Hosting a Pastors’ Appreciation Luncheon


The primary goal of the Pastors’ Appreciation Luncheon (PAL) is to say “Thank You” to pastors for their leadership and church support of missions through giving to the Cooperative Program, Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering. The PAL is also an opportunity to potentially connect NAMB with the state convention executive and local association DOM as highly valued ministry partners.

Please assure attendees that the PAL and pastor gifts are paid for by donor gifts to NAMB and not by CP or AAEO contributions.


OPTION #1: PAL is coordinated with anAssociational Pastor’s Conference

  1. Contact the local DOM well in advance (six to nine months) to discuss co-hosting the event that NAMB will sponsor
  2. Invite him and his staff to attend
  3. Set the date. The time of day is typically 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  4. Cast your vision for the event which will require a suitable church location for a large luncheon with a sit-down, hearty meal.
  5. Ask to hold the event on aregularly scheduled Associational Pastor’s Conference dateto help insure a good crowd. The associational office staff will then manage the event including invitations to pastors and their wives, securing the location and connecting with the church hostess or caterer.
  6. Secure the main program speaker to provide a NAMB missions update. This will preferably be you, another NAMB representative, or Kevin Ezell if available.
  7. Contact the state convention once the date and location is set to invite the state executive or ask him to send a representative
  8. Contact the pastors in the larger churches with a verbal invitation to attend
  9. Stay in touch with the DOM throughout the process to make sure everything is on schedule, answer questions, and express appreciation for his support
  10. Order NAMB promotional giveaway items and handouts
  11. NOTE: The journals and pens are especially appreciated by pastors and their wives
  12. Day of Event – arrive at minimum one hour early to deliver/distribute promotional materialsfor the guest tables and to greet guests

OPTION #2: PAL is held as a separate event

  1. Begin with Step #1 above. If you are unable to schedule the PAL on an Associational Pastor’s Conference date:
  2. Ask the DOM to co-host and enlist the church location, caterer and handle those details.
  3. Ask for a list of pastors for you to invite with calls and personal email invitations.
  4. Request RSVP at least one to two weeks prior to the event
  5. Follow the remaining steps #2 - #6 above
  6. Day of Event – arrive a minimum of one hour prior to:
  7. Inspect room setup, A/V, etc. for last minute needs
  8. Place promotional giveaways and materials,such as the NAMB Resource Card,on guest tables
  9. Assign a helper to staff a check-in table and capture attendee namesand emails

PAL PROGRAM – suggested format

  1. DOM calls the meeting to order by recognizing the hosting church pastor and leads in prayer
  2. Ambassador provides the welcome with brief remarks on behalf of himself and NAMB President. He expresses thanks to pastors for their ministry and gifts to CP, AAEO and LMCO.
  3. State Convention Executive shares greetings
  4. Main Speaker provides an update on North American missions for approximately 20-25 minutes
  5. Short Q&A session
  6. Closing prayer


  1. Send a thank-you email to attendees with your contact information using the template provided by NAMB