Student voice –

how to have your say


What is student voice?

NewVIc is committed to ensuring that students are involved in improving the effectiveness of the college and its services. This leaflet sets out the different ways that you are represented within the college and how to get involved. A full student involvement strategy is available on iVIc, the college’s virtual learning environment.

Feedback and communication

The college welcomes all feedback from students and as well as the formal opportunities for representation set out below, there are numerous ways for you to provide feedback throughout your time at college. These include:

  • student satisfaction surveys
  • induction surveys
  • course reviews
  • feedback questionnaires for particular services, such as careers or counselling
  • surveys on particular projects
  • focus groups
  • student panels actively involved in staff recruitment
  • compliments, comments and complaints system

Students’ views are fed systematically into the college self-assessment and quality cycle. The college then communicates to students the improvements and actions that have been taken forward. We use iVIc, posters and meetings to do this.

Student representation

There are seven formal ways in which the student body can represent its views to college management. These are:

1.Course representatives

During induction each course will elect a class representative who will attend curriculum meetings to feedback to staff and managers.

  1. Student surveys

Students will be asked to complete satisfaction surveys at the beginning of and during their course of study. This will include questions on teaching and learning and college services. The results are analysed by college management and used to assess the college’s success and plan improvement.

  1. Focus groups

Staff and managers will invite students to attend focus groups. These will be used to discuss and seek student views on courses and college services. The groups may also be used to help the college plan and implement new ideas and developments for the benefits of students.

  1. Course reviews

At the end of every course, the curriculum manager will invite students to attend a course review to evaluate the success of the course over the year.

  1. Student council

Members of each tutor group elect two class representatives to act as their voice and represent their views on the student council. Class representatives ensure there is two-way communication between the student council, college management and all students. Student Council Summits occur five times a year and are an opportunity for Student Representatives and staff to come together to talk and plan. These summits focus on interaction and feedback and are a direct channel for students to become involved in shaping NewVIc’s learning, teaching and support.

  1. Student Union (SU)

NewVIc is proud to have a very active Student Union (SU). Every student enrolled at college is automatically a member of the SU. The SU provides a year-long programme of innovative and exciting events, activities and opportunities that will further enhance your college experience.

The role of the student union is to:

  • ensure that the student voice is listened to and acted upon
  • represent the interests, views needs and rights of all students
  • provide a channel of communication between its members and the college and other bodies
  • promote, encourage and help coordinate social and cultural activities for students

The Student Union executive is a group made up of students keen to ensure learners at the college are listened to. Positions include President, Activities Officer, Campaigns Officer and many more. To get involved in one of the SU executive roles you have to stand for election. Nominations are open to all students and all students are encouraged to vote. Elections for the Student Union executive positions take place annually in the summer term and are open to any student continuing at NewVIc in the next academic year.

  1. Student governors

We have two Student Governors. One is the Student Union (SU) President and the other is a dedicated Student Governor SU Executive. The student governors sit on the college’s board of governors, who are responsible for the strategy, mission and quality of the college. The student governors ensure that the student voice is represented on the board.