Hormone and Homeostasis Crossword Easier Clues

Hormone and homeostasis crossword – easier clues


2. hormones are transported in the …………………………………

3. breakdown of excess amino acids produces …………………………

4. sweating helps to ……………………… the body

5. hormones control the thickness of the lining of the ………………………

10. ……………………… are lost via the skin when we sweat

11. a disease where not enough insulin is produced

12. the organ where urea is produced

13. the organ where urea is removed from the blood

15. the organ where insulin and glucagon are produced

16. structures that produce hormones are called …………………………


1. this hormone increases blood sugar level

4. a waste product produced by respiration

6. where eggs are released

7. a chemical messenger

8. where urine is stored

9. gland where menstrual hormones are secreted

10. this hormone reduces blood sugar level

14. the ……………………… organ is where a hormone has an effect

Hormones and homeostasis crossword – harder clues


3. hormones control the thickness of the lining of the …………………………

4. more blood flows through these when you are hot

5. breakdown of excess amino acids produces …………………………

8. blood vessels supplying the 4 across do this to let more blood through

10. if there is too much water in the blood the urine will be ……………………

11. 20 down causes the 31 across to convert glucose into ………………………

15. how sweat cools the body

18. the ……………………… organ is where a hormone has an effect

19. a disease where not enough 20 down is produced

23. sweating helps to ……………………… the body

24. where eggs are released

27. when muscles do this they are releasing energy as heat

29. ……………………… are lost via the skin when we sweat

30. where 20 down and 1 down are produced

31. where 5 across is produced

32. this hormone causes an egg to mature in a 24 across

33. oestrogen can be used as a ……………………………………

34. where urine is stored


1. this hormone increases blood sugar level

2. opposite of 8 across

6. how hormones are transported

7. these are found in the skin and send impulses to the 25 down

9. 32 across is given to …………………………… fertility

12. kidneys ………………………… the blood

13. these hormones are produced by the 24 across in response to 32


14. a waste product produced by respiration

16. this hormone causes the 22 down to reabsorb more water

17. gland where menstrual hormones are secreted

20. this hormone reduces blood sugar level

21. a chemical messenger

22. where 5 across is removed from the blood

25. this centre in the brain monitors and controls body temperature

26. structures that produce hormones are called ……………………………

28. LH stimulates the ……………………………… of the egg