High March Bulletin

Friday 14th November 2008

House Points so far this half term:

Roses 327

Thistles 309

Shamrocks 286

Daffodils 277

From Mrs Clifford

Mufti Day for “Children in Need”

Thank you to everyone who supported our mufti day today in aid of “Children in Need”. The children always love to come to school in their own clothes, although several parents have commented to me that they are very grateful that we have a school uniform as trying to choose the clothes to wear today proved to be rather challenging in some households! The Nursery children enjoyed decorating their Pudsey Bear biscuits and pictures. At the time of writing, there is still some money to come in and I hope to be able to announce the total sum raised in next week’s bulletin.

High March Website

Thank you for all the positive comments and emails that I have received regarding our new website.

Christingle Service

We were very pleased to welcome the Reverend Camilla Walton into school this Monday to take Prayers at both Junior House and UpperSchool. The theme was Christingle and the children learnt about the work of the Children’s Society. Please look in your child’s school bag this weekend as all children from Reception upwards have been sent home with a candle money box and a covering letter from Reverend Camilla Walton.

Christmas Fayre Notices

Hair Braiding, Nail Artistry and Face Painting Please bring in donations of nail polishes, varnish remover, wipes etc. for our stall.

House Stalls for the Christmas Fayre

Please could any items for the House Stalls be given to the House Captains at UpperSchool. Daffodils collect yellow, orange and white items, Roses collect red, pink and white items, Shamrocks collect green, turquoise and white items, while the Thistles collect blue, purple and white items. They should be ‘pocket-money’ new or good quality second-hand items for the children to buy.

Thank you very much,

From Mrs Edwards

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts

We will be selling boxes of 12 doughnuts for collection from our stall at the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 29th November. All proceeds go to the School. If you would like to order doughnuts, please place your order with the School Office as soon as possible. You can e-mail me your order on and I will collect your payment when you are next at School.

Many thanks,

FromJacquetta Lowen-Cooper and Amanda Clarke

Tombola Stall

The Tombola Stall is looking for donations. Please clear out your cupboards for those unused and unwanted gifts

Donations can range from:-

toiletries/perfume, games, toys, candles, photo frames, kitchen items, stationery/books, costume jewellery, gifts andnon perishable food items.

Thank you.

Book Stall Have a clearout this weekend!

We would be delighted to receive any books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, and PC Games, in good condition.

Please drop then off at Junior House (in the entrance hall outside Nursery ‘K’).

Many thanks

From Mrs Tracey Greenough (01494 677836)

Toy Stall

Do you have any unwanted toys, jigsaws and games?

If you do, then please bring them in for us to sell at this year’s Christmas Fayre.

Jigsaws and games should be complete – please sellotape down the lid so the pieces don’t get lost.

Please only send in toys that have been washed and are in good condition.

Any donations should be left in the marked boxes at UpperSchool or Junior House.

Any queries, please contact Mr Mike Mason (07901 513987) or Mrs Alison Mason (07768 462600)

Thank you.

Christmas Fayre Refreshments


A selection of hot snacks, coffee, tea, Danishes and of course mince pies in Junior House Playground.

We look forward to seeing you,

From Mr and Mrs Mckie King

Return of Academic Cups Awarded in July 2008: Years 4 - 6

If your daughter was awarded a cup in July and it was for one term only, please now return the cup to Mrs Dunster at Junior House. To find out if your cup was for one term only (some cups are annual), please check the label. If there is a dot on the label, this indicates it is awarded for a term and not a year and it is now due for return.

If you have an older daughter who left in July and who was awarded a cup for one term only, please could you also return it to School.

If you are unsure about whether you need to return a cup your daughter has been awarded, please contact Mrs Dunster on 01494 685743 or by email on

Thank you,

From Mrs Dunster

Last day of Jazz Club

Parents are invited to attend the last Jazz Dance Club on Friday, 21st November at UpperSchool.

Years 3 and 4 (Session 1) at 16:15

Years 5 and 6 (Session 2) at 16:45

Thank you,

FromMiss M Day

Dates to Remember:

Monday17th November

  • 16:00- UpperSchool Staff Meeting

Tuesday 18th November

  • Toddler Drop In at Junior House

Wednesday 19th November

  • 16:00- Junior House Staff Meeting
  • 12:00- Year 5 (A) Netball Tournament at St. Hugh’s School, Oxford (revised date)

Thursday 20th November

Friday 21st November

  • 15:40- Year 6 County 11+ results due
  • Jazz Club ends