Horizontal Curriculum Mapping 2012/2013
Math Common Core Standards
3rd Grade
Weeks/Dates/Unit / Concept (Big Ideas) / Focus Standards Including Standard Type (K) (R) (S) (P) / Critical Vocabulary / Instructional Resources
August 8-10 / Automaticity Diagnostic
Place Value NBT.1 Define round or rounding in relation to place value.
Round a whole number to the nearest 10.
Round a whole number to the nearest 100. / NBT.1(K) / place value, tens, hundreds, symbol, strategy,
Aug. 13-17 / Place Value / N NBT.1(K)
Aug. 20-24 / Rounding, Estimation, Patterns OA.8 Determine which operation/s is required to solve a two-step problem.
Justify your answer using various estimation strategies.
Construct an equation with a letter standing for an unknown quantity. / OA.8(R)
NBT.1(K) / round, rounding, estimate, estimation, patterns, repeating
Aug. 27-31 / Rounding, Estimation, Patterns OA.9 Explain rules and relationships between the numbers in a pattern. / OA.8(R)
NBT.1(K) / odd, even
Sept. 3-7 / Add, Subtract w/three digit numbers NBT.2 Know strategies and algorithms for adding and subtracting within 1000.
Fluently add and subtract within 1000. / OA.8(R)
NBT.2(R) / addend, sum, difference, algorithms, inverse, operation, equation / Sept. 3 Labor Day
Sept. 10-14 / Add, Subtract (Greater Numbers) / OA.8(R)
Sept.17-21 / Add, Subtract (Greater Numbers) / OA.8(R)
NBT.2(R) / Sept. 19 PD
Sept. 20 and 21 Apple Festival
Sept. 24-28 / Add, Subtract (Greater Numbers)Across 0’s
OA.9 Explain rules and relationships between the numbers in a pattern. / OA.8(R)
Sept. 30-
Oct. 5 / Add, Subtract (Greater Numbers)Across 0’s / OA.8(R)
Have Common Assessment 1 Given and Scored by October 5
Oct. 8-12 / Multiplication: OA.1 Explain the relationship between addition and multiplication
Understand product
Understand factors
Understand whole numbers / OA.1(R) OA.3(R) OA.8(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R) OA.7(R) / product, factors, whole numbers, array, row, column, properties / Oct. 11 and 12 Fall Break
Oct. 15-19 / Multiplication: OA.3 Solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities.
Represent a word problem using a picture, an equation with a symbol for the unknown number, or in other ways.
Identify an array
Identify an equation / OA.1(R) OA.3(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R) OA.7(R) / of (30% of 250 means .30 X 250)
Oct. 22-26 / Multiplication: OA.4 Determine which operation(multiplication or division) is needed to determine the unknown whole number.
Solve to find the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation. 8 x ? = 48,
5 = ÷ 3, 6 X 6 = ?
Identify whole numbers
Identify an array
Identify an equation
Identify a factor / OA.1(R) OA.3(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R) OA.7(R)
Oct. 29-Nov. 2 / Multiplication: OA.5 Explain and apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide.
Multiply and divide within 100.
If 6 X 4 = 24 is known, then 4 X 6=24 is also known.
(Commutative Property of multiplication)
Know the process for Commutative, Associative, and Distributive Properties.
Multiply and divide within 100. / OA.1(R) OA.3(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R) OA.7(R) / Commutative Property, 6 X 4 = 24 so 4 X 6 = 24 Associative Property, 3 X 5 X 2 can be found by 3 X 5 =15 , then 15 X 2 = 30 or by 5 X 2 = 10 then 3 X 10 = 30 Distributive Property 8 X 5 = 40 and 8 X 2 = 16 then one can find 8 X 7 as 8 X (5+2) = (8 X 5) + (8 X 2) = 40 + 16 = 56
Nov. 5 -9 / Multiplication: OA.7 Analyze multiplication or division problems in order to choose an appropriate strategy to fluently multiply or divide within 100.
Know multiplication and division facts through 9’s fluently. / OA.1(R) OA.3(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R) OA.7(R) / Nov. 5 PD
Nov. 6 Election Day
Nov. 12-16 / Multiplication OA.8 Determine which operation/s is required to solve a two-step problem.
Justify your answer using various estimation strategies.
Construct an equation with a letter standing for an unknown.
Recognize order of operations.
Recognize an equation.
Know strategies for estimating. / OA.1(R) OA.3(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R) OA.7(R)
Nov. 19-23 / Multiplication / OA.1(R) OA.3(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R) OA.7(R) / Nov. 21, 22, 23 Thanksgiving
Nov. 26-30 / Multiplication / OA.1(R) OA.3(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R) OA.7(R)
Dec. 3-7 / Multiplication / OA.1(R) OA.3(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R) OA.7(R)
Dec. 10-14 / Multiplication of two digit numbers by a one digit number: NBT.3 Apply knowledge of place value to multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiplies of 10 in the range 10-90.
Know strategies to multiply one-digit numbers by multiples of 10 (up to 90) / OA.1(R) OA.3(R) OA.8(R)
OA.7(R) NBT.3(R)
OA.4(R) OA.5(R)
Have Common Assessment 2 Given and Scored by December 14
Dec. 17 - 21 / Division: OA.2 Understand and explain the relationship between division and multiplication
Interpret quotients as the number of shares or the number of groups whan a set of objects is divided equally.
Identify quotients
Identify equal shares
Identify whole numbers
Identify an equation / OA.2(R) OA.3(R) OA.4(R)
OA.5(R) OA.6(R) OA.8(R) OA.7(R) / quotients, equal shares, divide, dividend, divisor whole numbers, equation / Dec. 20 – Jan. 1. Christmas Break
Dec. 12-16 / Multiplication, Division: OA.6
Use multiplication to solve division problems.
Recognize multiplication and division as related operations and explain how they are related.
Identify the multiplication problem related to the division problem.
Identify the unknown factor in the related multiplication problem. / OA.8(R) OA.7(R)
Dec. 19-21 / Multiplication, Division: OA.7 Analyze multiplication or division problems in order to choose an appropriate strategy to fluently multiply or divide within 100. 8 X 5 = 40 so 40 ÷ 5 =8
Know multiplication and division facts through 9’s fluently. / OA.8(R) OA.7(R)
Jan. 2-6 / Multiplication, Division OA.8 Determine which operation/s is required to solve a two-step problem.
Justify your answer using various estimation strategies.
Construct an equation with a letter standing for an unknown quantity. / OA.8(R) OA.7(R)
Jan. 9-13 / Multiplication, Division OA.9 Explain rules and relationships between the numbers in a pattern.
Identify arithmetic patterns (such as even and odd numbers, patterns in an addition table, patterns in a multiplication table, patterns regarding multiples and sums) / OA.8(R) OA.7(R) / Week of Jan. 9
Common Assessment 2
Jan. 17-20 / Fractions: NF.1 Express a fraction as the number of unit fractions.
Use accumulated unit fractions to represent numbers equal to, less than, and greater than one (1/3 and 1/3 is 2/3; 1/3, 1/3, 1/3, and 1/3 is 4/3).
Identify numerators/
Know fractions ½, 1/3, ¼, 1/6, 1/8. (Halves, thirds, fourths, sixths, and eighths.)
Identify a fraction such as 2/3 and explain that the quantity formed is 2 equal parts of the whole partitioned into 3 parts of equal parts (1/3)
G.2 Partition shapes into parts with equal areas and label.
Describe the area (portioned part) of each part as a fractional part of the whole.
Understand that shapes can be partitioned into equal areas.
Recognize that the parts can be labeled as a fractional part of the whole. / NF.1(R)) G.2(R) / numerator, denominator, equivalent, parts of a whole / Week of Jan. 17
Grade Level Common Assessment Analysis
Jan. 23-27 / Fractions: NF.2 Represent each equal part on a number line with a fraction.
Explain that the end of each equal part is represented by a fraction (1/the number of equal parts)
0 1/3 2/3 3/3
Define the interval from 0 to 1 on a number line as the whole.
Divide a whole on a number line into equal parts. / NF.2(R)
Jan. 30-Feb. 3 / Fractions: NF.3a.b. Compare fractions by reasoning about their size to determine equivalence.
Use number lines, size, visual fraction models, etc. to find equivalent fractions.
Describe equivalent fractions.
Recognize simple equivalent fractions. / NF.3a.b.(R)
Feb. 6-10 / Fractions: NF.3c Explain how a fraction is equivalent to a whole number.
Recognize the relationship between whole numbers and fractions that are equilvalent. / NF.3c(R)
Feb. 13-17 / Fractions: NF.3d Determine if comparisons of fractions can be made (if they refer to the same whole).
Compare two fractions with the same numerator or denominator by using a visual fraction model and the <, >, and = symbols.
Justify your reasoning.
Know symbols of <, >, and =
Know what the numerator and denominator in a fraction represents and its location on a number line. / NF.3d(R)
Feb. 21-24 / Measurement:
Time, Volume, Mass:
MD.1 Compare an analog clock face and minute position on digital clock face.
Tell and write time to the nearest minute
Recognize minute marks on analog clock face and minute position on digital clock face. / MD.1(R) / ¼ inch, quarter inch, ½ inch, half inch,
Feb.27-March 2 / Measurement:
Time, Volume, Mass:
MD.2 Measure liquid volumes using standard units of liters.
Measure mass of objects using standard uunits of grams(g) and kilograms (kg).
Solve one step word problems, involving measurement using addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division.
Estimate liquid volumes and masses.
Distinguish between bar and picture graphs.
Label the parts of bar and picture graphs. / MD.2(P) / area, perimeter,
March 5-9 / Measurement:
Time, Volume, Mass, Length:
MD.4 Use data to make a line plot (Example: Group line plot).
Classify units of measure to halves, whole or quarters.
Analyze data from a line plot.
Determine appropriate units of measurement.
Determine appropriate scale for line plot.
Understand that each plot on the line represents data or a number of objects.
Interpret a line plot graph to solve problems.
Know how to make a line plot.
Identify the beginning point on a variety of rulers.
Measure lengths using rulers to whole, half, and (fourth)quarter inch. / MD.4(P)
March 12-16 / Graphing: MD.3 Student-invented bar and pictographs.
Draw a scaled bar graph and pictograph. (Note: scale should be equal to more than 1--
= 5
Choose a proper scale for a bar graph or picture graph.
Evaluate data in bar and picture graphs to solve one- and two-step word problems that include “more than” and “less than” when the symbol in the key or scale represents more than one.
/ MD.3 (P) / vertical, horizontal, axis, line plot, scale, interval, / Week of March 12
Common Assessment 3
March 19-23 / Geometry: G.1 Draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any subcategories.
Describe, analyze, and compare properties of two-dimensional shapes.
Compare and classify shapes by attributes, sides and angles.
Group shapes with shared attributes to define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals) / G.1(P) / “unit square”, plane figure, 2 dimensional, quadrilateral, attributes, rhombus,
March 26-30 / Geometry: MD.5 Cover the area of a plane figure with unit squares without gaps or overlaps.
Relate the number of unit squares to the area of a plane figure.
Know plane figures (2 dimensional), area, and unit square.
Define and know how to measure area.
Define “unit square”
MD.6 Measure area in standard and nonstandard units.
Analyze a shape to determine the # and size of units required to cover the area. Example a picture might be covered with 8 square in. units and a dog pen might be covered using 8 square ft. units.
Know area, square cm, square m, square inch, square feet, and improvised units.
Know the difference between standard and nonstandard units of measurement. / MD.5(P) MD.6(P) / Week of March 26
ThinkLink Assessment 3 and EKU Automaticity Diagnosis
March 26-30 / Geometry: MD 7a.b.c.d. Measure area and perimeter of a rectangle by tiling.
Compare the area found by tiling a rectangle to the area found by multiplying the side lengths of a rectangle.
Find the area of a rectangle by tiling it in unit squares.
Find the side length of a rectangle in units.
b. Solve real world and mathematical problems by multiplying side lengths of rectangles.
Use rectangular arrays to represent whole-number products in multiplication problems.
Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles.
c. Relate area of a rectangle to multiplication and addition by modeling the distributive property.
Area of a rectangle 3 X (5 + 2) = 3 X 5 + 3 X 2
Multiply using an array.
d. Decompose rectilinear figures into non-overlapping rectangles.
Subdivide a rectangular figure into non-overlapping rectangles.
Find area of non-overlapping rectangles to solve real world problems.
Find areas of rectangles
Add areas of rectangles
Recognize that areas of each rectangle in a rectilinear (straight line) figure can be added together to find the area of the figure. / MD.7a.b.c.d.(P)(R) / State Testing ??
April 2-6 / Geometry: MD.8 Exhibit (design, create, draw, model, etc.) rectangles with the same perimeter and different areas.
Exhibit rectangles with the same area and different perimeters.
Measure perimeter of polygons
Find the perimeter when given the length of sides.
Find the perimeter when there is an unknown side length.
Define a polygon.
Define perimeter.
G.2 Partition shapes into parts with equal areas and label.
Describe the area (partitioned part) of each part as a fractional part of the whole.
Understand that shapes can be partitioned into equal areas.
Recognize that the parts can be labeled as a fractional part of the whole. / MD.8(P), G.2(R)
April 9-13 / Spring Break
April 16-20 / Review
April 23-27 / Review
April 30-May 4 / Test Prep.
May 7-11
May 14-15