How to increase earthquake and home fire preparedness: the fix-it intervention

Natural Hazards

Helene Joffe1, Gabriela Perez-Fuentes1, Henry W. W. Potts2, Tiziana Rossetto3

1Department of Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology, University College London

2 UCL Institute for Health Informatics, University College London

3Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, University College London

Appendix I


Please complete the following questionnaire, which should take no longer than 25 minutes. We want to know about your thoughts regarding earthquakes and fire safety. There are no right or wrong answers. All information will remain confidential.

Q3 What type of residence do you live in?

m  Single family (e.g., a house)

m  Multifamily (e.g., apartment, condo)

m  Other ______

Q4 When was your house built?

Q5 What is the main construction material used in your building?______

Q6 Do you have a basement in your house?

m  Yes

m  No

Q7 How many floors are there in your building (not counting your basement)? ______

Q8 How many floors are there inside your own home (without your basement)?______

Q9 What are the age ranges of the people who live in your household? Check all that apply

q  0-5 years old

q  6-14 years old

q  15-18 years old

q  19-70 years old

q  > 70

Q10 What is your housing status regarding the place you live in?

m  Owner

m  Family Owned

m  Renter

m  Other ______



We would like to know about your thoughts and experience regarding earthquakes. Please answer these questions and remember that there are no right or wrong answers.

Q11a Have you ever looked for information on earthquakes in relation to where you live?

m  Yes

m  No

Q11b How frequently do you look for information?

m  Monthly

m  Yearly

m  Other ______

Q12 What types of mass media have you most often accessed for earthquake-related information? (you may check more than one box)

q  TV

q  Radio

q  Newspapers

q  Internet

q  Magazines

q  Mobile phones

q  Social Networks

q  I don't

q  Other ______

Q13 Please describe how much you:

Once a week or more / Once a month / A few times a year / Rarely / Never
Think about earthquakes / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
Talk about earthquakes / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 

Q14 How safe would you feel inside your home if a large earthquake occurred?

m  Completely

m  Fairly

m  A little bit

m  Not safe

m  Don't know


Q15a To your knowledge, has your building been built or strengthened with earthquake resistance in mind?

m  Yes

m  No

Q15b Please indicate how your building has been built or strengthened, using the space below:

Q16a I am confident that my home will probably not be seriously damaged in a major earthquake

m  Yes

m  No

Q16b Please explain how you satisfied yourself that your home will not be seriously damaged, using the space below:

Q17 Please check the following statements if they apply to you (you may check more than one or none):

q  I have stored heavy objects on the floor

q  I have ensured that heavy and tall furniture (e.g., bookcases) is fixed to the walls or secured

q  I have made sure that big electric appliances (e.g., TV, computer, fridge) are secured (with Velcro, pad, straps, or locks)

q  I have water stored for an emergency (for at least 3 days)

q  I have food stored for an emergency (for at least 3 days)

q  I have stocked a first aid kit

q  I have an emergency kit (with essential documents) in case of quick evacuation

q  I have a supply of medicines for illness and allergies (e.g., asthma inhaler)

q  I have a working wind-up/battery radio

q  No objects (e.g., framed pictures, mirrors) are placed above sofas or beds

q  I have earthquake insurance

q  I know where a designated community meeting point or hub is and how I can get there

q  I know where the elderly and the handicapped live in my neighborhood to support them in an emergency

q  I have arranged ways to communicate with family members in the event of an emergency

q  I have a family plan for earthquake

q  The earthquake plan has been practiced or gone over recently


Q18a Have you participated in earthquake safety trainings? If NO, skip to question 19a.

m  Yes

m  No

Q18b Where?

m  At home

m  At work

m  Other ______

Q18c When was the last time you participated in one?______

Q19a Do you participate in earthquake drills?If NO, skip to question 20.

m  Yes

m  No

Q19b Where?

m  At home

m  At work

m  Other ______

Q19c When was the last time you participated in one?______

Q20a When was the latest tremor you felt? ______

Q20b Since then, have you taken any action as a result?

m  Yes

m  No

m  I have never experienced a tremor

Q20c Please use the box below to specify the action/s you have taken:

Q21 Please mark which of the following reason/s prevents you from carrying out earthquake preparedness activities:

q  The financial cost

q  The skill or knowledge required

q  The time required to do them

q  Other things/problems to think about

q  Need for co-operation with others

q  Information overload (too much information from different sources)

q  Other ______

q  None


Q22 Which do you think is the most likely time in which a damaging earthquake could affect you?

m  within the next three months

m  within the next 12 months

m  within the next 5 years

m  within the next 10 years

m  sometime within my lifetime

m  at least not in the next 100 years


Now we would like to ask you about your thoughts and experience regarding home fires. Please answer these questions and remember that there are no right or wrong answers

Q23a Have you ever looked for information on fire safety in relation to where you live?

m  Yes

m  No

Q23b How frequently do you look for information?

m  Monthly

m  Yearly

m  Other ______

Q24 What types of mass media do you most often access for home fire safety-related information? Check all that apply

q  TV

q  Radio

q  Newspapers

q  Internet

q  Magazines

q  Mobile phones

q  Social Networks

q  I don't

q  Other ______

Q25 Please describe how much you:

Once a week or more / Once a month / A few times a year / Rarely / Never
Think about home fires / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 
Talk about home fires / m  / m  / m  / m  / m 

Q26a I am confident that my home will probably not be seriously damaged in a major fire

m  Yes

m  No


Q26b Please explain how you satisfied yourself that your home will not be seriously damaged, using the space below:

Q27a Are there any smoke alarms in your home? If NO, skip to question 28.

m  Yes

m  No

Q27b How many are there?______

Q27c Are they all working?

m  Yes

m  No

m  I don't know

Q27d Please describe the reasons for the smoke alarms not working using the space below:

Q28 How often do you test the smoke alarms by pressing the test button?

m  Once a week

m  Once a month

m  Once a year

m  When it beeps

m  Never

m  Other ______

Q29 Are there smoke alarms in the communal areas of your building?

m  Yes

m  No

m  Don't know

m  Does not apply, as I don't live in a building with communal areas


Q30 Please checkthe following statements if they apply to you (you may check more than one or check none):

q  I keep a close eye in the kitchen while I am cooking

q  I have a fire extinguisher and I know how to use it

q  I have a fire blanket available and ready to be used

q  I fully put out candles before leaving the room they are in

q  I fully put out cigarette butts and cover them with water before putting them into the trashcan

q  I have home fire insurance

q  I know how to shut off the main gas valve quickly to prevent a gas leak and fire

q  I have a space heater and it is kept clear of things that may catch on fire

q  There are no multiplugs plugged into another multiplug

q  I have the chimney cleaned each heating season

q  I make sure all exit doors are clear of obstruction and in good working order

q  I have a family fire evacuation plan

q  The fire evacuation plan has been practiced or gone over recently

Q31a Have you participated in fire safety trainings? If NO, skip to question 32a.

m  Yes

m  No

Q31b Where?

m  At home

m  At work

m  Other ______

Q31c When was the last time you participated in one? ______

Q32a Do you participate in fire safety drills? If NO, skip to question 33.

m  Yes

m  No

Q32b Where?

m  At home

m  At work

m  Other ______

Q32c When was the last time you participated in one? ______

Q33 When was the last time you experienced a fire? ______

Q34a Since then, have you taken any action as a result?

m  Yes

m  No

m  I have never experienced a home fire

Q34b Please use the space below to specify:


Q35 Please mark which of the following reason/s prevents you from carrying out fire safety measures:

q  The financial cost

q  The skill or knowledge required

q  The time required to do them

q  Other things/problems to think about

q  Need for co-operation with others

q  Information overload (too much information from different sources)

q  Other ______

q  None

Q36 Which do you think is the most likely time in which a damaging fire could affect you?

m  within the next 3 months

m  within the next 12 months

m  within the next 5 years

m  within the next 10 years or longer

m  sometime within my lifetime

m  I don't think I would ever be affected by a damaging fire

Q37 Think about your ability to do the basic tasks to prepare for a natural hazard (e.g., securing heavy objects to the wall, testing smoke alarms). When answering the following questions, answer thinking of your own personal skills and ability to do these tasks.

Answer using the following scale from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 4 (Strongly Agree):

Strongly Disagree / 2
Disagree / 3
Agree / 4
Strongly Agree
I have confidence in my ability to do the various preparedness tasks / m  / m  / m  / m 
There are some tasks required that I cannot do well / m  / m  / m  / m 
When my performance is poor, it is due to my lack of ability / m  / m  / m  / m 
I doubt my ability to do these tasks / m  / m  / m  / m 
I have all the skills needed to perform these tasks very well / m  / m  / m  / m 
Most people in my situation can do these tasks better than I can / m  / m  / m  / m 
I am an expert at performing these tasks / m  / m  / m  / m 
My future is in danger because of my lack of skills regarding natural hazard preparedness / m  / m  / m  / m 
I am proud of my skills and abilities / m  / m  / m  / m 
I feel uncomfortable when others watch me do these tasks / m  / m  / m  / m 


Q38 On a scale of 1 (Of no Use) to 4 (Very Useful), how useful do you think it would be to do the following to prevent or reduce damage due to an earthquake or home fire:

Of no Use / 2
Probably not useful / 3
Probably useful / 4
Very Useful
Securing heavy electric appliances with Velcro, straps, pad or locks / m  / m  / m  / m 
Securing heavy, tall furniture to the wall / m  / m  / m  / m 
Removing framed pictures from above sofas and beds / m  / m  / m  / m 
Keeping important exits clear of obstruction / m  / m  / m  / m 
Having functioning smoke alarms / m  / m  / m  / m 
Having a fire extinguisher / m  / m  / m  / m 
Making sure that plugs are secure (not overcharged) / m  / m  / m  / m 

Q39 Please read the following items and answer the following questions about how useful and good do you think they are in preventing or reducing damage:

a) To secure heavy electric appliances (e.g., TV and computer) with Velcro, pad, straps or locks

Do you think that it is a good idea? / m  / m 
Do you know how to do it? / m  / m 
Do you want to do it? / m  / m 
Do you definitely intend to do it in a week or two? / m  / m 
Have you already done it? / m  / m 

b) To secure heavy, tall furniture (e.g., bookcase) to the wall

Do you think that it is a good idea? / m  / m 
Do you know how to do it? / m  / m 
Do you want to do it? / m  / m 
Do you definitely intend to do it in a week or two? / m  / m 
Have you already done it? / m  / m 


c) To clear all exits of obstruction

Do you think that it is a good idea? / m  / m 
Do you know how to do it? / m  / m 
Do you want to do it? / m  / m 
Do you definitely intend to do it in a week or two? / m  / m 
Have you already done it? / m  / m 

d) To not hang objects (e.g., framed pictures or mirrors) above couches and beds