Novice Figure Competition
Saturday December 5, 2015
Waterloo Synchro Pool
18 Ernst Street, Elmira, Ontario, N3B 1K5
HOSTED BY: Waterloo Regional Synchro Club
Enclosed please find the Information Package for the Noivce Figure Meet which includes the following:
1. Novice figure meet registration thru the ISS Event Registration site
2. Entry Fee Schedule
3. Recreation Trillium Testing Event Registration Form
4. Pronunciation Form
5. Trillium Instructor & Swim Synchro Instructor Combined Course
6. Directions and relevant information
Once all of the entries have been received & verified by Synchro Swim Ontario, the updated tentative schedule will be posted on the Synchro Swim Ontario website at:
Hotel Information
Delta Hotel Waterloo
110 Erb Street
Reference Code: Synchro Ontario Team
Booking Deadline: November 5, 2015
Please return the following:
1. Completed Entry Forms
2. Entry Fee Schedule
3. Cheque, payable to Synchro Ontario, or Credit Card Information
*The completed entry package & payment must be received by Synchro Swim Ontario no later than October 13, 2015.
Copies of entries must also be emailed to the Meet Manager for program purposes.
Meet Managers: Erika Lindner,
Leanne McDonnell,
Synchro Swim Ontario offers two Payment Options for Meet Registration as follows
Payment Option # 1
If you pay meet entry fees by cheque, please print off this form along with the Registration and Fee Report found on the ISS Event Registration site and mail to our office at:
Synchro Swim Ontario
128 Galaxy Boulevard
Etobicoke, ON M9W 4Y6
Attention: Meet Registration
Cheques made payable to Synchro Swim Ontario
**Payment must be received at the SSO Office no later than 4pm on OCTOBER 13, 2015 to avoid financial penalty for Late Entries
Payment Option # 2
If you pay meet entry fees by a credit card on-file or a personal credit card, please email this form along with the Registration and Fee Report found on the ISS Event Registration site to
PAYMENT TYPE (Please check one)
Visa / MasterCard / Credit card on file / ChequeCard Number: / Expiry / cvv#
Name on Card:
Synchro Swim Ontario Recreational Trillium Testing Event
Saturday December 5, 2015
Registered SSO Club register for this testing option. Competitive Novice Athletes can register for testing in addition to their competitive figure event if desired. Cost will be $12 per participant for Trillium 1-6 Testing and $15 per participant for the Pansy Forbes 1/Trillium 3 Test or Pansy Forbes 2/Trillium 6 Test. Cost includes pin and progress card (figure meet) and pin, badge and progress card (routine meet). Instructors accompanying SSO Club Recreational participants to the testing event do not need to meet minimum qualifications to have deck privileges (as per 1.8) but they MUST be a registered member of Synchro Swim Ontario (as per 1.7).
Club/Community Program:
Contact Name:
Swimmer Name / Trillium 1 / Trillium 2 / Trillium 3 / Trillium 4 / Trillium 5 / Trillium 6Totals
Synchro Swim Ontario Recreational Trillium Testing Event
Entry Fee Summary
Category / No. Swimmers / Entry Fees / TotalTrillium 1 / X $12
Trillium 2 / X $12
Trillium 3 / X $12
Trillium 4 / X $12
Trillium 5 / X $12
Trillium 6 / X $12
Payment Option # 1
by cheque, please print off Registration form and mail to:
Synchro Swim Ontario
128 Galaxy Boulevard
Etobicoke, ON M9W 4Y6
Attention: Meet Registration
Cheques made payable to Synchro Swim Ontario
**Payment must be received at the SSO Office no later than 4pm on OCTOBER 13, 2015 to avoid financial penalty for Late Entries
Payment Option # 2
If you pay meet entry fees by a credit card on-file or a personal credit card, please email with Registration form to
PAYMENT TYPE (Please check one)
Visa / MasterCard / Credit card on file / ChequeCard Number: / Expiry / cvv#
Name on Card:
Throughout the meet we’ll be announcing the names of your club, your coaches and your swimmers. Help our announcers get the correct pronunciation the first time, every time, so we won’t feel awkward, and you won’t feel annoyed.
Give some thought to the names associated with your clubs, teams, and coaches, and if you can give us some clues to the chronically mis-pronounced, we’re more than happy to have them. Suggested hints: “sounds like, “rhymes with,” “French pronunciation.” “stress the second syllable.” For example, the name “McKone” could be “Mick as in Jagger, Cone as in Ice Cream,” or “Muck Own.”
When complete, please drop this off at the announcer’s table. Thanks!
Pool Information
Competitive Novice 8 & Under
1. Back Layout / 1. Back Layout
2. Front Layout / 2. Front Layout
3. Eggbeater (Stationary) / 3. Eggbeater (5m)
4. Propellor (15m) / 4. Propellor (15m)
5. Alligator (15m) / 5. Bridge – Land Test Skill
6. Bridge – Land Test Skill / 6. Ariana Rotation – Land Test Skill
7. Ariana Rotation – Land Test Skill
8. Speed Test – Front Flutter Kick (distance in 5 sec) / + Speed Test – Front Flutter Kick (distance in 5 sec)
Competitive Novice 9-10 Years
Competitive Novice Figure Meet / Competitive Novice Regional Meet1. Back Layout to Sailboat / 1.
Back Layout to Ballet Leg
2. Front Layout to Front Pike / 2.
Front Pike Somersault
3. Back Layout to submerged back pike position (45 degrees or less) / 3. Thrust with Float
4. Split Position / 4. Front Pike to Split Position
5. Surface Arch / 5. Bridge – Land Test Skill
6. Bridge – Land Test Skill / 6. Ariana Rotation – Land Test Skill
7. Ariana Rotation – Land Test Skill
8. Speed Test – Front Flutter Kick (distance in 10 sec) / + Speed Test – Front Flutter Kick (distance in 10 sec)
Competitive Novice 11-12 Years
Competitive Novice Figure Meet / Competitive Novice Regional Meet1. Sailboat Alternate (Back layout and Sailboat positions assessed) / 1.
Ballet Leg Single
2. Fishtail Position to Split Position / 2. Front Pike Pulldown to Split Position
3. Bent Knee Position / 3.
Kipnus up to Bent Knee position (no descent)
4. Submerged Back Pike, Thrust, and descent / 4.
5. Bent Knee Surface Arch Position / 5.
Bridge – Land Test Skill
6. Bridge – Land Test Skill / 6.
Needle - Land Test Skill
7. Needle – Land Test Skill
8. Speed Test – Front Flutter Kick (25m) / 7. Speed Test – Front Flutter Kick (25m)
Competitive Novice 13-15 Years
Competitive Novice Figure Meet / Competitive Novice Regional Meet1. Ballet Leg Single / 1. Back Layout to Flamingo
2. Fishtail Position to Bent Knee Position / 2. Ariana
3. Barracuda / 3. Kipnus
4. Split position / 4. Barracuda
5. Bent Knee Surface Arch / 5. Bridge – Land Test Skill
6. Bridge – Land Test Skill / 6. Needle - Land Test Skill
7. Needle – Land Test Skill
8. Speed Test – Front Flutter Kick (25m) / + Speed Test – Front Flutter Kick (25m)
Competitive Novice 16-20 Years & Masters
Competitive Novice Figure Meet / Competitive Novice Regional Meet1. Back Layout to Flamingo Position / 1. Flamingo Bent Knee
2. Bent Knee Vertical Position to Vertical Position with Descent / 2. Barracuda
3. Front Pike Pulldown to Fishtail Position / 3. Tower
4. Ariana Rotation / 4. Ariana
5. Strength Test 1 – Ballet leg on Foam Rollers (1 min)
6. Strength Test 2 - Push-Up (15 in 1 min) / + Strength Test 1 - Push-Up (15 in 1 min)
7. Strength Test 3 – V-Sit (15 in 1min) / + Strength Test 2 - V-Sit (15 in 1min)
8. Strength Test 4 – Squat (10 in 1 min)
*Note Strength testing mandatory for 16-20 only, Masters are welcome to try testing if desired.
AWD Competitive Figures
· Please see appendix G in Synchro Swim Ontario Rulebook for figure descriptions
Figure Level / Physical / Cognitive1 / Tub Turn and reverse (turn both Directons)
Sailboat Alternate
Front Pike Pull Down
Back layout Position / Tub Turn and reverse (turn both Directons)
Sailboat Alternate
Front Pike Pull Down
Back Layout Position
2 / Buck Tuck Somersault
Ballet Leg Single
Bent Knee Join to Vertical at Height and Descent Sailboat Alternate / Buck Tuck Somersault
Ballet Leg Single
Bent Knee Join to Vertical and Descent
Sailboat Alternate
3 / Ballet Leg Single
Walkover Front
Tower / Ballet Leg Single
Walkover Front
Bent Knee Join to Vertical at Height and Descent
4 / Ariana
Flamingo Bent Knee
Barracuda Spin 180 / Suface Prawn
Flamingo Bent Knee
Barracuda Spin 180
5 / Porposise Full Twist
Manta Ray
Kip Spin 360 / Porposise Full Twist
Manta Ray
Kip Spin 360