21st September, 2001
Meeting commenced: 9.00 a.m.
" ended: 10.00 a.m.
PRESENT: Councillor John Warmisham - in the Chair
Harry Seaton - Director of Housing Services
Keith Pearson - Assistant Director of Housing Services
Roger Taylor - Assistant Director of Housing Services
Mark Glynne - Housing Services Directorate
John Wooderson - Housing Services Directorate
Mike Collier - Development Services Directorate
Cheryl Platt - Development Services Directorate
Liz Bacon - Corporate Services Directorate
Housing Lead Members - 21st September, 2001
The minutes of the meeting held on 7th September, 2001, were agreed as a correct record.
Details were submitted on the following matters which were dealt with under delegated authority and where the action of the Director of Housing Services indicated below were approved following consultation with the Lead Member and Deputy Lead Member for the Housing Services function:-
(a) 45 Hankinson Way, Salford Precinct
RESOLVED: THAT consideration of this matter be deferred pending further information.
(b) Golden Lion Public House, Barton Lane, Eccles
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the granting of a landlords consent for the sub-lease of the car park adjoining the Golden Lion Public House, Barton Lane, Eccles.
(c) Buckingham Road, Cadishead - Garage Tenancies
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to a rent review of garage tenancies located at plots 6, 7, 11 and 12 Buckingham Road, Irlam, £2.60 per annum to £28 per annum effective from 1st September, 2001.
(d) 183 Langworthy Road, Salford
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the granting of a tenancy to Manchester Methodist Housing Group (Salford First) in respect of 183 Langworthy Road, Salford, for an initial term of six months, and thereafter subject to one month notice, at a nil rental.
(e) Langworthy and Seedley Initiative
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the acquisition of the following properties so as to enable the implementation of the proposals of the Langworthy and Seedley Initiative:-
Property / Purchase Price41 Ash Street, 39 Blodwell Street and 48 Laburnum Street / £15,000
56 Harmsworth Street / £1,500
52 Shawcross Street / £7,500 plus home loss Payment of £1,500 (disturbance payment to be agreed)
4 Wall Street / £9,000
14 Ash Street / £2,200 Disturbance payment
(f) Fairhills Road, the De Traffords - Pre-Paint Repairs and Painting
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the acceptance of the tender of Manchester and Cheshire Limited amounting to £323,228 for the pre-paint repairs and painting at Fairhills Road, the De Traffords, Irlam.
(g) 2 and 3 Flamingo Villas, Robin Drive, Irlam
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the assignment of a lease, with effect from 27th May, 1999, for the shop premises located at 2 and 3 Flamingo Villas, Robin Drive, Irlam, from Lay Heng Chhung to Van My Vo.
(h) Floral Court, Higher Broughton, Salford 7
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the granting of a deed of variation to Norweb plc to alter the access route to their sub-station at Floral Courts, Higher Broughton, Salford 7, in perpetuity at a nil fee.
(In considering this item the Lead Member for Housing services requested that the Director of Development Services review the current policy in respect of variations and wayleaves granted to utility companies, and to investigate the possibility that in future such agreements, particularly were the City Co8uncil does not demand a fee, these be a reciprocal agreement.)
(i) 435 Eccles New Road, Weaste, Salford 5
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the letting of the premises at 435 Eccles New Road, Weaste, Salford 5, to Mr. A. Walker, trading as Marketing and Sales Solutions, for use as an office at an annual rent of £3,750, exclusive of rates and other outgoings, payable monthly in advance by standing order subject to an initial three month rent free period.
(j) 4 Pegasus Square, Salford 7
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the disposal of land located at 4 Pegasus Square, Salford 7, for garden extension purposes to Ms. Okunowo at a fee of £1.
(k) Birch Road and Old Clough Road Estates - Environmental Improvements
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the acceptance of the tender of Groundwork Landscapes Limited amounting to £984,869 for environmental improvements associated with Birch Road and Old Clough Estates.
(l) 52 Manchester Road West, Little Hulton
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the rent free period offered to tenants of 52 Manchester Road West, Little Hulton, be extended from three months to six months.
(m) Station Road, Eccles - Group Repairs Phase 3
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the acceptance of the tender of Stonebridge Construction Limited amounting to £471,069 to undertake the Phase 3 Group Repairs at Station Road, Eccles.
(n) Extensions to Voids Security Contracts for the Inner and Outer City
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the extension of the current voids security contracts in relation to the inner and outer city being extended for a further nine month period up to 30th June, 2002, so as to enable time to fully evaluate the feasibility and potential of a tenanted house alarm system and the completion of the Best Value Review together with the assistance of the introduction of the new computer system.
(o) Langworthy North Phase 1 Renovation Works
RESOLVED: THAT retrospective approval be given to the actions of the Director of Development Services in inviting tenders for the Langworthy North Renovation Works Phase 1.
(p) Langworthy North Phase 1 Renovation Works
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the acceptance of the tender received from BAAS Construction Limited amounting to £739,900 for the group repair at Langworthy North Phase 1, Refurbishment Salford.
(q) Castleway Estate Environmental Improvements
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the sketch scheme and estimated cost of £486,044 for the Castleway Estate Environmental Improvements; and that the Director of Development Services be requested to invite tenders accordingly.
(In considering this item the Lead Member for the Housing Services requested that the Director of Housing Services submit a further report on the cost of the highway improvement element of the scheme.)
(r) Clifford Street Depot - Eccles/Irlam Management Area
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the acceptance of the tender of Kinder Roofing Limited amounting to £94,686.50 for the re-roofing of the Clifford Street Depot, Eccles.
(s) Brookhouse Phase 1 - Pre-paint Repairs and Painting
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the acceptance of the tender of City of Salford Housing Services, Maintenance Division amounting to £661,738 to undertake the Brookhouse Phase 1 pre-paint repairs and painting programme.
(t) Tootal Drive Estate, Salford - Replacement of Lead Water Supply Pipes
RESOLVED: THAT approval be given to the acceptance of the tender of Meadowcroft Plumbing Limited amounting to £45,180 to undertake the replacement of lead water supply pipes at the Tootal Drive Estate, Salford.
The Director of Housing Services submitted a report outlining his intention to authorise the payment of a disabled facilities grant up to a maximum of £47,500 (inclusive of grant administration fee) together with a renovation grant up to a maximum of £15,000 (inclusive of grant administration fee) in respect of 30 Nelson Road, Cadishead..
RESOLVED: THAT the proposed actions of the Director of Housing Services as detailed above and in the report now submitted be endorsed.
The Director of Housing Services submitted a report providing a summary of the City of Salford's Fifth Progress Report to the Secretary of State for Transport, Local Government and the Regions on the City's Home Energy Conservation Act 1995 Strategy which had been submitted on 31st August, 2001.
RESOLVED : THAT the report be noted.
The Director of Housing Services submitted a report, which provided current information with regard to revenue resource performance against the approved budget as at 31st August, 2001.
RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted.
The Director of Housing Services submitted a report detailing proposals to place two temporary pieces of art on Arthur Millwood Court and Cannon Hussey Court, Salford.
RESOLVED: THAT the report be noted.