Our Local Offer

to support

Horsham children, families, schools and settings

‘The local offer’ is our explanation to you of what we do, how we do it and how we can help you, your family, child with Special Educational Needs and/ or Disabilities and their school or other setting

What does COMPASS SEND Network Hub do?

COMPASS is a ‘SEND Network Hub’ – This is a group of parents, staff from educational settings and health professionals working collaboratively together to support the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and/ or disabilities and their families in the Horsham area.

We can help with issues related to: Education/ Health/ Safeguarding/ Communication/ Leisure activities/ Respite care/Short breaks/ Bereavement/ Mental Health and Well-being.

Who leads COMPASS Hub and what area does it cover?

COMPASS is located at QE2 School and governed by the Head and management group of senior school staff and governors, has an independent development officer and a steering group with representatives from all groups, services and settings involved. It supports all schools and families in the whole Horsham area, including Colgate, Southwater, Warnham, Rusper, Nuthurst Cowfold and Lower Beeding.

Who does COMPASS Hub provide for?

We are developing support and training for parents and carers and for staff in schools and other settings on a wide variety of issues relating to Special Educational Needs and Disability. We will develop this according to expressed need. Mainstream schools in Horsham have identified Speech Language and Communication Needs (SLCN), Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD, including Dyslexia and Dyscalculia), Emotional Health and Well-being and Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) as the main areas to focus support on initially. Parents and carers are welcome to contact us on any concern in connection with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).

How can I access support from COMPASS?

As COMPASS is a ‘virtual service’ with no full time designated staff, the best way to contact us is by e-mail . You can also contact us through our website or by phone 01403 266214 or in person at QE2 school, Comptons Lane, Horsham.

How are decisions made about who can use COMPASS?

We are aiming to be as flexible and responsive as we can be. For a trial period we are responding to School and Parent requests as they arise. The steering group will determine how and when we alter this arrangement if we need to. We will update this information on our website and everyone on the steering group will pass on any new arrangements.

How does COMPASS communicate with people who use the services offered and how are they involved in decision making and planning?

COMPASS communicates to schools through SENCos and Locality Co-ordinators (in Horsham West and East) and to parents through the schools and settings. There are three parent representatives on the steering group, one from the WS Parent Carer forum, one with a child in mainstream school and one with a child in a Specialist Setting. We also communicate directly with the Head teachers groups.

Is COMPASS fully accessible?

COMPASS is a ‘virtual service’ and uses many different locations. We are based in QE11 school which is fully accessible. We will endeavour to respond to all needs and only use suitable venues for our training events and other gatherings. Please feel free to contact us in advance to discuss your specific needs or concerns and we will work with you to resolve any access issues as far as possible.

What training is available currently and what training have the staff supporting children and young people through COMPASS had?

One of the main purposes of the COMPASS Hub is to develop training for parents and staff in response to identified need. Many of the professionals involved with the hub are highly qualified teachers with additional training in SEN/D matters. There are also qualified speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, Early Years specialists and we hope to involve Mental Health specialists and a paediatrician in the near future. We have a draft training programme for school staff developed in response to our initial audit of need and are planning an induction programme for all new school staff, teachers and teaching assistants, to prepare them to be able to provide the best possible support for your children. We are still consulting with parents on their main areas of need and hope to start regular drop ins in the Autumn term 2014.

How can I contact COMPASS for further information?

The best way to contact us is by e-mail . You can also contact us through our website or by phone 01403 266214 or in person or by letter at QE2 school, Comptons Lane, Horsham, RH13 5NW.

There are five sub groups that report to the steering committee, if your enquiry relates specifically to one of them you could address it to the contacts responsible for that area below –

Communication – Contact Linda Crump

CPD & Training – Contact Jane Cross

Young People’s Voice – Contact Lesley Dyer

Parent-Carer’s Voice – Contact Tara Edgar

Individual Child concerns – Contact Vicky Nicolaou

(FAO one of the above names on e-mail/ website/ phone or written contacts)

We look forward to hearing from you and always welcome feedback through any of the contact channels mentioned above