Insert your name and address here

Julian Emms

Chief Executive

Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
3rd Floor
Fitzwilliam House
Skimped Hill Lane
Bracknell, Berkshire
RG12 1BQ1

Insert today’s date

Re: New complaint by [insert your name, date of birth, and NHS number if you know it]

Dear MrEmms

I am writing to make a formal complaint about [insert brief explanation of your concern e.g. unsatisfactory care, and which department/team it relates to, such as Prospect Park Hospital, CAHMS, community nursing or other] and to request that you investigate this under the NHS Complaint Procedures.

The [issue/concern/incident – choose best description] occurred on [insert date] or between [time period], and involved [names of any staff members]. [Now give a factual summary of what happened, including any attempts you made to raise your concerns at the time].

Thisaffected me by [describe the personal impact your concern has had on your health, your wellbeing, your relationship with health professionals, or any other effects].

If you feel your complaint falls short of known standards, guidance or patient rights, you could add in this paragraph:

I feel the way I was treated breaches my rights/expected standards of care/waiting times as set out in [quote relevant part of the NHS Constitution, or any national or local guideline relevant to your care].

To resolve this complaint, I am seeking:

[choose the outcome you are seeking, such as:

  • An explanation of why the issue happened
  • An apology
  • An appointment/referral for my health concern
  • A meeting to discuss ongoing care management
  • An assurance that changes have been made to prevent the same mistake happening].

I trust that you will acknowledge this letter within three working days (as required by the NHS Constitution) and that you will let me know then how soon I can expect to receive a formal response from you.

You could choose to add in this paragraph if you wish:

I have also been in contact with Healthwatch Reading, the local NHS Complaints Advocacy Service, which hasadvised me how to make a complaint/offered future assistance if needed/logged details of my concerns on their complaints database.

If you have any queries about this letter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I prefer to be contacted by [letter/email/telephone] regarding this matter.

Yours sincerely