How to Fill Out the Request For Reimbursement of Travel Expenses

The form can be found on the university’s websiteunder Faculty & Staff Resources, Departments, Travel, and Travel Forms orandthen select Travel Reimbursement Form. The form MUST BE completed online, printed, signed and dated by the traveler. If any changes are made to the form after it has been printed, the traveler must initial any change. Please contact the Accounting Department with any questions regarding these instructions or the travel reimbursement form.

General Information – Section One

1. Please provide the following pertinent information:

- Employee Name (traveler’s name as listed in FAMIS)

-Employee ID Number – this is the traveler’s UIN (do not use SS#)



- Address – traveler’s home mailing address as listed in FAMIS (if different notify us)

-Place of Employment (The office or other location at which a state employee most frequently conducts official state business. Texas Government Code Section 660.002(15).

2. Departure and Return Information:

- Date and time left

- Date and time returned

Please keep in mind that if a traveler includes personal time with university business, either before or after university business, the date must be the actual day traveler left – even if it was personal time and the same applies tothe date returned.

Example: A traveler has a conference scheduled for June 5th-8th, but he wants to stay until the 15th on vacation. The date left would be June 5th (unless he left the day before), and the return date would be June 15th – even though the conference concluded on the 8th.

3. Destination(s) – where did the traveler go?

The form asks for locations traveled in date order – please list the actual location(s) in date order.

Example: Austin, Waco, San Antonio. Please list them like 6/1-Austin, 6/2 Waco, and 6/5-San Antonio or that you traveled from your residence to Houston and back to your residence – there is not enough space.

4. In-State or Out-of-State?

Note that the schedule is set to default to In-State.

Lodging, Meals, Incidentals and Other – Section Two

5. Lodging – Did the Traveler personally pay the bill or was it paid by a University Travel Card? If “traveler paid” is selected, please list the daily room chargesonly, taxes are reported separately. Additionally, ensure there is a zero balance on the hotel bill. If paid with a University Travel Card,do notinclude any hotel or tax amounts in this section.

6. Taxes

If the traveler stayed multiple days, please add the taxes up and include that amount on the form. Please keep in mind that if the travel was in-state, as an institution of higher education we are exempt from paying state hotel occupancy tax, and thus the traveler will not be reimbursed for state tax. For the state tax to be credited back, the hotel occupancy state tax exemption form should have been submitted when you checked into the hotel. However, state taxes will be reimbursed for out-of-state travel.

7. Meals

GSA per Diem is used to pay meals - There is no meal reimbursement for one-day trips. Meal receipts are not required. Provide a copy of Meals & Incidental Expenses Breakdown for destination indicating any meals provided to you at no cost See below:

M&IE Total / $46 / $51 / $56 / $61 / $66 / $71
Continental Breakfast/ Breakfast / $7 / $8 / $9 / $10 / $11 / $12
Lunch / $11 / $12 / $13 / $15 / $16 / $18
Dinner / $23 / $26 / $29 / $31 / $34 / $36
Incidentals / $5 / $5 / $5 / $5 / $5 / $5
First & Last Day of Travel / $34.50 / $38.25 / $42 / $45.75 / $49.50 / $53.25

Indicate with an “X” under the breakfast, lunch and dinner headings of thetravel reimbursement form for any meals provided to you at no cost or paid with a Travel Card.

Example:Travel to College Station, Oct. 3, 4 & 5th. Per Diem rate is $56.00.

Oct. 3- $42.00

Oct. 4-$56.00-9.00-13.00 =$34.00

Oct. 5-$42.00–6.75=$35.25

Total meal reimbursement is$111.25.

First day of travel is calculated at 75% of daily per diem (no meals provided at conference).

Second day is calculated at daily per diem less breakfast provided at hotel, less lunch provided at conference.

Last day of travel is calculated at 75% of daily per diem less 75% forbreakfast ($9.00 X .75 = 6.75) provided at hotel.

Travelers must consult the federal website for the latest rates at: then select the state or city, printthe per diem rate and breakdown of meals & incidentals (Breakdown of M&IE Expenses) and attach to the travel reimbursement form.

8. Registration Fee – only used when a traveler personally pays for a conference registration. A paid receipt must be attached with the request for reimbursement form.

9. Incidentals and Other

-business calls charged to the hotel bill

-toll fees paid during travel status

-fuel paid for rental vehicles – not fuel paid for personal vehicles

- parking (sales tax charged on parking are allowable)

- other business-related items, such as internet access for business purposes, etc.

Certification – Section Three

10. The traveler is required to certify that the expenses shown on therequest for reimbursement form are true, correct, unreimbursed, and complies with all policies and/or regulations of the Texas A&M University System and all applicable TAMU-SA rules and procedures.This certification also authorizesthe Accounting Department to make corrections to the request for reimbursement form in accordance to all applicablepolicies, regulations, rules proceduresand laws.

11. Traveler’s signature – must be signed and dated by the traveler, not his/her assistant.

12. Supervisor’s signature – must be signed and dated by the supervisor, not his/her assistant.

13. Authorized Approving Official – must be signed and dated by the Authorizing Approving Official, not by his/her assistant.

Mode of Transportation – Section Four

14. Air travel – can select one of the following:

-university plane

- commercial flight(i.e., American Airlines, United, etc.)

If the commercial flight was paid using a universityTravel card (corporate business account), then mark “direct billed” on the form and do notlist the amount. If the traveler paid for the airline ticket him/herself, then mark “traveler paid” and list the total paid next to “amount”.

Note that if the traveler personally pays for the ticket and a non-contract carrier is used, a documented exception is required. A receipt must be turned in for reimbursement.

15. Motor vehicle –select one of the following:

-Rental car (Advantage and Enterprise are select rental car companies). If the rental vehicle cost is direct billed to the department, select “direct bill” and do notlist an amount. If the traveler personally paid for the rental vehicle, mark “traveler paid” and provide the amount paid. Please note – if you traveled with a co-worker, and the rental vehicle is in his/her name, please add a statement to that effect under “Additional Information.”

- Other –provide amount if traveler paidfor train, taxi, shuttle, etc.

-private vehicle – indicate if traveler used his/her personal vehicle.

16. Number of Miles Claimed.

Attach a mileage log supported with direct route MapQuest printouts for each "from" and "to" address that is not campus to campus travel. Note that if multiple trips are taken to the same location, you only need toattach one copy of the MapQuest printout.

17. Rate Used, Based on Dates of Travel.

The travel reimbursement form containsthe current rate allowed.

Exceptions – Section Five

18. One or more exceptions may be selected from the choices provided. For additional information regarding a particular exception, roll your cursor over the exception and a box will appear providing additional details on a specific exception.

Additional Information– Section Six

19. If this trip includes personal time (vacation/sick leave), please provide the date(s).

20. Purpose of Trip. Why did you travel (i.e., attended conference, meeting(s), court hearing, etc.)?

21. Additional Information.

Provide any additional information pertinent to this travel. Example: Flight canceled due to inclement weather, spouse traveled at no additional cost to state, rental car in co-worker’s name and direct billed to the department, parking receipt misplaced, etc.

Account Information – Section Seven

22. Account(s) to be charged. Must include support account, if applicable.

Provide the account number the travel reimbursement is to be charged. If there are overages to be paid, please provide an account number where overages are to be paid.

Contact Information – Section Eight

23. Provide a departmental contact (i.e., person who completed the form).


Travelers, please do not use ‘express check-out’ at the hotels. The wording “will be charged to credit card #### and effective balance of $0” on a hotel bill, is not a zero balance. A zero balance hotel bill is required.

Meal receipts are not required. Mealswill be reimbursed at the GSArate for the respective travel destination.

If requesting mileage reimbursement, attach a copy of the MapQuestprintout for each travel that is not campus to campus and the Mileage Log.

When using acronyms, explanation of the acronym is required under “Additional Information.”

Please contact the Accounting Department with any questions regarding these instructions or the travel reimbursement form.