·  As a Christian, our moral lives are sustained by the gifts of the Spirit which are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord (CCC1831)

·  The fruits of the Spirit are perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the first fruits of eternal glory. the tradition of the Church lists twelve of them: "charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, self-control, chastity.

How does Confirmation make me a public witness?

By being confirmed, you are called to be a disciple and to bear witness to Christ:

·  By what you say. You should be open about your faith. You should talk openly about what you believe and share your faith in Jesus with others. You are called to be a herald of Christ, announcing the Good News of his saving love.

·  By what you do. You are called “not to be served but to serve”:

By the way you live in that you should be known for your generosity of spirit, your loving kindness, your passion for injustice, your purity of heart and the strength of your gentleness.

By the way you pray because on your own you are weak but with the presence of God within you, you can do great things for God. It is important to set aside some time each day for prayer and to come to Mass each Sunday

By the way you love since through prayer, you will be able to bring God’s love to others, help change their lives and renew the earth.

·  After confirmation, you should actively seek out ways to show your love e.g. visit the sick, help the homeless. There are a variety of ways and your parish should be able to help you.

How can this Confirmation Course help me to become a disciple of Christ?

This Confirmation Course is a 6 week intensive course for teenagers and comprises of presentations, testimonies, small and large group discussions, group activities and journal writing. The sessions are as follows:

·  How we Live concentrates on how you can make a difference in the world through your aspirations, your vocation, your talents and your discipleship.

·  How we Love concentrates on platonic and sexual love and how these in turn lead to service to our neighbour particularly the poor, vulnerable and sick and to developing healthy, intimate relationships, preparing us for the chaste, faithful and unconditional love of marriage to which most of us are called.

·  How we Pray concentrates on the importance of prayer and different ways of praying.

·  How we Care concentrates in general on care in the community and in the family paying particular attention to the housebound, homeless, those in need your peers and how you care for each other. .

·  Retreat Day which brings all of the above topics together to culminate in witness and discipleship.

·  Reconciliation – This last session concentrations on the importance of God’s Mercy through witness, testimony and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Who will instruct me?

Fr. Michael Jarmulowicz, , acting Parish Priest of the Holy Apostles Church is the facilitator of this course. He is assisted by a team of trained catechists. Further information about the course and the catechists can be obtained From Fr Michael on


Why be


The aim of this leaflet is to outline the importance of the Rite of Confirmation in the life of baptised Catholics, the implications the Sacrament has for those preparing for Confirmation and to reinforce these implications for those already confirmed (i.e. parents sponsors and catechists) who are helping the Candidates to prepare for the Sacrament.

The information on this leaflet was adapted from the CTS Publication “Why be Confirmed” by Bishop Michael Evans. It can be obtained in the CTS Bookshop on the Westminster Cathedral Plaza.

What is Confirmation?

Confirmation is:

·  One of the seven sacraments.

·  One of the sacraments of initiation along with Baptism and the Eucharist.

·  The moment when your own ‘public ministry begins, when Jesus calls you personally by name to work with him and to share in his mission.

What is a Sacrament?

A sacrament is “an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.” But what does this mean?

·  An outward sign consists of the symbols which are used (water, oil, etc.), and the words or gestures which give significance to what is being done.

·  Instituted by Christ - between the time Jesus began His public life and the time He ascended into heaven, Jesus formed the seven sacraments.

·  To give Grace - sanctifying grace to be precise which is a sharing-in God’s own life, His presence and his help which is the result of God’s Love, the Holy Spirit, indwelling in our soul.

The sacraments of Christian initiation - Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist - lay the foundations of every Christian life. By means of these sacraments Christians thus receive in increasing measure the treasures of the divine life and advance toward the perfection of charity." (CCC 1212)

Why should I be Confirmed?

The sacrament of Confirmation:

·  Is necessary for the completion of Baptismal grace.

·  Is a chance to recommit yourself to God as a member of his family and a follower of Jesus, renewing your Baptismal promises.

·  Unites us more closely to the Church.

What happens at my Rite of Confirmation?

·  You will be confirmed by the Bishop who is a successor of the apostles and a servant of the Church. Being confirmed by a Bishop is a powerful connection with the beginnings of the Church and your involvement with a much wider community.

·  You will be anointed with Chrism, the most sacred oil used by the Church. You were anointed with chrism at your Baptism and it is a sign of your unity with Christ who is the Anointed One, the anointed priest, prophet and king.

·  You will be accompanied by a sponsor who is a practicing Catholic and already confirmed. Your sponsor should be a real example of what it means to live the Catholic faith.

·  You will be confirmed during a special Mass, in which you will renew your Baptismal promises and choose a Confirmation name.

What happens to me at Confirmation?

·  Confirmation involves a special strengthening in you by Holy Spirit which was already bestowed at your Baptism.

·  At Confirmation the Holy Spirit seals, strengthens and perfects what was already given at your Baptism to bring a deeper unity with the Church.

·  At Confirmation, Christ, through the Holy Spirit, commissions you to be a public witness to His Good News i.e. an ambassador for Christ.

·  As an ambassador of Christ:

o  You are called to defend and spread the faith.

o  You are called to be a witness before all the world.

o  You are called to share in God’s mission

Why is the Holy Spirit so vital in Confirmation?

·  The Holy Spirit is given at Baptism as a power of cleansing, renewal and adoption. It binds us into the Church of Christ.

·  At Confirmation, the Spirit we have already received at Baptism draws us deeper into the life and work of the Church.

·  At Confirmation we are marked out permanently (sealed) for Christ by the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

What does it mean to have the Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit?