Renew Group and Sermon Study Guide
Revelation 7:9-17November 24, 2013Trinity Evangelical Free Church
This guide is a tool to help you prepare for the sermon, and prepare to be an active help in the spiritually growth of those in your Renew Group. Please use it as a resource to prayerfully prepare to understand and apply the truth of God’s Word to yourself, your household, your brothers and sisters at Trinity, and those you are seeking to share the gospel with.
Before you come to hear the sermon:
●Please read the entirety of Revelation in one sitting
●Please read and re-read Revelation 7:1-17
What follows is the sermon outline to help you as you hear the Word of God:
1.Revelation 7:9-12
a.How God saves the world?
b.Why God saves the world?
c.Who God saves as the world?
d.What the world worships God for.
e.What worship of God is.
2.Revelation 7:13-17
a.Out of the frying pan into the caramel sauce
b.Washed white in blood
c.Everything you have ever wanted
3.The Lamb will be their shepherd
Please use the following questions to review, discuss, and understand this week’s sermon in your Renew Group:
●What does John seen when looks and beholds? Who does He see? How does He describe them?
●What does John mean by, “every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages?” Where else in Revelation do we see similar language? Where is the first place in the Bible we see this concept? Where else in Scripture?
●What is the great and diverse multitude doing? Where are they? What activities are they doing? What precisely does the text say they are worshiping God for? What does this tell us about our corporate worship?
●What does all of this worship of God reveal about God?
●What impact does our worship of God have?
●What specifically does the elder ask John? How is the elder’s question connected to 7:9-12?
●How does John respond to the question?
●What does the phrase, “coming out of the great tribulation,” mean? Look up other New Testament references to “tribulation,” or, “trouble.” How does the New Testament teaching on tribulation or trouble impact your understanding of Revelation 7:14? In light of Matthew 24 and Revelation 2:9, 10, when is this period of great tribulation?
●What is the reference to washing robes white in the blood of the Lamb refer to? Who is this referring to? When did this take place? What is the connection between coming out of the great tribulation and washing white in the blood of the Lamb?
●What do these two realities have to do with endurance in Christ?
●What are the rewards in 7:15-17 for endurance in Christ?
Please use the following questions to respond personally to and apply (so that we can be hearers and doers) the truths of the text:
●What did you learn about God the Father and/or Jesus Christ in these verses? How does what you have learned cause you to trust God more? How does what you have learned inspire more affection for God in Christ more?
●What is one way God is calling you to change in light of this text? How can your group help you?
●What are some ways you are currently suffering for following Jesus? How does Revelation 7 sustain you in through your trial?
●How does Revelation 7 motivate you to be more active in Jesus’ mission to make disciples of all nations? What is one practical step you can take to see the gospel spread to all nation near and far?
Consider taking notes for how you can pray for your brothers and sisters in your group based on your discussion as each strives to apply the truth of God’s Word and seeks to share the gospel with those far from Christ.