Summer 2005 Online Survey Results

Survey completed one week into summer session

49% response Rate

How many online courses are you taking this summer?
Response Total
One / 158
Two / 66
Three / 10
Total Respondents / 234
(filtered out) / 3
(skipped this question) / 0
How many face-to-face or hybrid courses are you taking this summer?
Response Total
None / 128
One / 84
Two or More / 22
Total Respondents / 234
(filtered out) / 3
(skipped this question) / 0
NOT including your courses this summer how many online courses have you taken during your college career?
Response Total
None / 80
One / 34
Two to three / 64
Four to five / 32
Six or more / 24
Total Respondents / 234
(filtered out) / 3
(skipped this question) / 0
How often do you use your GCC e-mail account?
Response Total
Never / 15
Once a month / 16
Once a week / 46
Few times a week / 82
Once a day / 49
More than once a day / 26
Total Respondents / 234
(filtered out) / 3
(skipped this question) / 0
How much time do you anticipate spending each week for one online course?
Response Total
One to two hours / 19
Three to four hours / 73
Five to six hours / 71
Seven to eight hours / 31
Eight to nine hours / 17
More than ten hours / 23
Total Respondents / 234
(filtered out) / 3
(skipped this question) / 0
How much time do you think should be spent on an online course each week?
Response Total
One to two hours / 20
Three to four hours / 77
Five to six hours / 66
Seven to eight hours / 41
Nine to ten hours / 18
Eleven to twelve hours / 7
Thirteen or more hours / 5
Are you aware that all courses required for business and/or general studies degrees are available online?
Response Total
Yes / 81
No / 153
Did you attend a Blackboard training workshop prior to taking your first online course?
Response Total
Yes / 99
No / 135
Please rate the following statements according to the scale.
Strongly Agree / Agree / No Opinion / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
I am taking this online course because my work
schedule conflicts with “face-to-face” courses. / 94 / 55 / 17 / 41 / 25
I am taking this online course because family
obligations do not allow me to take a face-to-face course. / 50 / 50 / 37 / 38
I am taking this online course because it
suits my learning style. / 41 / 81 / 46 / 40 / 23
I am taking this online course because I can set my own
class hours. / 108 / 80 / 14 / 17 / 14
I am taking this online course because I think
it is easier than a face-to-face course. / 17 / 24 / 49 / 93 / 50
I am taking this online course because of the instructor. / 10 / 29 / 124 / 36 / 35
I am taking this online course because of transportation issues. / 11 / 28 / 38 / 76 / 81
I am taking this online course because it is only offered online. / 45 / 34 / 49 / 54 / 51
Please rate the following statements.
Strongly Agree / Agree / No Opinion / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
I believe time management skills are important to succeed in an online course. / 167 / 62 / 4 / 1 / 0
I believe organization skills are important to succeed in an online course. / 149 / 79 / 2 / 3 / 1
I believe critical thinking skills are important to succeed in an online course. / 119 / 88 / 20 / 6 / 0
I believe writing skills are important to succeed in an online course. / 96 / 99 / 21 / 16 / 2
I believe reading skills are important to succeed in an online course. / 143 / 87 / 3 / 1 / 0
I believe computer skills are important to succeed in an online course. / 128 / 97 / 3 / 4 / 0
Please rate the following statements.
Strongly Agree / Agree / No Opinion / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
I have a good understanding of blackboard. / 129 / 92 / 7 / 5 / 0
I feel comfortable using the digital dropbox. / 77 / 71 / 47 / 28 / 10
I feel comfortable using the discussion board. / 116 / 87 / 22 / 7 / 1
I feel comfortable checking grades. / 145 / 78 / 7 / 2 / 0
I feel comfortable checking announcements. / 150 / 80 / 2 / 1 / 0
I feel comfortable using the Virtual Classroom. / 59 / 52 / 77 / 31 / 12
I feel comfortable using e-mail. / 146 / 73 / 5 / 6 / 3
Please rate the following statements.
Strongly Agree / Agree / No Opinion / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
I complete course work for my online course at home. / 153 / 76 / 1 / 3 / 0
I complete course work for my online course at work. / 12 / 53 / 29 / 127 / 11
I complete course work for my online course in the Germanna library. / 3 / 15 / 35 / 167 / 13
I complete course work for my online course in Germanna’s computer lab. / 7 / 31 / 31 / 150 / 14
I complete coursework for my online course between 7:00 am and noon. / 17 / 66 / 20 / 119 / 11
I complete coursework for my online course between noon and 4:00 pm. / 22 / 75 / 17 / 110 / 10
I complete coursework for my online course between 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm. / 35 / 113 / 17 / 59 / 8
I complete coursework for my online course between 8:00 pm and midnight. / 62 / 110 / 16 / 36 / 7
I complete coursework for my online course between midnight and 4:00 am. / 8 / 35 / 23 / 142 / 24
I complete coursework for my online course between 4:00 am and 7:00 am. / 4 / 16 / 22 / 161 / 29
Please rate the following statements.
Strongly Agree / Agree / No Opinion / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
I communicate with my instructor via e-mail. / 87 / 128 / 12 / 5 / 2
I communicate with my instructor via phone. / 9 / 15 / 50 / 124 / 36
I communicate with my instructor via chat boards. / 13 / 35 / 66 / 96 / 23
I communicate with my instructor via discussion board. / 39 / 91 / 42 / 53 / 9
I communicate with my instructor by meeting him/her in person. / 11 / 33 / 57 / 112 / 19
The communication with my online instructor(s) meets my needs. / 67 / 108 / 31 / 21 / 7
Please rate the following statements.
Strongly Agree / Agree / No Opinion / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
The technological support supplied by Germanna meets my academic needs. / 50 / 113 / 64 / 5 / 1
I believe that the proctored activities are flexible for my schedule. / 43 / 109 / 57 / 21 / 2
I believe that the proctored activities for online course are important to maintain integrity. / 41 / 110 / 50 / 30 / 3
I prefer online courses over face-to-face classes. / 40 / 51 / 55 / 61 / 27
I would recommend online courses to other Germanna students. / 72 / 118 / 28 / 8 / 8
I will take another distance education course at Germanna. / 92 / 95 / 30 / 10 / 7
What do you like about the online courses at Germanna?
1. / The courses I have had seem well organized
2. / N/A
3. / I think they are good. Especially when I want to take classes and the classroom spots are filled. They are also good because not just a few types of classes are avaialable. It seems as if many different classes, even ones you wold think shouldn't be online, are.
4. / I do not have a lot of time so it is really helpful to be able to do the work when I have the time.
5. / Don't have to meet at the school.
6. / flexibility, no need to actually go to class
7. / Flexability and availability
8. / work at your own pace.
9. / I took math 164 las semester and found the virtual classroom and online lessons valuable since I could replay them to better understand points I may have missed in a classroom setting.
10. / That I can do my work whenever i please.
11. / The ability to do the work really at my own pace as long as I comeplete it by the due date. I don't have to go to class and deal with other students.
12. / The fact that I can set my own pace and that I don't feel stupid by the class that may be way ahead of me.
13. / I liked it
14. / They give you the opertunity to learn at your own pace.
15. / The main thing I like about them is that I can do them at home, on my own time. There is no set schedule, only the one I make up for myself. I can do the coursework during the middle of the day, or at two AM if I wish.
17. / Online claases are ok only if the teachers get back to you on time
18. / I like how I can manage my time easier than having a scheduled class time.
19. / I can do the owrk whenever I want to
20. / can work at my own pace
21. / being able to have a free schedule.
22. / I do like the fact that I can do the work at my own pace. If I am having a really busy week, I can slack a little and catch up later. It also really help to learn time management and it help you to learn to be self-motivated. Those are qualities that many people are never forced to learn.
23. / The flexiability
24. / Flexability
25. / They are convenient scheduling wise. They are easy to complete on an independent basis.
26. / the class hours!
27. / Convient to my time schedule
28. / That there is no certain time of day that you have to get online. you do a few things at your own pace, an i like that yuo can just check the messeges instead of listening to a in class lecture.
29. / flexibility
30. / The flexibility of the courses. I can work on my courses during the time that best suits my needs.
31. / instructer
32. / I like the flexibility, as well as the instruction provided throught the online courses.
33. / They offer some flexibility
34. / there are many offered
35. / Convienent!
36. / I can do the work when my schedule allows.
37. / They are easier overall, even though some course material is difficult. I like learning somewhat at my own pace though.
38. / I live one hour away so not driving is the best.
39. / Ability to learn the lesson and complete assignments when time is available.
40. / The ability to complete the homework at home/school.
41. / I like that I can work on my class work late at night.
42. / n/a
43. / easier, i do at my pace, no commute after working 8-8 1/2 hours a day
44. / Ease of being able to take the class at home.
45. / The flexibility of arranging my schedule to complete the requirements.
46. / They allow flexibility. I can complete the work according to my own schedule especially during the summer.
47. / I'm able to work on assignments at my own pace and the required work is structured. You have deadlines to finish assignment so that you won't fall behind.
48. / felxible schedule
49. / none
50. / I like online courses because there are some classes that do not necessaraly need to have a class room lecture time, such as English.
51. / This is my first course on line and to tell you the truth I like the one on one teacher and I do have a little challenge working the program but is a learning experience.
52. / The short duration.
53. / I can be home in the summer with my child.
54. / The ability to schedule when I can study and where. Being in the middle of a move I am having to go back and forth to williamsburg and New Port News. Access anywhere to online classes is fantastic!
55. / Fits my work and family obligliation needs.
56. / Being able to work at my own pace and being able to choose when to study as opposed to having to abide by a class schedule.
57. / They are nice because I can work at it on my schedule and not have to worry about work or family.
58. / They're an excellent alternative to face to face courses where you may not learn as much based on your own way of learning.
59. / They are easier than I thought to use, however nothing is a replacement for the real thing. I pay for a live education and feel cheated that I don't get a live instructor. I'm only taking this because I had no other choice in order to complete my degree without delaying it another semester.
60. / The course English course that I am taking, ENG 111, contains too many requirements for just three credits. Not just assignments to complete and discussion boards, but also submissions to At the beginning of the course, we were confused by having as our "Blackboard" instead of GCC's Blackboard. When taking more than one course, this becomes annoying!
61. / Helps with my work schedule.
62. / That you can work at your own pace and convenience.
63. / The information is very blunt and you know what to expect from the teachers. They don't change their information as much as they would in class and it's REALLY convenient
64. / getting to work at my own pace, not having to attend specific classes
65. / Truthfully I do not like online classes. It is the only thing that allows me to work towards my degree and work my full time job. The online courses are very time consuming and I find difficult.
66. / It saves valuable personal time. I can spend more time with my family and school doesn't interfere with work when taking online classes.
67. / That i can do it any time of the day or week
68. / very convient
69. / The flexibility and convenience of the class
70. / Flexible with your own schedule.
71. / 1)The set-up of the course. 2)Deadlines. 3)Quick responses from instructor. 4)Course selection. 5)Convenience.
72. / Convenience when completing assignments
73. / Not having to devote my entire summer to going to classes
74. / flexibility to work around my schedule as well as my family's schedule. I work full time and have a lot of other family committments, so it makes my life much easier to accomplish my career goals at my leisure
75. / They are fine
76. / I can work at my own pace and at times that best fit my schedule
77. / I like that they are fairly easy to access and use.
78. / nothing until I am done
79. / So far I enjoy it I'm surprised by myself how much I've gotten done on my own.I wasn't sure if I could manage an online class since I have never been in one before.I plan on taking more during the fall.Probably two or more..
80. / I like that you are able to work at your own pace with work.
81. / I enjoy the flexibility that online courses offer.
82. / They are very convient and fit my lifestyle better than face to face classes
83. / I can set my own schedule, and it works around my work and social schedule.
84. / Set my own schedule. work at my own pace.
85. / You can complete assignments and quizes according to your time not the instructors.
86. / I'm still getting use to it.
87. / I like the flexability of on-line courses. I am able to take my nursing classes during the day and then take the on-line classes at night. These classes are great to have.
88. / I am told everything to look over to be prepared for each quiz. My instructor always gets back to me asap when I have a question or a problem. Taking my online class doesnt give me 'going to school' anxiety, I can relax at home.
89. / I live in the mountains and travel alot due to my husband being in the navy...Germanna lets me take classes to complete my education without having to always be near the campus. Everyone was very friendly and helpful and i really enjoy it so far.
90. / I like them because they allow me to take classes at my own pace
91. / Everything pertaining to the class is well organized, and available all the time.
92. / I like the online courses at Germanna. They fit into my lifestyle with working fulltime and raising a family. The blackboard module has been easy to learn and sufficient for my academic progress.
93. / The flexibility this course allows me far outweighs the extra organization and planning needed to succeed in an online course.
94. / I can do the class when it fits my schedule.
95. / I dont have to give up an evening to sit in class.
96. / Flexibility of schedule
97. / The class I am attending now is very well organized and outlined so that I am able to work at my own pace and still gain valuable information.
98. / very difficult, more so than face-to-face courses
99. / Being able to set my own hours; being a stay at home mom doesn't allow me the opportunity to attent traditional classes.
100. / I really like the fact that I don't have to be in a classroom and can set my own hours. It also helps that I don't have to drive 40 minutes to go to class and actually makes me more willing to do my work because I don't have to spend all that time in the car.
101. / I dont have to drive out to Germanna for a class. You can do your work sort of at your own pace and there's still a teacher reachable if needed
102. / Germanna has done an excellent job of setting up and administering the on-line courses. Summer 2005 is my first semester to take on-line courses here and they work very efficiently.
103. / I like the flexibility I have as to when I do my studies. It is a great way to pursue my education and be able to raise a family and work full time.
104. / They fit my schedule because I decide when and where.
105. / 1. Freedom to do my studies as I please throughout the week 2. Not having to drive 50 miles to class (Not having to drive 50 miles to class to find out the instructor can't attend!)
106. / It's ease of using.
107. / not having a set schedule
108. / They enable me to take more classes while still holding a full time job. this summer I can take four classes instead of just two.
109. / I am a stay-at-home Mom, so the flexibility (of time) is very important to me.
110. / Convenience of completing assignments on my own set schedule
111. / convience
112. / I like online courses because it gives you the capibilty to set your on hours and days of when you what to the course work. It also is convenient because I work during the day and I would rather do online courses than go to night classes.
113. / I like taking them in the summer because it allows me to go on vacations and to work without missing class.
114. / This summer is my first online experience. So far it has been a good experience.
115. / It helps save time
116. / It allows me to go to school for my nursing program and at the same time, complete my online course during times when I am home.
117. / I have childcare issues during the summer months, but didn't want to lose momentum in my education. Online classes were really the only option for me for the summer.
118. / That they exist
119. / I like that I can complete my work on my own. I think that a face-to-face class confuses me and if I teach myself what I need to know then it is better for me.
120. / You are able to complete a class ahead of schedule and it's no pressure involved.
121. / I make the schedule and usually can go at a good pace.
122. / I can take care iof the family and still take classes.
123. / They give you the freedom to choose when you should study and take tests.
124. / it is easier than sitting in a class room
125. / It allows me to work at my own pace, usually finishing the class assignments prior to the class ending. It also allows more family time.
126. / It does not interfere as much as with my job schedule
127. / Online courses are enabling me to work at an accelerated speed, I get annoyed when instruction slows, and this has helped me to learn at a pace that I can be at my best performance.
128. / I like the stucture that is provided by blackboard. I not only use this structure at Germanna, but also the University of Mary Washington. I like to be able to complete the course assignments when it is convient for my schedule.
129. / Convience
130. / The flexibility of being able to participate when I have time in my schedule between home and work.
131. / flexibility
132. / I like that you can do your work when you want to.
133. / Conveniece
134. / The study guides/guide modules and suggested schedules.
135. / I can work at my own pace.
136. / It not only allows me to work but also make time for my family
137. / I can make my own schedule.
138. / flexibility of time
139. / I like that I can be at home while taking a class.