How to join the Britain-Tanzania Society (UK)

The Society welcomes applications for membership from anyone with an interest in Tanzania. Our members include students, people who grew up in Tanzania (both Tanzanian and British), have lived or worked in Tanzania, have visited the country on holiday, have friends or relatives working in Tanzania, or who have a professional link with a Tanzanian organisation.

Applications for affiliation to the Society are welcomed from schools, friendship groups or other groups which are linked with Tanzania

All members/groups receive our journal 'Tanzanian Affairs', together with the BTS newsletter, three times per year. They can also opt to receive further information by email.

Membership subscription rates:


Household (includes groups) £25

Student (under 26)/Concessions £5


Please add £4 to the above rates to cover postage

To apply for membership, please complete the form below. Send it with a cheque for the relevant amount to:

The Executive Secretary, BTS

Dr Elizabeth Taylor

4 Titchener Close


OX26 2BZ

Or by email to

You can also transfer your first years’ subscription to:

Britain-Tanzania Society, Account number 11066064, sort code 40 07 06

Application for Membership

of Britain-Tanzania Society (UK)

Please use block capitals

Surname Title

First Names



Phone Number

Email address

It is helpful for our administration if members pay by Standing Order. If you are willing to pay further subscriptions by Standing Order, please add a cross here:

Your details will be held on a computer database and will be used only by the Society for the purposes of communicating with you. If you are not willing for your details to be shared with other BTS members please add a cross here:

I wish to join the Britain-Tanzania Society (UK) and enclose my cheque made payable to the Society/have made my payment by bank transfer (please delete as appropriate) in payment of my membership subscription for the current year.

Signed Date


Britain Tanzania Society

Standing Order Form

Please return this form in its entirety to

The Executive Secretary, BTS

Dr Elizabeth Taylor

4 Titchener Close


OX26 2BZ


Member £25, Student/ Concessions £5

Plus £4 overseas members for extra postage

(Please use capital letters)






To (Enter name and address of your bank)

Account No ………………… Bank Sort Code: / /

Please credit the account of the Britain-Tanzania Society, Account number 11066064, sort code 40 07 06 at the HSBC, 156-157 Tottenham Court Road, London W1A 1FP, the sum of £……………………..

on the first day of …………….(MONTH) each year, the first payment to be made on …………………..

This cancels any previous standing order made by me in favour of the Britain-Tanzania Society.

Signed …………………………………………………. Date…………………………………………..

Name (in Capitals)