Chairman …………………………………………


The Horam Centre

3 Bank Buildings

High Street, Horam

TN21 0EH

Tel: 07900 576236

Horam Parish Council Minutes of the Meeting

held on Wednesday 14th January 2015 at 7.30pm in The Horam Centre

Janet Fairweather

Janet Fairweather - Clerk

In Attendance: Cllr M Bustard, Cllr D Bashford, Cllr K Dudley, Cllr G Knight, Cllr A Lock, Cllr L Parkyn, Cllr V Roberts, Cllr J Stanbridge, Cllr S Stedman

PUBLIC SESSION – 7.30pm. No attendees


125/01/15. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: received from Cllr D Belasco, Cllr J Webb, County Cllr C Dowling and accepted by the members.


127/01/15. MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON December 10th 2014 (previously circulated) were confirmed and signed as a true record.


·  WDC Draft Corporate Plan for 2015-19 and 2015/16 Budget consultation, closes on Monday 26th January 2015. Links online at Draft_Corporate_Plan_Budget_and_MTFS.aspx noted

·  Gatwick Airport public consultation (previously circulated) noted


·  Planning, Highways & Rights of Way: Cllr Dudley reported:

o  That the intended ESCC speed surveys, due during January would cover Horebeech Lane, Chiddingly Road and Maynards Green. Planning & Highways members had resolved to ask ESCC to include Vines Cross Road and Nettlesworth Lane. After discussion HPC agreed that ESCC should be asked to site the survey north of the bridge at Horebeech Lane, as there was greater evidence of speeding that side of the bridge.

o  Complaints regarding the Horam Solar Farm site seem to have been addressed and there appeared to be an improvement in the situation.

Please note that Minutes of all meetings are published independently.

·  Finance: Cllr Stanbridge – refer to item 133/01/15

Please note that Minutes of all meetings are published independently.

130/01/15. REPORT FROM COUNTY COUNCILLOR C DOWLING: unable to attend


a.  As parking at Maynards Green School was particularly bad at the end of term she has written and requested a meeting with Mrs Poole (Head), Nick Bennett (Lead Member of Education at ESCC). Mrs Poole is in favour and it is hoped that a meeting can be arranged within the next few weeks.

b.  Worked with HPC Chairman to resolve a resident issue over parking at the former Merrydown site.

c.  Forwarded information regarding,what residents believe to be shoddy work in Horebeech Lane following the creation of the trench for piping relating to the Horam manor Solar Farm.

d.  There are no Horam Planning applications for the WDC Planning South Meeting on January 8th.

e.  On 15 January Cllr Stedman will attended the WDC – Cabinet Local Development Framework Sub Committee and the Joint PCN/PCS meeting to discuss necessary changes to WDC’s policies on their Affordable Housing Delivery Local Plan, following changes made by the Government.

f.  Funding for the picnic benches, hanging baskets and alterations at The Horam Centre, to enable the new CAB service to start, came from the Community Benefit Fund received from WDC as part of a payment made by Kier after problems encountered at the start of their waste contract.

Cllr Stedman also reported that the PCSO will monitor parking at Maynards Green School. A representative from the Police to be invited to the meeting (a) above.

132/01/15. CHAIRMAN’S REPORT (previously circulated): Continuing with the theme of building our profile:

·  Helped a resident with a tree problem,

·  Attended Cart Lodge Christmas Event,

·  Met residents with Cllr Stedman to assist with rights of way issue resolution,

·  Provided more information to support Enhancing Horam grant application.


GRANTS: Members of the Finance Committee had studied and discussed the grant applications and made their recommendations to HPC according to the figures shown on the attached schedule. Grant applications received amounted to £11,070.18, with the proposed amount to be allocated amounting to £7565.20. Cllr Stanbridge outlined the rationale behind each decision. There being no questions on these applications, Cllr Stanbridge proposed that HPC accept the 2015/16 Grants Schedule. HPC unanimously approved.

PRECEPT: The Finance committee’s recommendations for the 2015/16 budget as per the attached schedule were discussed fully by members. HPC were informed that salaries had been shown as a net figure, with an adjustment to the HMRC PAYE payments to align the Precept schedule to the RBS Accounts software budget reports. Provision had been made for the additional expense of the May 2015 election. The proposed figures show a total budget of £32,375.65. If accepted this will be accounted for by a Precept figure of £30,142.65 and Council Tax Support Grant of £2,233. The Precept figure for 2015/16 is a 1.3% reduction on last year, with an overall budget increase of 0.18% when the Council Tax Support Grant is taken into consideration. Cllr Stanbridge proposed that HPC accept the 2015/16 Precept Schedule. HPC unanimously approved.

134/01/15. SOLAR FARM COMMUNITY BENEFIT SCHEME: After discussion it was proposed that HPC apply for a grant to fund the provision of a memorial garden in the village (previously agreed in principle in connection with funding from WDC payments received from Kier, but project costs in excess of monies received). This would include a memorial stone, fencing, plaques and the licence for the land from WDC. HPC Unanimously agreed. Cllr Bustard, Cllr Stedman and the Clerk to liaise regarding the application.

135/01/15. TREE PLANTING HORAM HIGH STREET: Cllr Stanbridge will be applying for a grant on behalf of the Enhancing Horam Action Group to improve the High Street. A meeting with ESCC is still to be arranged regarding the licence for the proposed tree planting. Cllr Stanbridge confirmed that he would be taking residents’ views into account.

136/01/15. TO APPOINT COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH CO-ORDINATOR: Cllr Stanbridge has been a joint co-ordinator with Ian McAllister with the Speed Watch project. He is unable to continue and asked members if they would be willing to take this on. In the absence of a volunteer, and as it is not essential for the co-ordinator to be a member of the Council, it was agreed that the post be advertised accordingly. Cllr Stanbridge and the Clerk to liaise regarding suitable wording for an advertisement.

137/01/15. REPORT ON TREES ON RECREATION GROUND: as Cllr Webb unable to attend, refer to next meeting.


·  HPC had received the results of the survey, which would be circulated in due course and discussed at the EH meeting next week.

·  The draft constitution had been circulated and was discussed fully. As HPC were unable to agree on the terms Cllr Bustard suggested that further comments should be sent to him and he will report fully at the next meeting. HPC were in agreement.


·  Horam Centre Cllr S Stedman: getting quotes for the agreed work.

·  Emergency Officer Cllr L Parkyn

·  Local Action Team Cllr G Knight

·  Press Officer Cllr D Bashford

·  Merrydown Development Cllr Bustard

·  Views of the Elderly Cllr V Roberts

·  Views of the Youth Cllr J Stanbridge: Had a meeting with John Timbs and 7 young people at Wessons café on Saturday 20th December 2014. Young people still very interested in the re-instatement of a Skate Board facility on the Recreation Ground. Situation explained regarding possible funding by Beech Merrydown Homes, but this would be possible later in 2015. To maintain interest Bradley Moon will submit some design ideas to the Clerk during week 1/15. Contact will be made again with Ian Balsam to arrange a visit to PGL during half term. HPC has received an email from a newly formed Skatepark Association. John Timbs will make contact to obtain information on the association. Next meeting March 2015….. Saturday date t.b.c.

·  Risk Assessment Cllr D Belasco

·  WDALC Cllr A Lock

·  Village Hall inc Allotments Cllr L Parkyn

·  Maynards Green School Cllr L Parkyn

·  St Mary’s School Cllr D Bashford: An earlier incident on the road by St Mary’s School that was blamed on the school’s pupils by a local person was in fact nothing to do with any of the pupils as the school was closed for the Christmas holiday. The incident involved lighting a fire in the middle of the road and as the cars slowed down eggs were thrown at them. The police and fire service attended.

·  Website Clerk

140/01/15. CLERK'S REPORT:

·  Enhancing Horam Prize Draw winner to spend money in Horam Chemist.

141/01/15. FINANCE:

1.  Payments as shown below approved and signing of cheques authorised as listed.

Payee £ cheque number

J Fairweather salary 200959

P Carter salary 200960

The Horam Club Rooms 140.00 200961

Soulbat Ltd (Enhancing Horam) 56.00 200962

Gifts of Sussex (Xmas signs -EH) 30.00 200963

Viking (ink) 15.59 200964

J Fairweather (re-imbursement EH Prize Draw) 25.00 200965

2.  Bank Reconciliation for previous month approved.

142/01/15. INFORMATION FOR/FROM COUNCILLORS (for noting or inclusion on future agendas).

·  February meeting: consider donation to local fund set up as a result of fatal accident (Cllr Stedman)

·  Cllr Lock has reported flooding on A267 towards Wellshurst Golf Club, and will continue to monitor.


The next Full Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday February 11th at 7.30pm, preceded by a Planning/Highways & Rights of Way meeting at 6.30pm in The Horam Centre, High Street, Horam

There being no further business Cllr Bustard thanked everyone for coming and the meeting closed at 9.08pm