al must dash ..late for Mancester :))

Miksa: does someone has good tips on how to count well (make tracks etc)?

xx1943: that is not the strength for 3!C3!C shows 17+HCP, very good clubs

ellen22: ja, was so overwhelmed by long ones

xx1943->Kibitzers: did you ever hear pd open holding 25HCp and 12 playing tricks?

xx1943: btw this was RKCB on basis of !CS

xx1943: !Cs are confirmed by interference

xx1943->Kibitzers: I put in this hand for joke only. I like it so

GuybrushT->Kibitzers: killing lead

xx1943: nasty lead

xx1943: I'm a nasty boy lol

Miksa: :)

ellen22: didn't know that before, Al...

gerd123: lol no chances

Miksa: and nasty hands dealer

xx1943: you have a sure way against any distribution

hope: 7!C makes:(

xx1943: 7NT too

isabable: i see it disc the akq c

ellen22: yes, why not !C?

lwhite2: more points

Miksa: wow!!!!!

ellen22: my goodness, just great!!

khalid1968->Club: excellent

gerd123->Club: lol

xx1943: clap clap clap Tomek

Miksa: brilliant! I am so glad for seeing this live!

mausie->Kibitzers: this is a 2die for hand :)

gerd123: thx all

xx1943: you executed a quadruple jettison

xx1943: look up jettison with BridgeGuys

ellen22: must turn on a new light in my brain


xx1943: please take a picture of that Renate


xx1943: lats 2 hands

xx1943: last 2

jkj: Dec 4 SAVE GREAT Discaeding

gerd123: may i let to sit another player?

gerd123: gl Renate and thx

xx1943: if someone wants to play the last hand, ask Tomek to free his seat

ellen22: dz

xx1943: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

ellen22: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

alpil (Lobby): => Club: Join ILACY Goulash... starting in 6 minutes... have FUN

xx1943: 33 is only 35%

xx1943: the distribution was bad, but

xx1943: let me take your seat Ellen

xx1943: ty

ellen22: thankyou

xx1943: normally take first trick in the short hand and I planned to duck the first !D around

xx1943: but grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

xx1943: now count:

xx1943: 1S+2H(duplication of values gggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)

xx1943: +2D+1C=6

xx1943: you need 3 more tricks

xx1943: only source is !C

xx1943: you'll make 4 tricks if they are 33

xx1943: you cannot make if EAST has Kxxx, bexuase you lack all the ice intermediates

xx1943: but besides 33 you win, if West has Kx

xx1943: and he is helpless

xx1943: you know he has the K from the first round, so hope to catchbthe K on the second

ellen22: how do I know??

ellen22: aah, ja, east didn't

xx1943: similar situation is when you hold Q5432 - K76. The only hope to lose only 1 trick is to find one opponent holding Ax

xx1943: which one is another question.

xx1943: You must play small against one of the honours and play low from both hands in the second round

xx1943: there are many situations where you must hope or guard for doubleton honours

xx1943: Another example is: AJ10x - Qxx and you need 4 tricks

xx1943: 1) play low to the 10 2) come back 3) low to the J ...

xx1943: ok last hand for today

xx1943: whoplays?

lwhite2: tks

->lwhite2: 3NT

xx1943: 3!D is weak and can be passed

gerd123: lol

lwhite2: tks

xx1943->Kibitzers: 8 looks never like 4th-best therfore I make a lie with the 7

xx1943: I must leave very fast after this hand

xx1943: I#ll post the hands later on my site

Miksa: ok, thanks, Al

kino: ty Al..bye dinner time here

lwhite2: tks

Miksa: Bravo!

xx1943: clap clap clap

gerd123: thx all thx Al for great lesson as always

xx1943: Tomek, please tell us, why didn'T you finesse the !D

Miksa: please claim

bankasor: thanks for lesson

gerd123: because i worried that W will lead !s

hope: !H:)!H:) Thank you all and all Very nice and instructive as usual !H:)!H:)!H

hope: THANKS Al clap clap

xx1943: WHY did you refuse the finesse, was that the "Coup de giraffe"???

alpil (Lobby): => Club: Join Now.... > !H!H #1008 ILACY GOULASH !H!C!H have fun with fantastic hand !H!C!H start in 16 minutes !H!C!H Register Now...

gerd123: only W was dangerous for my 3nt

xx1943: yes you are afrid WEst leading !S if the finesse is on you are home anyway and you ook the extra chance that WEST had QX

nzakosek: giraffe?

nzakosek: lol

xx1943: You know what "Coup de giraffe" means? no? Looking in opps cards LOL

xx1943: Bye

gerd123: bye

hope: !H:)!H:)!H:)!H:)

lwhite2: greattttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

Miksa: bye

Campus61: tks Al this great the way you teach this

xx1943: What is the english word for 2Giraffe"?

nzakosek: need long neck

boeh: thanks

onoway: thank you Al great :-)) I liked the "special" hand was fun

xx1943: it is giraffe

xx1943: by all