HonorsWorld History study guide – The Great Depression and the Rise of Totalitarianismand World War II

Ch. 28, sec. 1 – Be able to explain how art, science, literature, music, and architecture changed after WW I

Terms to know : Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Oswald Spengler, Lost Generation, Ernest Hemingway,

F Scott Fitzgerald, Franz Kafka, Surrealism, James Joyce, T.S. Eliot, Igor Stravinsky, Louis Armstrong, Cubism, Salvador Dali, Pablo Picasso, Dadaists, Ch’IPai-shih, Functionalism, Frank Lloyd Wright

Ch. 28, sec. 2 – Know how the conditions for farmers, the idea of economic nationalism, and stock market speculation led to economic troubles.

Terms to know : Black Tuesday

Ch. 28, sec. 3 – Explain the economic, military and political problems of France and Britain, detail how Ireland became an independent nation

Terms to know : Maginot Line, Locarno Pact, Popular Front, Leon Blum, Ramsay MacDonald, Easter Rising, Sinn Fein, Irish Republican Army

Ch. 28, sec. 4 - Be able to discuss the political and economic problems of Italy and Germany and the rise to power of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler, compare and contrast fascism and communism.

Terms to know : fascism, Black Shirts, March on Rome, Il Duce, Weimar Republic, Beer Hall Putsch, Nazi Party, Mein Kampf, Third Reich, Rome-Berlin Axis

Ch. 28, sec. 5 – Be able to discuss the policies of Joseph Stalin and the effect that they had on the Soviet Union.

Terms to know : command economy, Five Year Plan, collective farms, Politburo, Great Purge

Ch. 30, sec. 1 – be able to detail the aggressive acts of Japan and Italy, discuss the course of the Spanish Civil War

Terms to know : Falange, Francisco Franco, International Brigades, Guernica

Ch. 30, sec. 2 – discuss the aggressive moves of Germany, explain the reasons for appeasement, know the terms of the Munich Conference, identify the event that started WW II

Terms to know – Axis Powers, Munich Conference, appeasement, Anschluss, non-aggression pact

Ch. 30, sec. 3 – describe the early Axis success in the war, be able to identify and explain US policies in the war.

Terms to know : blitzkrieg, Winston Churchill, Dunkirk, Vichy, Henri Petain, Charles de Gaulle, Battle of Britain, Neutrality Acts, cash and carry policy, Lend-Lease Act, Atlantic Charter

Ch. 30, sec. 4 and 6 – Be able to explain how the Allies won the war, discuss the decisions made at the Yalta and Potsdam Conferences,

Terms to know : Battle of El Alamein, Pearl Harbor, Hideki Tojo, Battle of Stalingrad, Dwight D Eisenhower, Battle of Midway, island hopping, Operation Overlord, D-day, Battle of the Bulge, Battan Death March, Manhattan Project, Hiroshima, Harry Truman