The mission of the Hortonville Community School Music Program is to serve the needs of all students by providing experiences and opportunities which prepare them for producing and consuming the arts in a global society.
The primary function of the Music Boosters organization is to promote music in our schools. This volunteer group of parents and friends provides assistance to all HASD directors with their contributions of time, fundraiser money, and moral support. New faces are always welcome at Music Booster meetings. If you are interested in working with this dynamic group, please contact a music teacher or any Music Booster officer.
Welcome to the HortonvilleMiddle School choral program. It is a privilege to be a member of our performing groups. The HMS choral department consists of the following organizations:
- HONORS SHOW CHOIR—auditioned co-curricular choir that meets on Monday and Thursday at 7:00am. Grades 6-8; band and choir students are encouraged to audition.
- CHOIRS SIX, SEVEN, AND EIGHT– Full year required curricular class. Choose between band or choir. Two major concerts per year, both REQUIRED.
As always, the Hortonville Middle School Choirs strive to achieve high musical quality. We present concerts during the school year, along with a variety of other musical activities that the students can participate in. A busy, active choir program DEPENDS on parent involvement and support. Please note all the various ways that PARENTS AND FAMILIES can be involved in our choir program, and PLAN TO PARTICIPATE!!
Paper notebook, folder or binder, pencils/eraser, colored ink pens for grading.
Please bring student assignment notebook to class.
Please replace items as needed throughout the school year.
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Self-discipline is an important element of choir rehearsal and performance. Students must realize that they are now a member of a group with an excellent reputation. Their behavior during school classes and at public performances reflects on both HortonvilleMiddle School and the Choir Department. Music is FUN, but there is no fun in mediocrity. Each member must be willing to work hard for the betterment of the choir. The amount of satisfaction and fun you receive from your choir will be no greater than the amount of hard work and enthusiasm you are willing to consistently contribute. YOUR ATTITUDE WILL HAVE A DIRECT IMPACT ON YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS.
Please remember the following “POLAR BEAR WAY” choir expectations:
B: BE HONEST—Be a good choir leader, be truthful, model excellent behavior during rehearsals, performances, and fieldtrips, demonstrate self-confidence and integrity.
E: EXCEED EXPECTATIONS---Each student will demonstrate a positive attitude, positive energy, and positive conversation. Demonstrate good manners at all times.
A: ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY---Arrive to class on time with all materials, NO GUM in choir, turn-in completed assignments on-time, take care of music equipment and music.
R: RESPECT OTHERS---Respect classmates, adults, and yourself. Listen when others are speaking. Follow directions quickly.
- Enter room quietly—check Smartboard for announcements.
- Go to assigned seat---PARTICIPATE!
- Bring necessary materials.
- Restroom use—one at a time using cafeteria restrooms (not locker rooms). Take hall pass; sign out, then sign back in.
- Bell rings—teacher will dismiss by row.
- Exit quietly—stay on RIGHT side of the hallway at all times. Quiet voices in the halls. Do not block hallways.
- Water break—one at a time, as needed.
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CHOIR CREW (student helper job assignments)
TA: Teaching Assistant. Help new students, help with quizzes / tests.
MM: Music Manager. Hand out / collect music, songbooks, worksheets, graded papers, workbooks, etc.
HOST / HOSTESS: Answer the classroom phone professionally and correctly.
EM: Equipment Managers. Put away percussion, guitars, amps, mics, etc. Tidy room.
Every choir student has the opportunity to EARN classroom awards throughout the school year. Outstanding effort, musicianship, attitude, participation, improvement, helpfulness, desire, etc. are all recognized. A small number of music recognitions are awarded during the final weeks of school recognizing OUTSTANDING MUSICIANSHIP, SPIRIT, LEADERSHIP AND IMPROVEMENT.
Classroom participation and effortWords of the Week
Outstanding effort to improve Composers of the Month
Theory booksFolder Checks
Classroom assignmentsAural tests
Classroom presentationsSight reading checks
Classroom projectsEar training checks
Singing rehearsal and participationIndividual and or small group
Concert preparationvoice checks
Concert attendance and participationFormative and Summative
Instrument rehearsal and participationassessments
Worksheets and Tests
EXTRA CREDIT: Attend a concert or performance at another school, church, theater, PAC, Weidner Center, etc. Bring in a concert program, SIGNED AND DATED by a parent, with a two paragraph essay attached describing the performance within TWO WEEKS of the event. The concert program WILL be returned to the student following grading.
Please refer to the HMS Skyward grading program and my teacher website for updated grading information.
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A + 97-100C 73-76
A 93-96C - 70-72
A - 90 -92D + 67-69
B + 87-89D 63-66
B 83-86D - 60-62
B- 80-82F 0-59
C+ 77-79
CONSEQUENCES using the “Polar Bear Way” method (implemented Fall / Winter 2012/ 2013
* First Offense =redirect, verbal reminder from Instructor
* Second Offense =another verbal reminder from Instructor, re-teach appropriate behavior to meet expectations
* Third Offense =problem is tracked in grade book, Instructor uses alternate redirect options
If problem behavior continues, points removed from “daily work” grade category and the Polar Bear Way Minor offenses ODR form is initiated. Over three minor offenses in 10 school days is a major ODR.
*At any time during the referral process, it is acceptable to make an office referral at the discretion of the teacher
*Guidance counselor is available as a referral source after redirecting and re-teaching have been applied
- Severe Offense = Points removed from “daily work” grade category, administrative action taken. Student may be removed from choir class, transferred to another music class, or could complete music assignments in an alternative setting. Administration and parents will be notified. SEVERE OFFENSES would include, but are not limited to, swearing, bodily harm to others/fighting, vandalism, interfering with class instruction, or insubordination.
Students are EXPECTED to be at ALL scheduled performances. ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED!! A performance is considered an examination of the material that has been covered in the singer’s class. Students are penalized 100 concert points per unexcused event per grading period. If some circumstance, such as a family vacation, prevents a student from performing with their group, a written note/phone call/email from a parent MUST be sent to school at least one week before the performance, AND the student should complete a WRITTEN MUSIC RESEARCH PAPER in order to avoid the grade penalty. EXCEPTION: If a student is ill and misses school the day of a performance, orif there has been a death in the family or other serious family emergency, the parent should send a message to the instructor within THREE DAYS of the missed performance explaining why the student was absent in order to avoid the grade penalty. These students will also be given the opportunity to complete the written music research paper. 10 points will be subtracted per class day that the research paper is late beyond the posted due date.
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****PLEASE NOTE: A performance schedule that includes ALL of the music events for the new school year for the entire Hortonville School District is posted on the Hortonville High School website (click on the MUSIC BOOSTERS link), and is also available on my Hortonville Middle School website. It will be updated throughout the entire school year. Please note all concerts and activities that your child(ren) will be involved in, and plan accordingly. Thank you.
CHOIRS SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT---black on the bottom, RED on top.
We all work very hard to prepare for our concerts and performances. Our concert attire helps us to present a professional image and demonstrates pride in our work. Please note the following:
- GIRLS should wear dresses or skirts/tops (not too short please!), or dressy slacks, dress shoes, minimum jewelry, hair pulled back away from face. Please NO strapless or skinny strapped dresses. No undergarments showing. No exposed midriffs. No pants/slacks that “go too low”. All body parts should be covered, presenting a professional and respectable image on stage.
- GUYS should wear dress pants, dress shirts or sweaters, dress or dark sport shoes.
- The HMS School Dress Code applies for concerts.
- Mrs. Cole has a limited number of red tops and black pants/skirts/dresses available for students to borrow to wear at the concert. First come, first served. Sizes are limited. Contact Mrs. Cole. All borrowed items will need to be washed and returned to the HMS Choir room within ONE WEEK of the performance or the student/parent will be billed for the missing clothing items.
It has been our choir policy for the past few years to NOT have choir fundraisers where the students are asked to sell items door to door. We have simply "Passed the Hat" at our choir concerts during the school year.We do appreciate our
community's generosity, and hope that our audience members will continue to support our efforts. No students are selling door to door, no parents are driving
around town delivering fundraiser items--everyone is pleased! The money collected helps us purchase new music, (our BIGGEST expense!) new equipment, repair and maintenance for older equipment, stage props, costumes,
stage decorations, classroomrewards, and helps support our Solo and Ensemble participation (fees, medals, music, etc). We truly appreciate your support, and ask you to continue to be as generous as you can when that “hat” passes down your auditorium row!!
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The other crucial item in a successful choir program (besides MONEY) IS PARENT INVOLVEMENT. We need YOU!! We love to see a full auditorium filled with supportive parents and family members---YOU are the reason that we work so hard each day in class. We love to make you proud! I enjoy meeting many of you during parent/teacher conferences, but please do not feel that is the only time to stop by and say HI. Give me a call, send me an email or send a note with your child and I will respond as quickly as I can. We both want your child to be successful. Do YOU have any musical skills that you would like to share at one of our concerts? Do you play an unusual instrument that the kids would enjoy listening to, such as the harmonica, banjo, harp, guitar, etc? Let me know, and we will put you to work!!
Each year a number of band and choir students participate in the annual Solo and Ensemble Festival. This Festival is constructed by a very structured set of guidelines and procedures set by the Wisconsin State Music Association (WSMA).
Starting in September, each member school that pays the WSMA fees throughout Wisconsin receives an online booklet that contains lists of music that students may perform. There are three levels of music---Class A (advanced), Class B (intermediate) and Class C (Introductory level).
It is important to note that students do not compete against one another; they compete against the notes on the page. During the performance, there is a certified judge in the room who rates the student on how well they perform the written piece. Students are rated in a number of categories including
interpretation, tempo, dynamics, musical expression, and overall musicality. The judge awards each event a rating (1 is the highest, 5 is the lowest). Additionally, students competing in Class A (advanced) have the opportunity to earn an invitation to perform at the state festival in the spring of 2015.
Grade 7 and 8 choir and band students are given the opportunity to participate in Solo and Ensemble.
Grade 7 and 8 students who choose to participate should be aware that this event will require extra effort, extra practice, and extra expense. The participating students are responsible for their own accompanist and participation
fees. These fees will be collected ONE MONTH before the festival and are non-refundable. This confirms a student's desire to commit to a solo and ensemble performance.
Many talented musicians like to participate in SEVERAL festival events, signing up to perform with all of their friends. Please remember that the MORE events you wish to do, the MORE practicing and memorizing you must do and the MORE expensive it will be. Sometimes it is much better to do one or two events VERY WELL than to do LOTS OF THINGS only "sorta" well. Choir students are limited to THREE EVENTS.
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If anything in this choir handbook is unclear, please call or email immediately so that I can answer your questions or clear up any concerns. Please remember to return the parent/student signature sheet by SEPTEMBER 24, 2014. Once again, thank you for your continued support. Let's all have a TERRIFIC YEAR!!!
Mrs. Paula M. Cole
HortonvilleMiddle School
Choir Director
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