How many Overtime wheels are there supposed to be in a building?
Most buildings have 1 wheel, some buildings have 2 wheels, one for the weekends’ overtime assignments and one for weekday overtime assignments, but if there is any issues with the 2 wheels program then it is reduced to one wheel for the building.
There’s no such thing as an emergency wheel for overtime assignments.
**Note – We expect our members to act like adults to ensure that overtime assignments are shared equitably among all members in the building.
What is considered late notice?
Wednesday night after the conclusion of your shift (10pm) will be considered the deadline for notice, if the member is offered an overtime assignment after Wednesday’s shift but doesn’t accept the assignment the wheel doesn’t advance and there is no loss of opportunity occurred.
Can I use my seniority to go to the top of the wheel once I posted to my new position in the building?
No, the wheel remains the same until the first of September, you will go to the bottom of the wheel and then it’s adjusted according to seniority of the members in the building in September.
Are casuals able to work overtime?
Casuals have all the same rights to overtime as permanent members. Casuals on long term assignments assume the spot on the wheel of the member that they are replacing. Casuals can do overtime assignments in elementary schools without the courses. Casuals in secondary schools have to have courses or be working with someone that has their courses in order to accept overtime assignments.
Is Overtime assignments supposed to be shared?
Overtime assignments can be shared if they are longer than a normal shift (8 hours).
**Note – We expect our members to act like adults to ensure that overtime assignments are shared equitably among all members in the building.
Can members come from other buildings to work overtime in my building?
Yes, as long as the employer have offered overtime to all members working in the building first, the employer can and should offer top-up, for coverage, to permanent and casual members with less than forty hours per week.
What is the policy for furniture in a classroom?
There’s a board policy against having furniture not from a board approved supplier, it’s available from your supervisor. Staff cannot bring furniture or appliances from home and place in their rooms. If there is an issue in your building, contact your supervisor and have the supervisor deal with it through the principle/administrator of the building.
Can I cover the Head Caretaker on days even if I haven’t completed all my courses?
A member can cover the missing Head Caretaker without completing all the required courses for up to 3 days, and then the floating Head Caretaker pool would fill the position.
What is priority cleaning?
There is a policy paper issued by the Board dated 2013, Priority cleaning is performed when regular cleaning duties cannot be completed but the building must be maintained for health and safety reasons. Shortage of staff, extreme acts of god, etc are the reason for priority cleaning
What are the priority areas of a building?
Priority areas of the building that must be cleaned and maintained on a daily basis include washrooms, change rooms, halls, stairs, kindergarten classrooms daycares, portables, cafeterias and garbage in all areas. For priority cleaning every school should have a schedule of priority areas that all staff are responsible for, working together to get priorities done. ie: Maps of the buildings indicating the priority areas should be posted in the caretaker’s office.
Whose responsibility is priority cleaning?
All members on site are to work together on all priority areas of the building first and with any remaining time on their shift, provide service to remaining sections of the building.