How Follow-Up Works
Gained Employment
Students are counted as having a reason for attending of “Gain Employment” if they:
have “Obtain Employment” as a primary or secondary reason for attendenace
exit any time with the fiscal year
are unemployed (in any way) upon intake
Students are counted as having met the “Gained Employment” goal if they:
meet the above criteria
are shown on the data match as gaining employment any time during their
time in the ABLE program, plus one quarter following exit
Primary Retained Employment
Students are counted as having a reason for attending of “Retain Employment” if they:
have “Retain Employment” as a primary or secondary reason for attendance
exit in the first or second quarter of the fiscal year (July 01 – December 31)
are employed full- or part-time upon intake
Students are counted as having met the “Retained Employment” goal if they:
meet the above criteria
are shown on the data match as still employed three quarters following exit
OVAE does not include students exited in the third or fourth quarter because the follow-up
quarter is past the date that the state’s APR is due to the federal office.
Additional Retained Employment
Additionally, students are automatically given a “Retain Employment” reason for attending
if they:
have “Obtain Employment” as a primary or secondary reason for attending and
meet the criteria of “Obtain Employment” outlined above
meet that goal (requirements above)
AND exit in the first or second quarter of the fiscal year automatically
The reason for this being that students who enter employment should also want to retain
that employment.
Students are counted as having met this “Retained Employment” goal if they:
meet the above criteria
are shown on the data match as still employed three quarters following exit
Obtained GED
Students are counted as having a reason for attending of “Obtain GED” if they:
have “Obtain GED” as a primary or secondary reason for attendance
Students are counted as having met the “Obtained GED” goal if they:
meet the above criteria
are shown on the final data match as having passed the Official GED Test (early
Enter Postsecondary Education/Training
Students are counted as having a reason for attending of “Enter Postsecondary Education/
Training” if they:
have “Enter postsecondary education/training” as a primary or secondary reason
for attendance
Students are counted as having met the “Entered Postsecondary Education/Training” goal
if they:
meet the above criteria
are documented by program follow-up or local data match to have entered a
postsecondary education or training program