1. How many pawns does each player start with in a game of chess? Eight
  2. The Roman road the Appian Way ran between which two cities? Rome and Brindisi
  3. Which bean is used to make chocolate? Cocoa bean
  4. What is the chemical symbol for silicon? Si
  5. Who took over from Jeff Stelling on ‘Countdown’? Nick Hewer
  6. Which singer had a 2003 hit with the single ‘Milkshake’? Kelis
  7. Who wrote ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’? Beatrix Potter
  8. Which President appears on a one dollar bill? George Washington
  9. Saudi Arabia lies between which two bodies of water? Red Sea and Persian Gulf
  10. Who became Secretary of State for education after the 2010 election? Michael Gove
  11. Which religious post does Jonathon Sacks hold within the U. K.? Chief Rabbi
  12. Which Scottish rock musician was born on 09th July 1959? Jim Kerr
  13. How long, in feet, is a tennis court? Seventy eight feet
  14. Who crossed Niagara Falls on a tightrope in 1859? Charles Blondin
  15. Which two foodstuffs would a costermonger sell? Fruit and vegetables
  16. A = 4πr2 gives the area of which three dimensional shape? A sphere
  17. Who took Michael Caine’s role in the remake of the film ‘Alfie’? Jude Law
  18. What nationality was composer Bela Bartok? Hungarian
  19. Who wrote ‘The Tenant of Wildfell Hall’? Anne Bronte
  20. Laithwaites is a merchant for which commodity? Wine
  21. How many players are there in a netball team? Seven
  22. Sir Thomas More was canonised in which century? Twentieth (1935)
  23. What type of fruit is a Blenheim Orange? An apple
  24. What colour is the neutral wire in a three point plug? Blue
  25. Who directed the 1991 film ‘The Doors’? Oliver Stone
  26. Godley and Crème were members of which seventies group? 10 C.C.
  27. Izaak Walton wrote ‘The Compleat Angler’ in which century? Seventeenth (1653)
  28. Which army rank is the equivalent of the R. A. F.’s Flight Sergeant? Staff or Colour Sergeant
  29. Victoria is the capital of which Canadian province? British Columbia
  30. Name the two chairpersons of the Conservative Party as of July 2012. Baroness Warsi and Lord Andrew Feldman
  31. What colour are the teeth of a beaver? Orange (white when born and can be chestnut brown)
  32. Which British Prime Minister was born on 09th July 1916? Edward Heath
  33. Who was the captain of the 2010 U. S. Ryder Cup team? Corey Pavin
  34. Who created the Luftwaffe in 1936? Herman Goering
  35. Talisker whisky is produced on which Scottish island? Skye
  36. Which film director’s last film was ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ in 1999? Stanley Kubrick
  37. Which country won the first Eurovision Song Contest in 1956? Switzerland (held in Sweden)
  38. In which Shakespeare play do two grave diggers appear? Hamlet
  39. In which field is Oscar Niemeyer famous? He is an architect(born 1907 and still sharpening his pencil at 104!)
  40. The Incan site Machu Picchu is in which country? Peru