English Department North Valleys H.S.

Welcome to the new school year! As we begin this new school year, we want to take this opportunity to inform you about our school-wide reading program, Panther Odyssey. Several changes have taken place in Panther Odyssey; so whether you are familiar with the program or being exposed to it for the first time, please take the time to read this information.


Panther Odyssey is a school-wide reading program that has been designed to provide students with the best possible education. North High School will be utilizing a program known as Renaissance Learning to individualize student needs. Since reading is a fundamental skill for all courses of study, this program focuses on the development and strengthening of reading skills in all core disciplines: English, science, math, and social studies.


We are committed to the academic success of all students! Panther Odyssey helps students develop the skills that are necessary not only to pass their high school classes and the required state and national tests, but it also better prepares them with the necessary skills to survive in today’s competitive society. The main emphasis of Panther Odyssey is to cover Reading Content Standard 2.0.


  1. Get Tested!

In order for this program to work successfully, we need to meet the individual needs of students; so, we test their reading levels. Reading levels are determined by using a computer based reading program known as S.T.A.R. All North Valleys High School and feeder middle school students were tested at the end of last school year through their English classes. The scores obtained during these tests will be used to determine their reading levels for the first quarter of Panther Odyssey for the current school year. Students will be tested again during the fourth quarter. The scores of this test will be used for the following school year. For students who are new to the area, there is no need to panic! All English teachers will provide opportunities for the testing of new students during the first days of school. It is extremely important that students take this test seriously, as it will only be given certain times throughout the year.

  1. Set a Goal!

Students will meet with their English teacher to set an attainable goal based on their individual needs and skills. Although goals will be set individually, there is a general guideline that will be followed depending on whether or not a student is reading at grade level.

Students reading at or above grade level will be given a goal of a specific number of pages to read each quarter. The general guidelines are as follows: freshmen will read 200 pages, sophomores will read 300 pages, and juniors will read 400 pages per quarter.

Students reading below grade level will be given a point goal. Points are earned by successfully passing the Accelerated Reader test. Students will need to earn the required points based on their individual goals.

  1. Get a Book!

Using the scores obtained from the S.T.A.R. test, students will be given a zone of proximal development (ZPD) from which they can select books to read. The ZPD is a range that ensures that students read books that are within their current comprehension levels, while still providing them with the necessary difficulty to improve their reading levels. In order to challenge students appropriately, it is important that they only read books in their ZPD. All of the books in our library are marked with the appropriate level. We are very fortunate to have a well-stocked library and students are encouraged to choose books that are of interest to them. If you don’t like it, you probably won’t like reading about it. This is an opportunity for students to read what they enjoy and become better readers while they’re doing it!

  1. Read and Reflect!

As soon as students get a book, they should start reading. In order to meet their goals, students will need to read in school and at home.

  1. Test!

All students will take a test over their completed books. The type of test and the number of tests required will depend on the reading level of each individual student.

Students reading at or above grade level will need to take a test over one book. Although each individual teacher will determine the type of test administered, all tests will focus on the literary skills focused upon at each grade level.

Students reading below grade level will need to take Accelerated Reader tests over all books in order to earn their required points.