Total No. of Pages: 2

Register Number: 7581

Name of the Candidate:




(paper –XII)


May) (Time: 3 Hours

Maximum: 100 Marks

Answer any FIVE of the following (5×20=100)

/ a)What are the departments that house keeping co-ordinates with and explain them.(10)
b)Briefly explain the types of rooms in a five star hotel.(10)
/ a) Discuss the duties and responsibilities of a floor supervisor.(10)
b) Write short notes on:
a) Twin suite.
b) Triplet suite.
c) Studio
d) Double suite.
/ a)Explain the following:
i) Dutters ii) Pushers(10)
b) Explain the importance of maintaining accounts in a hotel.(10)
/ a) Write brief note on :
i) Squaze vaccum cleansing.
ii) Shampooing machine(10)
b) List and explain the various materials used in laundrying.(10)
/ a) Give a brief note on public area schedule and records.(10)
b) Explain the importance of maintaining records for daily cleaning schedule. (10)
/ a)Write brief notes on:
i) Occupied room ii) Vacant room(10)
b) List and explain the various wall finishes in a five star hotel.(10)
/ a) Explain the various methods of cleaning in a housekeeping department. (10)
b) List and explain the various detergents used for cleaning purpose in a five star
hotel. (10)
/ a)Explain how the following are cleaned.
ii) Wicker white furniture.
iii) Chromium plate.
iv) Galvanized Iron.
b)Explain how the following stains can be removed(10)
a) Fresh black Ink.
b) Furniture polish.
c) Iodine
d) Paints.
/ a) Give a detailed note on Eradication.(10)
b) Briefly explain the various types of lightings in a five star hotel. (10)
/ a)Briefly explain the selection of flower arrangements in a hospitality Industry.(10)
b) Explain the importance of maintaining House keeping stores in a hotel.(10)
