CityCollege of San Francisco
50 Phelan Avenue
San Francisco, CA /
How can we improve?
Please take a moment to help us improve your student service experience at the Guardian Scholars Program at City College of San Francisco. When you’re done, please drop the questionnaire in the blue box at the front of the classroom.
About You
1. Are you currently in Foster Care?□No, Emancipated
□No, Other
□Yes / 2. Do you have a high school diploma?
□No, still in high school
□High School Equivalency
□High School Diploma
□No Diploma
3. How many semesters have you enrolled at City College of San Franicsco?
□First Semester
□Two Semesters
□Three Semesters
□Four Semesters
□Five or More Semesters / 4. How many units are you taking?
□Zero units
□1.0-5.5 units
□6.0-11.5 units
□12 or more units
5. How many hours a week do you work?
□None, no job
□Less than 10 hours
□10-19 hours
□20-29 hours
□30-39 hours
□40 hours or more / 6. Please check one box that best describes your top educational, career or personal goal within the next one to three years:
□College Transfer
□Earning an Associate’s Degree
□Entering into a field to help others, such as working with other foster youth
□Declaring a major:______
□To get a good job
□To go to graduate school
□To have a better life
□To be more academically prepared for my life and career
Serviceand Environment
1. How likely are you to ask someone at CityCollege for help if you need it?□Very likely
□Somewhat likely
□Very unlikely
□Unsure / 2. Please check all of the following services that you have used while attending City College of San Francisco’s Guardian Scholars Program: (Please check all boxes that apply):
□Academic Counseling
□Emergency Housing Assistance
□Food Cards for Cafeteria- Fast Passes for Transportation
□Financial Aid Services
□CalWORKs Services
□SummerAcademy Preparation Program
□EOPS (rotating admittance)
□College Success Class
□Other Community Advocacy (housing, ISLP, etc)…
□Student Clubs or Peer Mentoring
□Tutoring Services/Study Skills
□Child Care
□Other: ______
3. Please list the top three (3) services on campus that have been the most helpful:
In your opinion, why have these services been so important to your education at CCSF? / 4. What advice do you have for other colleges that are trying to reach out to and identify current and emancipated foster youth: (please describe):
5. What can your college do to better serve current and emancipated foster youth? (please describe): / 6. What is the one service offered through this program that you simply could not have lived without:
(please list): ______
Additional Comments
About You (optional)
Name / E-mailAddress / Phone
City, State, ZIP Code
May we add you to our mailing list for future research to help us better serve Guardian Scholars?
□ Yes□ No
Thank you for your participation!