Safety Topics for Supervisors
ORM…’We don’t have time for ORM, we have work todo!'
Naval SafetyCenter
What’s the issue?
“ORM…oh, no not again!”I am sure you have heard that phrase, usually hand-in-hand with “We use ORM everyday now, get out of my shop [squadron, command …] we have work to do.”Hold on now.Most folks know what ORM is and are proficient in developing plans and providing briefs to our crews: however, the problem lies in the execution.We often fail to execute the plan as briefed or we fail to manage “change” as it occurs and impacts the plan.
What’s Going On?
Over the past year or so, numerous studies on ORM and it’s effectiveness in the Fleet were conducted; and conclude that, in general, we have afirm grasp on in-depth and deliberate level ORM actions, but when it comes to Time Critical Risk Management (TCRM) – using risk management concepts when time and resources are limited - we are lacking. Why? Two reasons are the perception that ORM is too difficult for on-the-fly application and the 5-steps are too complicated. So, how can we fix it?
What’s the solution?
The solution begins with asimple tool to put in your toolbox - “ABCD.” This simple mnemonic will assist you in applying TCRM during execution. So you’re thinking to yourself…“Give me a break. How is ABCD going to assist me in the execution of my job? And by the why, what does ABCD stand for anyway?”
Well for starters it stands for:
A – Assess the situation
B – Balance your resources and options
C – Communicate
D – Do and Debrief
OK,let’s look at this a little closer.
Assess what’s going on and what’s your role. This is about achieving and maintaining good situational awareness. You have likely received the brief which laid out the plan and should have id’d hazards, the associated risks and the controls to be used to mitigate those risks to ensure the missions success. Now you are in the execution phase – time is limited. Ask yourself these questions:
What’s different today?
What’s going on?
What will happen next?
Balance yourresources and options. Some resources are the controls developed during the in-depth and deliberate planning. They include publications, checklists, TTP’s and equipment. Additionally, they can be your teammates or others supporting the operation. Consider:
What resources are available?
How do I use them?
What are my options?
Communicate. Effective communication is an essential element for the successful execution of the mission and we all have a part to play. Consider:
Who needs to know?
Who can help?
Who can provide back-up?
Revise, if necessary.
Do and Debrief. First and foremost we have a mission to complete – execute the plan, manage change as it occurs and use the resources available to mitigate risk. After completion, conduct the debrief. You can even use the structure of “ABCD” to help:
Was mission successful?
Did actions reduce the risk?
What would you do better next time?
We still have to measure up and TCRM can assist. TCRM, it’s for on & off – duty…learn it…use it.
Naval SafetyCenter