Visitors to the thirteenth edition of Dak’Art wishing to attend inauguration and openings must be accredited to the General Secretariat of the Dakar Biennial.

How to complete and send the accreditation form

  1. Download the form from
  2. Fill in all fields directly (do not print, scan or transcribe please.)
  3. Rename the document with your name and first name
  4. When completed, save the form on your desktop
  5. Open the file and check that it is full and readable
  6. Sendthe completed form, attached, only to
  7. Print two (2) copies of this form and sign them. When you arrive in Dakar,introduce yourself with these 2 copies. Your badge will be given to you and you will receive a special welcome at the Village of the Biennial and access to inauguration and openings.



Your last name:

Your first name:

Date of birth:Place of birth(City and Country):

Nationality of origin:Currentnationality

Type of passport:

☐OrdinaryPassport / ☐Service passport / ☐Diplomaticpassport

other (explain,list):

Passport NumberDate and place of issueExpiry date

Current country of residence:Spokan language(s):


☐Filming☐Audio Report☐Photographing☐Publish an article☐Access to the press area

Period of exhibition:From………./………./………. to………./………./……….


Departure City:Arrival date:Departure date from Dakar:

Phone contact inDakar:Address inDakar:

What edition(s) of Dak’Art have you attended?


I am committed to honoring the Dakar Biennial with the copy of the article or report made during Dak’Art 2018.

I promise to send as soon as possible in digital format (pdf text, jpeg photos, mp3naudio, videoavi or mpeg) this copy email to /2018 or on DVD sent to the General secretariat. These copies will only be used for documentation purposes on the Biennial.

I also pledge honor to mention in the credits or on the article my thanks to the Biennial of Dakar: The Biennial of Contemporary African Art, DAK’ART 2018.

I undertake to respect the rights relating to the protection of the image and copyrights related thereto.

I am informed that this authorization to film or to photograph is valid only in the official events of the Dakar Biennial unless prohibition of the exhibiting artists.

I am informed that no one who does not respect these conditions will no longer be accredited.

Signature preceded by the mention (Good for acceptance)