HFA By-Laws


As used in these By-Laws, the following defined terms have the following meanings:

“HFA”Houston Football Association will be referred to as the HFA.

“BOD”The HFA Board of Directors will be referred to as BOD.

“AGM”The annual general meeting will be referred to as AGM.

“Quorum”50% of the total membership shall constitute a quorum.

“Season”The season shall run from September 1 of one year through August 31 of the following year.

“Competition” Competition or Tournament shall refer to any set of games, other than regular

or “Tournament”league games, scheduled by the HFA.

Written Notification”Email, fax transmission, or messages delivered through postal or commercial delivery services.


1.01 -Membership of soccer teams in the HFA shall be by application. Those teams with current membership in the HFA retain membership upon the adoption of these By-Laws without further application.

1.02 - Classes of member teams are:

A.Voting members - those teams with full membership rights and those teams which are probationary members in the first year after joining the HFA.

B. Non-voting members - those teams which are conditional members that HFA accepted for one single Season or Competition and those teams that are suspended by action of the BOD or the general membership.

1.03 - Application for membership of a team must be accompanied by the entry fee as described on the Team Registration Application. The entry fee is refundable after the team is not accepted into the League. The HFA will furnish the applicant a copy of the HFA By-Laws. Each applicant is assumed to have read and understood HFA’s By-Laws and Rules of Play, which include the disciplinary system. At a general meeting prior to the Season or Competition, applying teams may be asked general questions by the membership. A vote will then be called to determine if the applying team will be accepted as a member of the HFA. Conditional members may be added by the BOD, but must be approved at the next general meeting.

1.04 - A new member team is a probationary member for one full year. At any time within that year, upon recommendation of the BOD, or petition of five voting members, and approval by a majority of the total voting membership, the acceptance of the probationary team membership will be withdrawn. All votes on membership rights require notice to all member teams at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

1.05 -Any team that applies for membership after the start of the Season or Competition may be accepted as a conditional member. A conditional member team may be incorporated into the game schedule, but will not be included in the league standings without approval of the membership.

1.06 - When conditions exist within a team under the jurisdiction of the HFA which reflect poor management and/or are not in the best interests of soccer, then the BOD shall have the power to investigate such conditions and make recommendations to correct them. In the event that such member team refuses or neglects to fulfill any of its obligations as a member, violates any of the provisions of the By-Laws or the Rules of Play, or refuses to follow a BOD’s recommendation under this Article, the BOD may suspend the team. The BOD may also suspend a member team if the conduct of such member team, its players, coaches, manager, or supporters shall be inconsistent with the principles and standards of good sportsmanship. When suspended, a team may be declared ineligible for any or all HFA Competition. Suspended teams may also be declared ineligible for Division or League Championships. Either the BOD or a majority of the membership may shorten, alter, or remove any suspension.

1.07 - Bonds:

A.All Regular League teams must maintain a $200.00 Bond with the League at all times. All Over 30 and Over 40 teams must maintain a $100.00 Bond with the League at all times.

B.The Bond will be refunded to the Manager of record or to the Club of record upon written request by the manager or club withdrawing the team from the League. Any fines and funds owed the League will be deducted prior to any refund.

1.08 -A member team shall be expelled from the HFA only upon recommendation of the BOD. The vote to expel a team must be at an official meeting of the HFA after written notice of such proposal was delivered to all member teams. A member team will be expelled by a vote of 51% of a quorum in attendance at an official HFA meeting.

1.09 -Prior the start of the Season or Competition, each member team shall designate on the Team Registration Application, its Manager, first alternate, and second alternate. If the member team is a part of a Club, the designated officials of the Club shall provide the HFA with a list of each of its team’s Managers and alternates. Each member team shall be responsible for the conduct of its voting delegate and any other of its representatives at any meeting of the HFA. A member team’s vote may be cast by the listed manager or any registered player of the member team. Each member team will have one vote.

1.10 - Member teams represent the HFA only in regularly scheduled league games. Participation in any other events shall not be considered sanctioned by HFA.

1.11 - The recognized representative of a team is considered to rest with the manager of record, unless the following applies:

A.The team is a member of a Club. To qualify as a Club under the HFA By-Laws an organization must have elected officials and current and updated By-laws on record with the league, filed annually. In such cases, the Club owns the team.

B. When uncertainty prevails over the true ownership of a team or club, then the HFA will advise the manager whose name is listed on the Team Registration Application to actively cure problems which cause the uncertainty within a 90-day period or face other action described in paragraphs 1.06, 1.08 or any other Article of the HFA By-laws or Rules of Play. In the event a team is purchased, the terms of the deal must be revealed to the membership for approval of 51% of a quorum in attendance at an official HFA meeting. Evidence of such a purchase may be brought before the HFA by any member for the HFA's consideration.

1.12 - Any member team or club having a manager, coach, player, or other related person who threatens HFA or its Officers with a lawsuit will be considered by the HFA to not have the best interest of soccer at heart and thusly HFA will expect the manager to solve the problem or face a vote by the membership of ejection from HFA per paragraph 1.08.

1.13 -Any Referee that threatens HFA or its officers or members in any capacity may be expelled from the League.


2.01 - All business of the HFA shall be transacted by or with the approval of the BOD, which shall have the power to enforce the laws of the game, the rules of the United State Soccer Federation and the HFA By-laws, Rules of Play, and associated documents. The BOD shall have power to set up rules governing the regular season, competitions, and tournaments. The BOD will set and distribute the Rules of Play prior to the league play, competitions, or tournaments.

2.02 - The BOD consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Registrar, Senior Commissioner and 2 At Large Officers, the elected officers of the HFA. The officers shall be elected by a vote of the membership at the Annual General Meeting, and the officers shall hold office for a period of one or two years commencing immediately after the conclusion of League Play, the Memorial Cup Final, or the completion of outstanding business for the season at hand — whichever occurs later. To be eligible for office, a candidate must have been a member in good standing in the League for the previous three (3) seasons as either a manager or a registered player. All members of the BOD are eligible for re-election.

2.02.01 – For season 2011 – 2012 all board positions will be elected for a period of one year.

2.02.02 – For season 2012 – 2013 the positions of President and Registrar will be elected for a term of one year. The positions of Vice President, Senior Commissioner and Treasurer will be elected for a period of two years.

2.02.03 – For season 2013 – 2014 the positions of President and Registrar will be elected for a period of two years.

2.02.04 – For subsequent seasons the positions on Vice President, Senior Commissioner, Treasurer, and At Large Representative 1 will be elected on “even” years and the positions of President, Registrar, and At Large Representative 2 will be elected on “odd” years.

2.02.05 – Should a board member resign from office before the end of their elected term a replacement will be elected at the next official meeting of the HFA and will serve the remainder of that term.

2.02.06 – For season 2014-15 the positions of At Large Representative 1 and At Large Representative 2 will be elected for a period of one year.

2.02.07 – For season 2015-16 the position of At Large Representative 1 will be elected for a period of one year. The position of At Large Representative 2 will be elected for a period of two years.

2.03 -In addition to the BOD, the BOD may hire Administrative Staff who would be responsible for all record keeping. The Administrative Staff would also attend to all communications made with the member teams, record the minutes of all HFA meetings, and conduct any other business authorized by the Board. The BOD may delegate the duties of a Referee Liaison to the Administrative Staff.

2.04 -The President of the HFA shall preside at all meetings. He will, with BOD approval, appoint all Committees. He has the right to cast the deciding vote in the event of tie votes of either Committees or HFA meetings. He may also waive the right to do so. He shall submit an annual report on the operation of the HFA at the AGM, and shall submit this report to all member teams. He shall have the option of appointing or retaining an auditor to review the Treasurer's books annually to certify the financial report.

2.05 -The Vice-President shall exercise the powers of the President in the President's absence, and shall succeed to the office of President upon that office becoming vacant for any reason.

2.06 -The Treasurer shall keep all financial records for the HFA. He shall supervise the collection of all dues or fines, have full charge of all money of the HFA, and keep a detailed account of income and expenditures thereof. He shall supervise payment of all bills properly passed upon and approved by any two (2) board members and shall have full charge of all property of the HFA.

2.07 - The Registrar shall oversee that all registrations will be according to rules set out by the By-Laws and the Rules of Play.

2.08 - The Senior Commissioner shall act as the liaison between the HFA and USSSA and be responsible for coordinating any Regular League member team’s participation in sanctioned USSSA cup competitions.

2.09 - The At Large Representative 1 and At Large Representative 2 shall act as the liaison between the HFA and USSSA and be responsible for coordinating any Over 30 and Over 40 member team’s participation in sanctioned USSSA cup competitions.

2.10 - The BOD shall meet at the call of the President, and shall meet at least once, either in person or via electronic conferencing, between successive meetings of the HFA. Any Director absent from three (3) successive meetings of the Board or of the HFA, without just cause, may have his office declared vacant by unanimous agreement of the remaining Directors, after notice and a hearing. A vacancy in the office of Vice-President, Treasurer, Registrar, Senior Commissioneror the 2 At Large Officers will be filled by election at the next official meeting of the HFA.

2.11 -Operations of the HFA will be accomplished through the BOD, committees appointed by the President, or by the Administrative Staff. The President shall appoint all committees, and appointments will be for a term expiring immediately after the AGM. The President shall set forth in writing to the membership the purposes and duties of each such committee, either at the time of origin or by amendment.

2.12 -The BOD shall present a budget for the forthcoming year at the first general meeting following the AGM. The fees established by the Board for membership in the League are not subject to vote by the membership.

2.13 - The BOD is authorized to schedule all HFA games before the Season, Competition, or Tournament begins and shall have full power to schedule or reschedule games. Games during the season may be rescheduled at any time due to extenuating circumstances with written notice to the participating teams.

A.The BOD will consider a request to reschedule an HFA game that is in conflict with a major cultural and/or religious event. This is contingent upon the request being made in writing, at least 30 days prior to the game.

B.The BOD will submit an answer within five business days and if approved will reschedule the game.

2.14 - The BOD may be recalled by a vote of no confidence by 80% of the member teams at a general meeting.

2.15 -The President shall appoint a Disciplinary Committee for each league within HFA. The Disciplinary Committee shall exercise the disciplinary authority allowed in the By-Laws or the Rules of Play and will report its ruling to the interested parties.


3.01 -Regular meetings of the HFA will be designated by the BOD and will be scheduled every 60 days during the Season.

3.02 - The First meeting of a Season will be scheduled no later than the last week of August and at such meeting the date for commencement of regular league play will be established along with associated dates for registration, reporting, and scheduling. A regular meeting scheduled in April or May shall be designated the AGM, or to be scheduled once season ends.

3.03 - Special meetings of the HFA may be called at any time by the President and must be called by the President upon written request of ten (10) voting delegates, stating the object of the meeting. Special meetings require written notice to the membership at least ten (10) days before the meeting time and such notice must include the purpose of the meeting.

3.04 - Notice of meetings will be given to all member teams by written notification at least eight (8) days prior to the meeting date. Failure of a member team to be represented at a meeting will result in fine to be set out in the fees and fines determined by the BOD for each Season, Competition, or Tournament.

3.05 -Each member team shall be entitled to one vote. A majority of voting delegates shall constitute a quorum at all meetings. A majority of votes cast shall decide all questions except where a larger majority is specifically provided in these By-Laws. No vote by proxy will be accepted at any meeting, except on questions of expulsion of a member team or amendments to the By-Laws. The proxy must be written and signed, designating the member team's "aye" or "nay" on the question and the name of the voting delegate or HFA officer attending the meeting who is to cast such proxy vote.

3.06 -The President shall act as chairman (Chair) of all HFA meetings or in his absence the Vice-President. The chairman shall conduct the meeting in an orderly and expeditious manner. In cases of dispute, Robert's Rules of Order shall govern.

3.07 -The Chair may limit discussion on matters brought before the meeting using reasonable discretion. Any limitation placed on debate shall be subject to a motion to extend discussion which upon carrying by majority vote shall allow discussion to continue. Only voting members have to be recognized by the Chair.

3.08 -A member team wishing to place a matter of general HFA interest on the agenda of a meeting may do so by providing a written statement of the matter, with a proposal if any, to the BOD or Administrative Staff at least 14 days prior to the meeting.


4.01 -League play will begin on a date set by the BOD at or before the first meeting of the Season. Competitions and Tournaments will be scheduled at the discretion of the BOD. All teams must be fully registered, with all fees and bonds paid by the dates established by the BOD to be eligible for participation in any Season, Competition or Tournament. The BOD will publish specific Rules of Play for each Season, Completion, or Tournament.

4.02 - An eligible player is one properly registered with the HFA according to the Rules of Play governing the applicable Season, Competition, or Tournament, and not under suspension. Any player under 18 years of age must submit a release signed by a parent or legal guardian before playing in any league games. Any infringement of these rules may result in forfeiture of a game, and/or suspension or expulsion of a team under provision of Articles 1.06 and/or 1.08.

4.03 -All games for a given season, competition, or tournament will be subject to the Rules of Play issued by the BOD.

4.04 -Every member team is responsible for the actions of its players, officials, and supporters on or off the playing field at any league game or function.