Learning Goals for this Lesson / Standards
  • W.3

Students will know:
…that an insightful analysis demonstrates a thorough, well-constructed evaluation of the author’s use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements / Students Will Be Able To
…write an insightful analysis of a source text that demonstrates a thorough, well-constructed evaluation of the author’s use of evidence, reasoning, and/or stylistic and persuasive elements
Lesson Essential Question(s)
  • How does the process of review and revision make us better writers?

Activating Strategy
  • Re-read your analytic essay, the items marked on the rubric, and my feedback. Write down one specific question that you would like addressed about your response and given grade.

Key vocabulary to preview and vocabulary strategy
  • Analysis, Analyze, Analytical

Lesson Instruction
Learning Activity 1
  • NOTE: Return Analytic Essay 1 and direct cadets to the activating strategy
  • Work around the room answering cadet questions from the activating task
Assessment Prompt for LA 1
  • Each cadet will have to ask a question about their writing
/ Graphic Organizer
  • Let there be dark organizer - attached

Learning Activity 2
  • Allow cadets time to revise their first Analytic Essays
  • Due Wednesday/Thursday (in time for interims)
Assessment Prompt for LA 2
  • Revisions

  • Analytic Essay 1 Revisions
  • Analytic Essay 2
  • Analytic Essay Post-test

Learning Activity 3
  • Context – many had trouble understanding that their analysis could indicate that the argument was a bad one. They struggled with trying to force an effective verdict on a weak argument. Therefore, we will use another SAT Practice essay in order to continue practicing close reading, but also to identify how we make an effective/ineffective judgment.
  • Text – SAT Practice Essay #4, “Let There Be Dark” by Paul Bogard
Assessment Prompt for LA 3
  • Let there be dark organizer - attached

Summarizing Strategy
  • What is the core purpose of conducting an analysis?
  • To determine whether or not an argument is effective and HOW/WHY.

Name: ______Date: ______Block: ______

SAT PRACTICE ESSAY #4 – “Let There Be Dark” Organizer

Part I – Evidence, Reasoning, & Stylistic/Persuasive Elements

Use the following chart to collect examples for each of the three

Evidence / Reasoning / Stylistic/Persuasive Elements

Part II – Pros & Cons

Use the following chart to list Pros (things Bogard does well) and Cons (things Bogard doesn’t do well or could improve upon) of Bogard’s argument.

Pros / Cons

Part III – The Verdict

Based on the data you collected in Part II of this document, would you consider Bogard’s argument to be largely effective or ineffective and why? Be specific.


Part IV – A Possible Thesis Statement

Write a possible thesis statement (Claim) that could be used in a response to this prompt.
