
Meeting Notes

1.Welcome, Introductions and Apologies


Neil Kelly, Lead GP

Graham Haining, Nurse Manager

Jimmy Marshall, Social Work Locality Manager

Paula Moreira, HSCI Senior Workforce Business Partner

Elaine Lamont, Public Health Practitioner

Jamie Ferguson, Service Manager Community and Customer Services

Ann Stephenson, Joint Commissioning Manager for Older People

Robyn Langton, HSCI Programme Support Officer

Andy Todman, Loreburn Housing


Mark Philips, Mark Sindall, Sue Newberry, Jim Gatherum, Ingrid Wilson, Dot Kirkpatrick, Hazel Hamilton, Helen Brown, Jill Osborne, Stephen Hare, Tony Hazlitt, Jeanette Barnes

2.Minutes of Last Meeting

Ann Stephenson attended last meeting. Elaine gave apologies.

3.Matters Arising

Community Engagement – Elaine’s team are starting to analyse incoming data from the engagement in order to feed in to Locality Plan. Support from Health Intelligence has been offered to analyse key data from Survey Monkey. Robyn offered support in pulling out qualitative data and interpretation of this data. What are the main challenges for people living in A&E? What do they want from us? This must be reflected in the locality plan.

Community Assets – Ann has spoken to Ananda re splitting the locality by GP practices. Ananda suggested the main grouping could be around geographical boundaries.

Resources split in Locality plan –Action: Robyn to liaise with Kelly McClure

Case Studies –Action:Robyn to work with Elaine to pull out some key messages in the case studies from Forward Looking Care for the Action Plan.

Action: Graham to pick up with Hazel Hamilton around the request for feedback from her team.

4.Key data discussion

Ananda noted to the group that basic population data has already been gathered and that Health Intelligence have been offered 0.5 FTE analysts from ISD – Ananda stated that they are hoping this person will work with Social Services to access data.

Nursing data required – Graham noted that currently, nursing teams in A&E are using ePens so no recent information will be on MIDAS.

Action: Ananda to contact Mhairi Hastings re what datais collected through ePens.

Jimmy suggested to the group that the locality plan and JSNA should be informing the group around their priorities and how we are tackling these.

Ananda wants to ensure that what data we are presenting is what localities need. Health Intelligence have been developing some grids to highlight key data such as population, long term conditions etc.

The group agreed having a day set aside to discuss key challenges and data they wish to present.

Key themes discussed:

Geographical isolation and social isolation – Ananda noted that6 Health Intelligence are already trying to pull out some themes around this (e.g. no. of people in lone households)

Long term conditions


Deprivation – need to think about how resources are distributed according to social inequality

Adult Support and Protection – need to find ways to improve on how we deliver on ASP in Annandale and Eskdale.

Process for discharge planning – Jimmy highlighted to the group that he is keen to look at the referral process for those requiring care packages coming out of hospital. Can the nurse in the ward refer straight to the financial team rather than having to go through the extra step in the process through to Social Work? Can this be strengthened through the MDT meetings at community hospitals?

Action: Jimmy to draft a paper for next meeting describing this.

Housing - Jimmy is looking at developments with Strategic Housing. Ann notified the group of Housing Need and Demand in 2009, however this has not been updated. Jimmy is meeting with colleagues, Jeanette Barnes, Andy Todman, Lindsay and Fidelma

to progress this.

Action: Jimmy to update the group as necessary to be reflected in the Action Plan.

Jimmy to pick up with Jim O’Neill and John lynch re Langholm development discussions with NHS and Council Chief Executives.

The group discussed how best to use Care and Repair services with regards to delayed discharge planning and what the resource implications are.

Action: Ann to arrange a meeting with Gail Robertson, Discharge Planning Manager to look at this.

Lack of resources/capacity – the lack of recruitment for GPs, Social Workers etc. needs to be reflected in the plan and how the locality will be thinking differently as to how to manage expectations and face this challenge. Graham highlighted the success of the Langholm One team where hospital staff work closely with Care at Home staff to share resource and learn skills from each other. This approach could be considered for other areas and other multi-disciplinary teams.

Health promotion – the group agreed that we need to think about how we present this information in the locality plan and how to link national programmes into the locality.

Action: Elaine to look at this and bring some ideas back to the group.

End of life care – the group agreed this is an important aspect and to include this in analysis of key services in order to identify gaps in service provision. Forward Looking Care planning could be used to inform this discussion. Macmillan and Marie Curie services feed into this however a lot of the end-of-life care falls on to community nurses.

Ananda highlighted that there is lack of information around workforce i.e. NHS staff providing care in the community by age group, care at home providers etc.

Action: Paula to take to OD work stream to discuss if a profiling activity can take place.

5.Action Plan template for Locality Plan

Additional amendments to be made from discussions today including end of life care.

Action: Ann to update accordingly, including adding an extra column in the action plan for timescales.

The group need to begin to identify lead responsibility and take ownership of the local action plan.

The group agreed that a significant period of time is required for the group to go through this plan and sign off.

Discussion ensued as to which groups this will need to be signed off by.

Action: Robyn to gain clarity around this and report back to the group.

6.Locality Plan Consultation – preliminary discussion

Elaine highlighted the discussion at the regional bids meeting around building capacity for community consultation.


The locality planning workshop was agreed to be held on Friday 26th June. Key outcomes from this day will include:

Sign off for Action plan

Feedback from community engagement (Elaine)

More input into locality plan template

Identify lead person for action plan

Presentation of data of ‘big issues’ for Annandale & Eskdale

8.Date and time of next meeting

Locality Planning workshop: Friday 26th June time and venue TBC.