



January 2015



How elected/appointed:Elected by general membership of FFLA, Inc.

Length of Term:Serve as president-elect for the year previous to his/her

presidency and as past-president the year following.

The office of President is a one-year term.


1. Appoint a Recording Secretary, Parliamentarian, Conference Chair and up to three special appointees for

a one-year term to serve as members of the conference local committee (Board approval needed)

2. Preside for one-year over a minimum of four meetings of the Association, one being the General Membership Meeting

during the Conference, as well as anExecutive Board meeting before each Board meeting

3. Appoint committees as needed and serve as ex-officio chairman of all committees

4. Serve as chairperson of the Finance Committee

5. Coordinate the Annual Conference

  • Form a local committee and approve their expenditures within established budget
  • Work with Finance Committee to establish a budget
  • Work with Board and Executive Director to maintain a balanced budget
  • Coordinate expenditures and revenue with Executive Director
  • Solicit sponsorships and donations
  • Prepare all documents, the Look and Logo for the conference
  • Receive, review and approve conference proposals
  • Notify presenters by the established deadline
  • Present suggestions for keynote speakers to the Board for approval
  • Work with Executive Director to solicit vendor financial sponsorship of meetings and conference activities
  • Design and edit the conference program
  • Coordinate all plaques and other conference awards
  • Provide important information about the conference to the website editor by established deadlines
  • Provide pertinent information regarding the conference to the FLDOE, SCOLT and ACTFL publications at least six months prior to the October conference

6. Serve as the FFLA delegate and attend the ACTFL Convention (in November) and

the Assembly of Delegates at ACTFL immediately after taking office

  • make travel arrangements; register for the convention by the May board meeting

(No late fees will be paid by FFLA for failure to register in a timely manner)

  • Submit Expense Report and original receipts within 10 days of return
  • Submit a written ACTFL report for the Winter FFLAN by December 15th
  • Present an ACTFL and SCOLT update at the each Board meeting and the FFLAN

FINANCIAL NOTEPresident’s name is included on Association Bank Account and is authorized to sign checks and receive monies in the event the Executive Director cannot complete his/her duties and/or until a new Executive Director is appointed. Any expenditure exceeding $500.00 must have Board approval unless it is expenditure necessary for running the Association.


How elected/appointed: Elected by general membership of FFLA, Inc.

Nominations are to be made in writing to the current President–elect by September 15th. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor during the Annual Business Meeting. Ballots will be sent out by December 1st via online survey; e.g., Survey Monkey. The results will be announced at the January Board meeting and published on the FFLA website and in the FFLAN, the official newsletter of the organization.

Length of Term: Serve as president-elect for the year previous to his/her

presidency and as past-president the year following his or her presidency.


1. Assist the President, as needed, in coordinating annual Conference activities and serve the Association in any other capacity as requested

  1. Work collaboratively with the President and the following president-elect to provide a smooth transition for upcoming presidents
  1. Act for the President in the case of his/her absence or disability
  1. Coordinate appointments of Regional Directors (Even years – Even Regions, Odd years – Odd Regions)
  • Receive Applications
  • Form a committee
  • Make recommendations to the Board
  • Contact appointees
  1. Serve as SCOLT representative and attend the SCOLT Conference and Assembly of State Representatives at SCOLT in the spring
  • Make travel arrangements and register for the convention by the January Board meeting (No late fees will be paid by FFLA for failure to register in a timely manner)
  • Submit Expense Report and original receipts within 10 days of return.
  • Submit a written SCOLT report for the Summer FFLAN
  • Present a SCOLT update at each board meeting.
  1. Coordinate with the Executive Director in ordering plaque for outgoing President
  1. Coordinate any expenditures required of position with President and Executive Director
  1. Attend Board meetings and assist with conference, as needed

FINANCIAL NOTE Past- president’s name is on Association Bank Account and may be authorized to sign checks and receive monies in the event the Executive Director cannot complete his/her duties and/or until a new Executive Director is appointed. Any expenditure exceeding $500.00 must have Board approval unless it is expenditure necessary for running the Association. This is a three-year term (past-president, president, president-elect.)


How elected/appointed: Elected by general membership of FFLA, Inc. Serve as

Immediate Past-President following one year of service as President

Length of term: Serve as Past-President for one year following presidency

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Communicate with the President to oversee conference needs and to aid and advise with transition into presidency
  1. Represent FFLA at the JNCL Advocacy Day with the Advocacy Team Chairperson, in Washington D.C., in May.
  1. Work with Regional Directors and Associate Leagues presidents to increase activemembership in FFLA
  1. Maintain communication and pursue active involvement with the Department of Education, Bureau Chief and SALA Executive Secretary, ACTFL, and LARC's, in order to keep the Board apprised of any local, state or national language-related initiatives that might benefit the organization and itsMembership
  1. Chair and conduct the business of the Election Committee, overseeing the process of elections via Survey Monkey and nominations of President-Elect at the General Membership meeting in October
  1. Attend Board meetings and assist with conference, as needed

FFLA Presidents:

1968Paul Dickson (per David Gurney met in Ft. Lauderdale)

1969William G. Altman

1970Tom Ackerman

1971Ron Bryant

1972Manuel S. Couto

1973Frank Fiqueroa

1974Mary G. Johnson

1975Rosa Rabell (passed away)

1976Clem Hallman – (passed away 2001)

1977Mary Jones

1978Ernest Frechette –(passed away 2001)

1979David Gurney –(Wershow Award 2001)

1980Otto Johnson

1981Arnhilda Badia (Gonzalez Quevedo)

1982Karen Lee Singh

1983Angel Bustelo

1984Sandra Preston

1985Linda Gaskin (Passed away in 2009)

1986Ivy Mitchell

1987Carol Cargill-Vroman

1988Christa Kirby

1989JoAnna Hallman

1990Pearl Bennett Chiari

1991Vilma Diaz

1992Jan Scully (Bonggren)

1993Carine Feyten –(Wershow Award 1993)

1994Aurelia Ogles

1995Joe Gilpin

1996Jane Govoni - (Wershow Award 2004)

1997Doris Rodriquez (initiated FFLA, Inc.)(Passed away 1999)

1998Bea Palls - Wershow Award 2000)

1999Meruchy Haedo

2000Kristen Warner

2001David Gonzalez

2002Karen Verkler-(Wershow Award 2003)

2003Tony Erben

2004 Louis Lillard

2005 Jacki Cinotti-(Wershow Award 2008)

2006 Becky Youngman

2007 Margie Fox

2008 Jan Kucerik –Wershow Award 2005)

2009 Judy McDermott

2010 Fernando Mayoral

2011 Linda Markley - (Wershow Award 2012)

2012 Cheryl Thingvold

2013 Pam Benton- (Wershow Award 2014)

2014 Vivian Bosque

2015 Frank Kruger-Robbins

2016 Michelle Olah

2017 Mary Risner

Executive Director

How elected/appointed: Selected by a committee of board members

Length of Term: Whenever a vacancy occurs, at the discretion of the Executive Board

  • Maintain accurate, updated membership list
  • Accept and record dues from both new members and renewals

2. Annual Conference

  • Assist the President/President-Elect in negotiating hotel contract and serve as a general liaison with the convention hotel
  • Take fiscal responsibility for conference expenses
  • Coordinate exhibitors, including recruitment, correspondence and managing set-up at the conference
  • Manage conference registration and pre-registration

3. Treasurer

  • Maintain updated files and permanent records of all FFLA, Inc.

financial transactions and activities (including membership, convention correspondence and all official correspondence such as IRS affairs, State of Florida and non-profit status)

  • Collect, disburse and account for all monies
  • Coordinate with President and other Board members regarding ALL expenditures incurred on behalf of the organization
  • Pay dues for FFLA membership in ACTFL and other Florida associations
  • Distribute statement reports at each meeting of the Board of Directors as well as at the annual meeting of the Association

(Note: Any expenditure exceeding $500.00 with the exception of those expenditures necessary for the running of the Association, shall be subject to the approval of the Board)

  1. Elections

Coordinate the presidential election with the election committee and current President

  1. Attend Board meetings and assist with conference, as needed

FAISA/FASA Representative

How elected/appointed: Appointed by the President, approved by Board (Must be FAISA/FASA member)
Length of Term: One year, unless reappointed
  1. Represent the interests of FFLA, Inc. at FAISA and FASA meetings and conferences
  1. Keep the Board of Directors informed about actions and decisions at the state level that might have an impact on foreign language education as reported by FAISA/FASA
  1. Encourage enrollment and participation of more foreign language administrators and supervisors in the FAISA/FASA organizations and vise versa
  1. Attend Board meetings and assist with conference, as needed

FFLJ Editor

(Florida Foreign Language Journal)

How elected/appointed: Appointed by President, approved by Board of Directors
Length of Term: Two years, unless reappointed
  1. Appoint, manage and advise the editorial board of the FFLJ
  1. Solicit, review, and accept submissions to the FFLJ
  1. Supervise the production and distribution of the FFLJ
  1. Promote the FFLJ for maximum exposure
  1. Report to the FFLA, Inc. Board of Directors on the progress of the journal
  1. Get approval from Executive Director and Board for expenditures related to publishing the FFLJ
  1. Attend Board meetings and assist with conference, as needed

Outline of Duties for FFLJ Editorial Board


S/he oversees entire operation of production, and appoints Review, Technical, and Distribution Editors. Promotes, receives, and distributes received manuscriptsfor judgment. Works in tandem with the President of FFLA, Inc. and the Executive Director to ensure the maximum exposure for promotion and call for papers. S/he works closely with the Managing Editor to ensure proper procedures for final production.

Assistant-to the-Editor

S/he works in tandem with the Technical Editor to ensure correct proofing and authors’ satisfaction with proof copy. S/he works with publisher to ensure quality publication and adherence to contract. Works with Executive Director of FFLA, Inc. to ensure payment of expenses incurred in production costs. S/he ensures that the journal is ready for distribution for the annual Fall Conference.

Managing Editor

S/he works with Editor to ensure review processes, publication, and any additional jobs deemed necessary by the Editor. S/he readies him/herself to become editor in a two-year duration.

Review Editor

S/he helps promote and inform publishers of foreign language/ESOL texts and materials of the availability of the FFLJ for purposes of reviews to be considered for publication in the journal. S/he works with Managing Editor in any capacity deemed necessary.

Technical Editor and Layout

S/he works with Managing Editor as to placement and form of articles, reviews, as well as all other aspects of published volume. S/he is granted technical assistance and financial support as needed.

Distribution Editor (s)

S/he works closely with the Editor and Managing Editor to ensure proper timing of issuance of journals. S/he works with executive director of FFLA, Inc. to utilize any franking privileges and membership lists to appropriately distribute readied journal in a timely way.

Advertising Editor

S/he handles advertising promotion and placement in a timely manner. S/he works with Executive Director of FFLA, Inc. regarding finances.

Associate Editor(s)

S/he reviews manuscripts in a timely manner and completes manuscript review form(s). S//he sends completed form to Editor in a timely manner either by e-mail or mail.

Grant Coordinator

How elected/appointed: Appointed by president, approved by Board of Directors
Length of Term: One year, unless reappointed
  1. Serve as Chairperson of Grant Committee that will consist of current FFLA, Inc. Board members.
  1. Coordinate the grant application and award process for grants offered to FFLA membership
  1. Seek grant opportunities and make application on behalf of FFLA, Inc.
  1. Solicit donations to increase the FFLA grant fund pool
  1. Present the membership of FFLA, Inc. with individual, non-FFLA sponsored funding opportunities
  1. Coordinate with President, local committee and Board members to sell raffle tickets and manage the basket booth during the conference
  1. Keep accurate records of monies paid and projects awarded
  1. Follow up with award recipient and school principal to assure that all receipts are turned in and that project was executed as proposed
  1. Coordinate between grant recipient and President to provide a session opportunity at conference to present the results of the project to the membership
  1. Attend Board meetings and assist with conference, as needed


How elected/appointed: Member of the Board of Directors

Length of Term: At the pleasure of the Board of Directors

  1. Keep an accurate record of all motions taken by the Board of Directors and provide annual update during the October Board meeting
  1. Serve as reference for the Board of Directors when there is any uncertainty over previous actions taken
  1. Verify that any actions taken by the Board of Directors are in line with the Constitution and By- Laws
  1. Alert and advise the Board of Directors and the Executive Board if any action proposed or taken is inconsistent with FFLA, Inc.’s Constitution
  1. Attend Board meetings and assist with conference, as needed

Independent School Liaison

How elected/appointed: Appointed by President and approved by Board of Directors
Length of Term: One year, unless reappointed
  1. Promote FFLA membership and participation among teachers in the state’s independent schools
  1. Serve as a contact person between FFLA, Inc. and independent schools statewide
  1. Encourage independent school professionals to submit proposals for presentations at the annual conference
  1. Attend Board meetings and assist with conference, as needed


How elected/appointed: Appointed by president, approved by Board of Directors
Length of Term: At the discretion of the President
1.Manage and maintain FFLA, Inc. website with current information
  1. Communicate regularly with the members of the FFLA, Inc. Board of Directors to assure that all information on the website is current
  1. Research and make recommendations to the Board of Directors with regard to the updating of technology and possible uses of and links to the FFLA, Inc. website
  1. Research the websites of other foreign language associations for possible additions to or changes in the format and/or design of the FFLA, Inc. website.
  1. Assist President and other Board members with technology related to use of the website as well as other technology initiatives that might benefit the organization
  1. Attend Board meetings and assist with conference, as needed


How elected/appointed: Appointed by president, approved by Board of Directors

Length of Term: One year


  1. Assist the President in all matters concerning the Constitution
  1. Make recommendations for appropriate changes or additions to the Constitution or By-Laws. This includes writing and/or accepting proposals for such changes to be published in the FFLAN for approval by the general membership at the following annual business meeting
  1. Attend ALL meetings of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Annual Business Meeting
  1. Be familiar with Robert’s Rules of Order and help maintain order at meetings
  1. Take nominations for President from the floor at the annual business meeting

Note:The Parliamentarian has no voting power. (The individual who serves as Parliamentarian may have voting rights in another position he/she serves on the board)

Recording Secretary

How elected/appointed: Appointed by the President

Length of Term: One year, beginning with President’s first Board meeting.

This individualmust attend the annual business meeting

prior to the President’s first Board meeting (or send a

representative to take minutes)


  1. Take minutes at all Board meetings.
  1. Take minutes at the Annual Business Meeting (held during the closing session at the conference), which are read by the Past-President and approved by the general membership at the following year’s Annual Business Meeting. Provide current President with minutes for this business meeting.
  1. Provide copies of minutes to all Board members in a timely manner and make any necessary corrections as minutes are approved at each Board meeting
  1. Keep a record of all minutes for the yearas well as all motions taken by the Board of Directors.Serve as reference for the Board of Directors when there is any uncertainty over previous actions taken
  1. Provide annual update to all board members during the October Board meeting
  1. Provide an electronic copy of the minutes to the President, Executive Directorand Webmaster for record keeping and posting to membership on FFLA, Inc. website
  1. Pass minutes on to incoming President and Secretary, as part of the permanent organizational record.
  1. Verify that any actions taken by the Board of Directors are in line with the Constitution and By- Laws
  1. Alert and advise the Board of Directors and the Executive Board if any action proposed or taken is inconsistent with FFLA, Inc.’s Constitution
  1. Pass the permanent record of approved motions to the incoming secretary and the Executive Director for the organizational files.

Regional Director

How elected/appointed: One director appointed by Board of Directors for 12 regions

Length of Term: Two years, beginning at Board meeting at end of conference in October of year re-appointed. Must submit application to the President-Elect no later than September 1