GroupWise Rule Tips

How to create a GroupWise Rule:

  1. Open GroupWise Windows Client
  2. Tools, Rules, New
  3. Enter a “Rule Name”
  4. What event should the rule be executed?
  5. What conditions need to be met?
  6. What actions are to be taken?
  7. Save
  8. Check name in front of “Rule Name” means it is enabled.
  9. Close
  10. Test the rule operation

GroupWise Rule Examples

  1. Suggested setup that will be used in the following examples
  1. Categories Setup (used to see when GW Rules have been executed):
  2. Action, Categories, More
  3. New Category: “Spam”
  4. Add
  5. Edit Color, select color of choice, ok
  6. Ok
  7. Junk Mail Handling Setup:
  8. Tools, Junk Mail Handling, Settings
  9. Junk Mail, check for Enable Junk List
  10. Blocked Mail, check for Enable Block List
  11. Ok
  12. Suggest moving new Junk Mail folder under Cabinet with drag and drop using the folders window
  13. Define new condition variable
  14. Tools, Rules, New
  15. Click on “Define Conditions” button
  16. Click on down triangle on left field
  17. Click on “All Fields” … you may need to scroll down on the list
  18. Click on “X Fields” button in lower left
  19. New Internet X Field: X-Wvu-Pmx-Score
  20. Click on “Add” button
  21. New Internet X Field: X-Pmx-Version
  22. Click on “Add” button
  23. OK, OK, Cancel, Cancel, Close
  1. Spam rule for “Me to Me”
  1. Rule Name: Spam Check 1
  2. Event: New Item, Received
  3. Conditions:
  1. Item Types: Mail
  2. Conditions (username=GW login, first.last=GW email address):

X-Wvu-Pmx-Score [] *? And
X-Pmx-Version [] *? New Group
From [] And
To [] ew Group
From [] And
To [] nd

  1. Actions:
  1. Category: select Spam, ok
  2. Move to Folder: Cabinet/Junk Mail
  3. Stop Rule Processing
  1. Spam rule for “International Mail”
  1. Rule Name: Spam Check 2
  2. Event: New Item, Received
  3. Conditions:
  1. Item Types: Mail
  2. Conditions (jp=japan, fr=france, de=denmark):

X-Wvu-Pmx-Score [] *? And
X-Pmx-Version [] *? New Group
From [] @*.jp And
From [] @*.fr And
From [] @*.de End

  1. Actions:
  1. Category: select Spam, ok
  2. Move to Folder: Cabinet/Junk Mail
  3. Stop Rule Processing
  1. Spam rule for “Pure Message”
  1. Rule Name: Spam Check 3
  2. Event: New Item, Received
  3. Conditions:
  1. Item Types: Mail
  2. Conditions (quotes added for user readability, not needed):

Subject [] “PureMessage Admin”End

  1. Actions:
  1. Category: select Spam, ok
  2. Move to Folder: Cabinet/Junk Mail
  3. Stop Rule Processing
  1. Spam rule for “Stock Blocks”
  1. Rule Name: Spam Check 4
  2. Event: New Item, Received
  3. Conditions:
  1. Item Types: Mail
  2. Conditions (quotes added for user readability, not needed):

Message [] “stocks to trade” Or
Message [] “Opening Price” Or

Message [] “Global score” Or
Subject [] “Wall Street” End

  1. Actions:
  1. Category: select Spam, ok
  2. Move to Folder: Cabinet/Junk Mail
  3. Stop Rule Processing
  1. Spam rule for “Vacation or Out of Office”
  1. Rule Name: Stop Mail Bounce
  2. Event: New Item, Received
  3. Conditions:
  1. Item Types: Mail
  2. Conditions (quotes added for user readability, not needed):

Subject [] “Auto-Reply” End

  1. Actions:
  1. Stop Rule Processing
  1. Rule Name: Vacation
  2. Event: New Item, Received
  3. Conditions:
  1. Item Types: Mail
  2. Conditions (quotes added for user readability, not needed):

Subject [] *?And
Subject [*] “Auto-Reply” And

From [*] “” New Group

Created <= 7/4/2009End

… above dates can be change for appropriate start and end dates

  1. Actions:
  1. Reply:

Bullet for Reply to sender
Do not check include message

Click OK

Subject: Auto-Reply

“I am out of the office starting July 3rd and returning July 5th. Please direct your inquiries or requests to{alternate contact}.”

Click OK

… These two rules are order specific and should appear after any Spam rules.

Lastupdate: 7/16/09