How many booksam I allowed tocheck out and for how long?
You may have4 books checked out at one time, for two weeks.
For other items, the limits are listed below:
  • Audio Books (tapes or CDs)- 1 at a time for one week
  • Videos- 1 at a timefor one week
  • Magazines- 1 at a time for one week

How do I check out a book?
1) Look for your LAST NAME in the card file boxes on the counter
2) Wait your turn and then SCAN YOUR NAME FIRST
3) Scan your books AFTER you scan your name
4) Wait for receipt, which tells you when your books are due

What if my book is overdue?

You may not check out any more books until you return your overdue item. We do not charge a fine for overdue items.

What if I lose my book or it is damaged?

You must pay for lost or damaged items. We prefer to get the lost book back, so keep looking for it. If you still cannot find it, see the library staff so they can let you know how much money you will need to pay.

How do I search the OPAC (catalog) for books?

  • Go to the William Street HOMEPAGE
  • Click on WELCOME & OPAC
  • Click on blue OPAC BUTTON
  • Click on DESTINY QUEST for the new search interface
  • Type in title, author, or subject
Whenam Iallowedtocome to the library?
  • You may come with your whole class when scheduled by your teacher
  • You may bring a pass with you to use the computers for class projects and research
  • You may bring a pass with you to look for books

How do I return my books?

Place your books in theRETURN slotat the circulation desk.
WHEN YOU ARE NOT VISITING THE LIBRARY, you may return your books in the book return bin in the hall outside the library (by the front staircase).
Please do not return books in the outside bin if you are coming to the library the same day. Bring them IN to the library so you can check out new ones.
Where can I look for information for my research project?
  • Go to the William Street HOMEPAGE
Passwords for databases are in your AGENDA PLANNER.
Please do not use GOOGLE until you have tried these other sources, unless directed by the Media Center staff or your teacher.
What do I do when I need to leave the library?
  • Log off computer
  • Push in chair
  • Collect all belongings, including books checked out, passes, notes, etc.
  • With teacher—line up quietly
  • Without teacher- sign out, walk directly back to class
More Questions? Please ask us for help!  / What if I haven’t finished my book yet and it’s due?
  • You may renew one book one time.
  • You must bring the book to the library to renew it.
  • You need to tell us you want to renew BEFORE you scan the book.
What if I want a book that is checked out? Can I get it when it’s returned?
You can request a book be put on hold for you when it is returned, if you have been waiting for it for a long time. We will send your teacher a note when it is ready for you.
Can I check out books that I see on a cart?
Usually these books are reserved for a class project, so the answer would be no, you cannot check them out. They are for library use only.


Library Media Center
Information You Need to Know!

Mrs. Komendat
Mrs. Stoffel
Ms. Cowe