how to get rid of mosquitoes
By -admin
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Every single human being would have been bitten by a mosquitoes (Except people living in cold countries - where mosquitoes cannot survive in minus temperatures). So what a person (human) does in order to get rid of mosquitoes.
I guess till now we are not very successful as every year there are always few victims suffering from malaria, dengui etc.
So whats the options to get rid of them :
Majorly you can do two things:
1) You move away
2) Move them away
Heres the list what best you can do :
* If you don't have any mosquito killer than you can switch on your fan in full speed and moving your bed at the center
* If you don't have a fan - then try to sleep near the window (as the air might blow away the mosquitoes)
* If there isn't enough wind - try to cover up your entire body (especially legs) with blankets
* If the electricity isn't there then you might try to - sleep near the varanda (balcony) so that the air comes out.
* Sleeping at the terrace or lawn (outside the house) is also sometimes a better option if electricity isn't there.
* Remove the mess from the room - mosquito likes messy rooms. If water is there then its a boom for them.
* Also there is a mosquito killing electric badminton racket available - you can try to use them or kill them.
* Mosquito net - this is the most ancient way of defining yours and mosquitoes territory. This is one of the best way i believe!! - but if you stay in a hot country then it might also block fan wind. And its sometimes time-consuming as every night you have to load the mosquito net.
* Sometimes there are only 4-5 mosquitoes around - so why not hunt them with your hand or shoes.
* Sometimes government use chemicals to neutralize mosquitoes in mass scale - but those are for all the mosquitoes who reside outside not inside your house.
* There are also mosquito killing software programs available - which emits a sound of particular frequency. The logic is when you run that program a frequency of sound is emitted from your speaker and mosquitoes cannot tolerate that sound and eventually moves away. (pc is a must in this case)
* mosquito killer spays, mosquito repellant, mosquito coil, mosquito mat are good to drive mosquito away. But sometimes these smokes coming out from repellant is not only bad of mosquito but also human.
* Some kind of creams are also available which isn't liked by mosquitoes
Anyway you might purchase such a mosquito killing stuff from any of your supermarket..
Does High Frequency Sound Repel Pests?
There is a claim in infomercials that say a product producing high frequency sound can repel mosquitoes, rodents, and other pests inside your house but remains safe for humans and pets. Is this claim true or false? Find out in this piece of information if this form of mosquito control is effective.
Inaudible to people, a mosquito control producing high frequency sounds claims to repel mosquitoes. But the reality is that the US Federal Commission has proven that this claim is false. According to the commission, it has already accused firms of making unsubstantial claims about these ultrasonic gadgets.
The conclusion is that these so-called ultrasonic repellents are not really effective. So if these devices are not really effective, what can be the solution against these mosquitoes?
The best fix according to studies is by applying DEET-based repellents. It is the most effective method to ward off mosquitoes. However, there are problems with these DEET-based repellents for people having sensitive skin. If you have sensitive skin, try the kid’s version. As side information, researchers found that dragonflies are not repelled by these lotions. These insects are smart enough to beat their wings without being discouraged by the repellents in one study.
In summary, the claim of infomercials with their ultrasonic devices is false. Never believe these marketing gimmicks with this form of mosquito control. These overpriced sound-producing gadgets are not really repelling the mosquitoes and other pests.
Read the Original Article Here:
Claim to Repel Pests With High Frequency Sound – True Or False?
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How to kill mosquitoes with your computer
Stop using chemical based Insecticides to kill mosquitoes, because you might kill yourself or Burn down the house you did not build.
Download these Anti Mosquito software to repel those annoying insects and be safer & greener
How does it work?
Dragonflies are the mortal enemy for mosquitoes and in flight they generate sound frequencies (approximately) between 67 Hz and 45 Hz, depending on their sizes.
56 Hz is a good average number in between those frequencies. Your PC sound card and speakers will work well for this purpose. There are many sound and tone generator programs available on the internet for both the Mac and Windows PC. Setup your computer with the sound/tone generator program running and then play the sound through your computer speakers. The speakers can be aimed directionally for complete room coverage.
The sound level on the speakers should be adjusted so it is barely audible. This arrangement can be setup in a bedroom where you would like to have the window open but are worried about mosquitoes. One speaker should be fairly close to where you are sleeping.
Here are some links to more advanced tone generator software which can actually sweep between the 45 Hz and 67 Hz frequencies:
I ve tried it and it appears to be okay.
Read more:
- How to Repel Mosquitos Naturally
- 100% Natural Mosquito Repellent
- Print this article
Things You'll Need
- Spray bottle
- Essential oils
- Rubbing alcohol, witch hazel, vodka or olive oil
Show (7) More
1.Create a Natural Repellent Spray With Essential Oils
- 1
Start by pouring 10 ounces of rubbing alcohol, witch hazel, vodka or olive oil into an empty plastic spray bottle.
- 2
Add 1 ounce of any of the following essential oils: castor, cedar, celery extract, clove, citronella, geranium, lemon eucalyptus, fennel, lavender, lemon grass, peppermint, rosemary, soybean, thyme or tea tree oil.
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- Configuration Software
Out of the box or custom, Browser or Smart Client application
- 3
Mix well and store in a spray bottle. You can spray this on your skin, or the walls of room with mosquito infestation.
2.Make a Repellent Spray with Catnip
- 4
Grow the perennial herb Nepeta catari in a sunny part of your garden, or buy them from a vendor.
- 5
Rinse 2 cups of the stemmed catnip and then gently roll the catnip with a rolling pin.
- 6
Put the rolled catnip in a jar and cover it with 3 cups of vinegar. Seal the jar and store for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking the jar daily.
- 7
Filter the liquid out of the jar into a spray bottle and keep refrigerated.
3.Try Other Natural Repellent Methods
- 8
Plant natural mosquito repellents like marigolds and Thai lemon grass around your home. Studies say that these work better than citronella.
- 9
Get a bat. If you build or buy a bat house, a bat may take up residence and start killing off thousands of mosquitoes every night.
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Try mosquito repellent candles. There are many kinds of candles that burn citronella or other essential oils that ward off mosquitoes.
Read more:How to Repel Mosquitoes Naturally |
5 Supervillain Tactics Science Is Using to Kill Mosquitoes
By:Rory LynottJuly 11, 2011603,448 views
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What is the deadliest animal in the world? Lions? Sharks? Bears? Bees? Snakes? Rats? It was bears, wasn't it? Is it bears?
No, it's the lowly mosquito, and it's not even close. Thanks to their ability to spread diseases like malaria theytake out a mind-boggling two million people a year.
Mankind's desire to stop the little murderous bastards has reached the point of desperation, and our schemes for fighting them have strayed into Mad Scientist Bond Supervillain territory. We're not exaggerating here. Mankind's plans for conquering the world of mosquitoes includes...
Death Rays
The scientists who developed the mosquito-killing laser were also on the team who created Ronald Reagan'sStrategic Defense Initiative, the centerpiece of which would have been satellite-mounted lasers designed to blow nuclear missiles out of the sky before they could land on American cities. That plan was scrapped years ago, but if you take that tracking and kill-beam technology and shrink it down, you wind up with a hell of a mosquito net.
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Though it would be pretty damn cool to just do it from space.
The targeting system is even able to tell harmless male mosquitoes apart from the disease-carrying females (from the sound of their wing beats). Or you can set the laser to, as one researcher put it, "just slay them all."
The lasers could some day be set up to form a barrier around a house or village, like huge, highly-advanced bug zapping force fields. They could even be attached to automated drone aircraft. Hell, for that matter, why automate it? Hook the drone cameras up to XBox Live and let players dispatch mosquitoes for Achievement points. Why not? The project is, after all, funded by Bill Gates as part ofhis ongoing crusade against the mosquito menace. That's right, we even have an evil billionaire on our side. You mosquitoes thought we weren't serious about this supervillain shit?
Your move, bitches.
Using a Sexy Double Agent to Seduce Them
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We tried altering the females but they grew powerful enough to eat concrete.
Meanwhile, other scientistsare studying mosquito mating ritualsto one day design the most irresistible mosquito sex clones possible.
Yes, mosquitoes have mating rituals. For an insect that's such an asshole, their courtships play out surprisingly similar to a Disney film -- a lonely young female mosquito buzzes or "sings," probably about how she wishes she could live a life without the influence of her evil stepmother, when a nearby male mosquito happens to hear. He then joins in and it becomes a duet. The lovin' takes place after the harmony reaches a note almost an octave and a half above A (in concert pitch).
So researchers are trying to generate those sounds electronically, figuring out what sound makes female mosquitoes the horniest. That could let us breed deadly males that can seduce any female in the vicinity, their looks ravishing, their siren song irresistible. We will have created a diabolical eugenics plan that is literally too sexy to be stopped.
Biological Warfare
5 Supervillain Tactics Science Is Using to Kill Mosquitoes
By:Rory LynottJuly 11, 2011603,448 views
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Chemical Warfare
This one has been altered to dance feverishly until death.
Mosquitoes find their human preyvia their sense of smell, and as such their sniffers are extra sensitive to the CO2 humans exhale. "Great!" you say to yourself. "We can come up with some chemical that dampens their sense of smell!" No. that would be too simple. Scientists have instead come up with chemicals can do everything from luring mosquitoes to a spot that smells like a human, to convincing the mosquito he's surrounded by delicious humans at every moment until he goes insane and drops dead.
Specifically, surrounded by a herd of Katt Williams.
The downside is it's not clear if those chemicals, if used in amounts sufficient enough to devastate a mosquito population, would be safe for humans to breathe. OK, so what we need is a chemical that is deadly to mosquitoes, but completely harmless to humans even if we were to drink the stuff straight. Enternootkatone. It's made from grapefruit. You've had it if you've drank a can of Squirt.
"Squirt. Because fuck mosquitoes."
But the effect on mosquitoes is downright hilarious. It seeps into their tiny mosquito brains, making them so hyperactive theyliterally vibrate themselves to death. Really, it's the next best thing to mind control.
Though, why not just go for the real thing?
Mind Control
Apparently that method was rejected as too "gross," so scientists instead gathered some of the semen (presumably by wanking dozens of males with tiny tweezers) and studied it to find just what chemicals had the behavior-altering effect. Once we isolate it, we'll have our mosquito mind control spray! And there is nothing they can do to stop us! Especially now that we've explained our entire plan to them!
For animals who scoff in the face of our human weapons, check out5 Animals That Are Terrifyingly Hard to Killand6 Animals That Just Don't Give a F#@k.
Read more:5 Supervillain Tactics Science Is Using to Kill Mosquitoes |